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Permalink "Hey you guys....sing something..."

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I think everyone should sing 'Apache Boy"

My favorite is when people have the slightest, tangental knowledge of surf music, and want to show it off to their friends. So what song do they request???


I can't count how many times we've heard that. We did have one particularly enthusiastic drunk who kept requesting Guns 'n Roses at a show we should have never booked.

Ron, in direct response to your question, you explain to them, as Man or Astro-Man? did that you sing in a frequency so high that their puny earth ears could never pick it up, but if they bring their dogs to the show, they'd have a blast.


Which brings up the stories of agents booking you anywhere they can make cent, and being paired with bands that were, well, not quite the same feel. Got booked to play "Hotdogs" sports bar, on redneck free beer night with a bad called "Dr. gonzo's psyco circus". No more agent, no more hotdogs, no more "FREEBIRD".

Finally out of desperation I lead the band into a very comical rendition of "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" ...

Always useful to know some off-the-wall material (relative to your genre) for odd situations. It allows you to follow that useful rule of thumb, "Play what they want to hear." (The corrollary is "find a place where they like what you play.")

I did ruffle some feathers by thinking it would be funny to inject the lyrics to Werewolves of London into Sweet Home Alabama. Seems the crowd didn't find it nearly so amusing.

Next time try the Werewolves of Memphis or something like that ... People like topical references, especially jokes at someone else's expense. It's a bit hard to get them into an instrumental, since you're pretty much down to the title, an occasional interjection, or that difficult art - the musical interjection. (I love the little tag end of Chief Whoopin' Koff in Pollo del Mar's Navajo Joe.)

Sounds like you did/do a fun show!

When we are asked to "sing something", I usually just say (truthfully) that we really don't sing so well.

Or "I'm afraid we all took a vow of silence." Or, "We used to do "Help Me, Rhonda" but then our voices changed."

Unfortunately, people who insist on vocals in everything usually don't have a very high standard for the singing. Now days a lot don't even insist on music with the vocals. There is definitely a widespread feeling that music without vocals is somehow deformed, incomplete, or maybe just "classical."

If they still press it we'll say OK, then play "Tequila", asking for a little help from the audience on the vocal.

Sounds good. I think this is why the Beloved Invaders interject an audience participation version of "These Boots" into most shows.

There are some old vocal standards for surf bands which traditionally don't require much singing, e.g., the "Surfin' Bird," or some of the Crossfires' material. Or anything you like with vocals that aren't too taxing and sound reasonable even if you don't sing well. Think Johnny Cash, Keith Relf, Ramones, etc. And you can do a lot with shouts, grunts, ad libs and voice-overs. They might not notice you don't sing if you're not solemnly silent. Movement is also distracting.

If they insist on vocals they probably really mean "not that sound." So it might help to change to something different in the instrumental line.

I remember a heckler who once kept yelling at at a local band, "Play something from the 60s!" I think he meant that he wanted something that didn't sound so "old." (As it happens, everything they were playing was from the 60's.) As a member of the audience who loved the old sound, I finally went over and engaged him in a discussion of dates. Fortunately he wasn't belligerent and was soon happily telling me all his favorite songs (mostly 70s covers of country songs from the 50s).

Last summer we did this one outdoor gig and this fellow kept yelling for Bell Bottom least not Free Bird!

At a bar gig a few months ago there was this drunk fella who came up right in front of us and started yelling "play sumpin good! Sing sumpin! Whassa matter you Boys don't sing?" In a moment of sheer brilliance, The Brett Cole points his finger & yells at the guy, "What do we look like, a bunch of fuin Psys!?". So then the guy sulks off to the side somewhere & shows up 5 minutes later dancin up a storm.
It's all good until someone gets hurt? Right?
Bob Bitchin

Great story Bob. The Brett Cole cracks me up.


drummer-Lava Rats

The Brett's story is the best. I'm gonna use it.

Usually, if people ask us to sing, I'll step-up to the mic and do my best Oscar Meyer theme song ("My baloney has a first name...") and subsequently tell people:

"<u>That</u> is why we do not sing."

  • Rickshaw

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I don't know Rick, you do a mean backup harmony vocal Wink

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So Rick, you like to sing about your bolgna in public? HEE HEE Wink
What's even funnier about that story is that I've actually seen The Brett sing a few verses of The Naked Song!!! Hoowee, I tell you what, that was some good times.
Bob Bitchin

One time Dave broke a string at a bar in Milwaukee (this is like 12 yrs ago) and there was this uncomfortable lull as he didn't have a backup guitar ready to go. I got the crowd clapping a surf beat and started singing "Shake Hands" by ZZ and de Maskers, but I changed the lyrics for Wisconsin to : "Shake Hands, Shake Hands, Shake Hands with Jeffrey Dahmer. Shake Hands, Shake Hands auf wiedersehn, goodbye." Everyone was singing along by the 2nd verse. Beer can do wonders sometimes.

We usually sing probably 3-4 songs per set anyway, it keeps non-surf aficionado audiences interested, and allows us to expose them to the real shit.

Good plan, attack from concealment. Wink

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