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It's like a staccato attack but the note is partially choked right after it's played and the hand slides down the neck. A lot of surf guitarists use this technique, and it's famously used as the pickup note into Dick Dale's Miserlou, though I often hear the sound as less pitched than it's used in that context. there a term that surf guitarists use for this technique?

Glissando is the musical term I've seen used to describe this.

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Brian wrote:

Glissando is the musical term I've seen used to describe this.

Yes! Is there a term for when the glissando happens specifically with a half muted note? The version I hear in a lot of surf rock seems to be more of a really quick punctuation between phrases than a full on slide, but I might be splitting hairs here. Perhaps it's just an accented glissando!

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Nice job, thanks!!!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

InkEye wrote:

Hey BB,
Do you plan on doing any Slacktone? Smile

Here's your Slacktone.
Glide by Slacktone from "Into the Blue Sparkle"

Some of the recording was difficult to hear. Dave Wronski absolutely hammers those double picks and sometimes the bombastic stylization makes the pitches a bit obscured. It can sound like he's striking open strings, though it's hard to say if this is part of the song or if it's just kind of an 'accent' sound as he's shifting positions. In any case, the gist is there, so I'll leave it up to you do your own tweaks.
The fingerings for the main melody are pretty accurate based on his youtube channel, but the solo section was based on what I thought he'd do based on what came before it. Feel free to adjust as you see fit.

The video posted is not the version I transcribed, but I can't find a copy of the cut from "Into the Blue Sparkle" on Youtube.

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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 15:48:37

BB_Bunny wrote:

InkEye wrote:

Hey BB,
Do you plan on doing any Slacktone? Smile

Here's your Slacktone.
Slacktone - Glide Transcription

Some of the recording was difficult to hear. Dave Wronski absolutely hammers those double picks and sometimes the bombastic stylization makes the pitches a bit obscured. It can sound like he's striking open strings, though it's hard to say if this is part of the song or if it's just kind of an 'accent' sound as he's shifting positions. In any case, the gist is there, so I'll leave it up to you do your own tweaks.
The fingerings for the main melody are pretty accurate based on his youtube channel, but the solo section was based on what I thought he'd do based on what came before it. Feel free to adjust as you see fit.

The video posted is not the version I transcribed, but I can't find a copy of the cut from "Into the Blue Sparkle" on Youtube.

I owe you a beer or something. Can't wait to learn this.

Good luck with those double picks! Dave is a monster and just fires them off at will. I don't even think I caught all of them in the transcription. This track makes for a really good right hand study trying to get those double attacks clean and sounding effortless.

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And continuing on the Messer Chups project:
Chupacabra Vs. Batman by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"
Edit: Fixed some stuff in the TABs. In general, the traditional notation will be more correct than the TAB which I usually do second.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 15:37:35

Amazing stuff, thank you! My requests would be The Madeira's "El Caliph"

and Surf Coasters (or Madeira's) "Intruder".

Last edited: Oct 08, 2022 18:11:42

I'll put it in queue! I unfortunately got caught up in work-related stuff so I haven't been as active on here lately, but I'm hoping to pick the transcriptions up again in the very near future. Would you be able to do me a favor and send some links to those songs?

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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BB_Bunny wrote:

I'll put it in queue! I unfortunately got caught up in work-related stuff so I haven't been as active on here lately, but I'm hoping to pick the transcriptions up again in the very near future. Would you be able to do me a favor and send some links to those songs?

Updated with links. Thanks for thinking about it. I can grab phrases here and there but I seem to always drift out of key and I think some of this is fairly simple for someone already familiar with the typical scales and motifs in surf but doing it cold a note at a time for a newb like me is tough.

Back on my BS. Going to try to finish up the transcriptions for this album.
Night Stripper by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 16:33:12

Makahaa by John Zorn
This was a request by a SG101 user!
Makahaa by John Zorn

This tune (and Marc Ribot's solo) makes for a great study in triads. Please note that things are notated by what would be easiest to sight-read so something like Db F Ab (Db major triad) may be written as C# F G# just to avoid bouncing between sharps and flats too much.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 10, 2024 01:49:38

Fulfilling another request.
El Caliph by The Madeira from the album "Sandstorm"

This one was a bit hard to hear at times. The sound is really dense in a good way, but it can make it difficult sometimes to pick out specific rhythms, attacks, and notes. I did my best, but I'm open to edit suggestions if someone thinks I got it wrong.

One of the fun things about actually transcribing some of these tunes note by note is you gain an appreciation for the nuance of style and composition. This Madeira track really surprised me. They do a great job of eschewing typical 8 bar phrases and AABA form with this, and though the key changes are sudden, they work extremely well in context.

The video is obviously a live performance, but I transcribed the album version. I think there are slight discrepancies between the two.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 10, 2024 16:33:27

These are great! Thanks very much for putting the time in & for sharing, really appreciated.

Wonderful, thank you!

Intruder by The Surf Coasters from the album "Waitin' 4 the Surf"

This one moves along at a pretty good clip. It's going to take some slow metronome work to get this one clean.

I notated an aleatoric section in this one. It's not really random as it kind of feels like rising scale fragments on 16th notes, but there's a disconnect between the right hand and left hand in the recording so while the notes feel like they're consistent, on a note by note basis the hands are just kind of doing their best to create a whirl of motion. Initially I'd done a faithful transcription of what is being played exactly, but it didn't really make sense and would be difficult to faithfully play what, to my ears, were some mistakes. This is not a commentary on Mr. Shigeo Naka's technique which is meticulous and virtuosic. Playing three note 16th note runs is difficult since the pattern shifts by a 16h note every beat (3 notes are played while each beat is made up of 4 so the pattern begins 1 16th note earlier every time). At this speed it's really hard not to want to 'reset' the pattern on the down beats, but that means that there's an extra 16th note that needs to come from somewhere which tends to be inconsistent. At this speed the feel is really more important. The pattern prior to this section was played with 2 16ths per note and this section attempts to make it feel like it's accelerating by going down to 1 16th per note. My suggestion is to just do your best making 'weedily weedily' sounds there.

Thanks to rfcii for requesting this. The Surf Coasters weren't on my radar before and I'm incredibly happy to have been introduced to their oeuvre.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 15:21:59

dh4 wrote:

These are great! Thanks very much for putting the time in & for sharing, really appreciated.

No problem. I hope it helps!

rfcii wrote:

Wonderful, thank you!

Of course! Thanks for the recommendations. Both tracks you sent my way were a good challenge.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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I agree these are GREAT! Thanks for taking the time to do them!

rockndawg wrote:

I agree these are GREAT! Thanks for taking the time to do them!

no problem! I'm probably going to take a mini-break from transcribing for a few days so I can actually work on music, but if anyone has any requests I'd be glad to start a queue. Otherwise I'll continue plowing through the Messer Chups catalog because I really love Oleg's style.

Also, I'd like to encourage anyone else to upload transcriptions. This is not my thing. I'm just trying to contribute more of what I'd like to see on this site. It would be nice if this was a bit more discussion oriented than the straight up download section so feel free to offer corrections, nitpick style, etc.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Fantomas Theme by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
Psychic Chime - Instagram
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