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Have you done "Daphne Blue Lagoon" or "Hula Tikula" by The Messer Chups? I'd love to learn those!

I'm usually pretty good at figuring stuff out by ear but Oleg's playing confounds me!

I'll stick them on the list Smile

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Last edited: Jul 14, 2024 13:27:28

My suggestions for your next transcriptions: "The Pink Panther Theme" and "Das Model".
Thank you for your excellent work.

Specifically the Messer Chups versions? I'm pretty sure they're the only ones who do a surfy cover of Das Model, but Pink Panther has been done by tons of bands.

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Last edited: Jul 14, 2024 18:56:30

BB_Bunny wrote:

Specifically the Messer Chups versions? I'm pretty sure they're the only ones who do a surfy cover of Das Model, but Pink Panther has been done by tons of bands.

Yes, Messer Chups versions.

You make very nice transcriptions.

how about Messer Chups’ Twin Peaks Twist?

Last edited: Jul 15, 2024 20:00:30

I can play that one until it gets all fast! It's mostly based around F and D.

Daphne Blue Lagoon by the Messer Chups from "Surf Riders From The Black Lagoon"

I'm not 100% on the fingerings for some of these parts. There aren't a lot of videos of the band playing this live and the ones that do exist are either too dark to see much of anything, or focus 100% on Svetlana. There was ONE video that I could see Oleg's hands for a second at the beginning but unfortunately the camera person couldn't sit still very long in any one place so that's about all I got. What I did learn is that, surprisingly, Oleg plays the initial E major arpeggio in 11th position which is not the first thing I would have though of. I probably would have fingered it in 6th position (and kept most of the positions towards the middle of the neck in general), but I try to stay performance accurate with these transcriptions.

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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 12:45:38

Awesome! This was the first Messer Chups song I ever heard and it completely slapped me up upside the head. I've loved them ever since. I can't wait to get home from work and learn this one..

Thanks a bunch!

Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 13:11:54

BB_Bunny wrote:

Specifically the Messer Chups versions? I'm pretty sure they're the only ones who do a surfy cover of Das Model, ...

I remember The Treble Spankers and The Space Rangers doing excellent covers.. I think there are more but I am forgetting them now.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I will check them out!!!

Edit: Going down a Treble Spankers wormhole now. Always happy to be introduced to another band I probably should have already known about.
Their cover of Das Model is great, but I also love this cover of the theme from The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly featuring a semi-hollow archtop with bigsby! that Jim Breuer running around acting like a cowboy?

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Last edited: Jul 17, 2024 10:16:23

Be sure to follow that Treble Spankers wormhole to the Phantom Four!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hula Tikula by the Messer Chups from "Church of Reverb"

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Last edited: Jul 17, 2024 14:13:13

Pipeline as played by The Chantays
This one has been transcribed to death, but I needed to work my way through it just to do it. Always good to do some deep listening to the classics.

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Pink Pantheratu by Henry Mancini (as played by the Messer Chups) from "Dark Side of Paradise"

This one has pretty accurate fingerings as there are several very clear video recordings of Oleg playing this. Some of the shifts feel a bit odd at first, but you can start to get a feel for how he thinks here, often taking advantage of lower positions to get more of a twang in the sound. Interesting stuff.

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Alright, here's a request for an older one, maybe one of you guys has something on it...

Matilda by the String-A-Longs? I get that it's pretty much E A B but that lead is so twisty, I can't keep up...

BB_Bunny wrote:

Pink Pantheratu by Henry Mancini (as played by the Messer Chups) from "Dark Side of Paradise"

This one has pretty accurate fingerings as there are several very clear video recordings of Oleg playing this. Some of the shifts feel a bit odd at first, but you can start to get a feel for how he thinks here, often taking advantage of lower positions to get more of a twang in the sound. Interesting stuff.

Thank you very much for this transcription. It was perfect !

I had been glancing past this thread up to now. I fully admit that I was totally judging the book by its cover; 1) assumed it was seeking transcriptions and 2) turned off by ‘Rock’.

To each’s own, “Rock” is just a word to describe music. In this case, music that is undeniably an off-shoot of early Rock ‘N Roll. But for me, it just doesn’t sound or feel right calling it Surf Rock. Surf, Surf Instrumentals, Surf Music. Pedantic and totally silly. Absolutely. So much so, it nearly cost me the opportunity to witness and appreciate this incredible contribution and honoring of the music we love so much.

And Holy Cow, Batman!!! What an AMAZING dedication and contribution it is. Notation, Tab, even additional parts charted (eg, see 2nd guitar AND keys in the latest posting for Pipeline!!!).

You, sir, are a Saint! Thank you for sharing your talent, passion and love for the music!

Worship Kiss SG101!


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Fady wrote:

turned off by ‘Rock’.

Oh man, and now I won't be able to un-hear that as well. I get annoyed when anything orchestral or operatic is called "classical" (which defines a very specific era of "concert music" wouldn't include Bach or Stravinsky for example), when instrumental music is called a "song", or when people refer to through-composed parts of a production as a "loop". You're the first person to ever bring up the issue with surf music being called surf rock and now that it's been brought to my attention (and knowing my own tendencies) I'm guessing I'll develop a sensitivity towards it's use as well.

Anyway, thanks for giving me some slack! Transcribing is the best way for me to personally learn the nuance of a style of music so I figured I'd share the wealth while doing the homework, but I'd like to reiterate that anyone should feel welcome to post here if they want to try their hand at it.

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AgentClaret wrote:

Matilda by the String-A-Longs?

Hey! I'm currently working on this one, but there are some notes in the guitar part that sound like they could be a mistake, but also might be on purpose. Are there any known alternate recordings of this track (by the same band) or perhaps any footage of them playing? Usually when it comes to not knowing whether hitting an open string is intentional or not, it helps to cross-reference other performances by the same band. If they do it twice, it's good evidence that's the way it should be! If not, I'll typically omit open string ringing.

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