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OK, here we're playing our second set last Sunday when up comes a tourist, in the middle of a song!!...and says..."ok guys, sing something....anything....just start singing" turns around and walks back to his table and wife and sits there staring at us...then gets up and leaves during the next song. The guy was furious with us. If he had come to one of us on our break and asked nicely.....MAYBE we would of sang something for him but i couldn't believe the nerve he had to come up to a band while on vacation and demand they do something. We're "entertainers" and want to be entertaining but if you want something from us.....ask nicely....put a couple $ in the tip jar and be nice. That guy made us all uncomfortable for a while and me? I wanted to slap his head and send him back to his room but i didn't have to......he walked out on his own! Does this happen to you guys too? What did you do?

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

We played a gig for a private school fundraiser. We show up with three dual showmans and it turns out to be in a very small room. We TRY to keep it down but during the first song (Penetration) a guy comes up and starts yelling at up to turn down 30 seconds into the song. We would have appreciated him waiting till after the song and then come up and chat. We're mellow but I had to sound the guy out who sulked the rest of the eveing off to the side somewhere. Stuff happens...

about a third of our set is vocals, so we really dont ahve that preblem. we've had times where people tell us we should sing more after the set, but its always in a polite way.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

I have experienced a bad scene in a suburban pub back in 1989 when we were playing a set of what can only be described as "grunge"... we had a group of mullet-sporting "bevans" (rednecks) come up and shout something like "play some rock ya f**king poofters"... so we started playing Smoke On The Water and after about a minute, dropped back in to a Mudhoney cover. We were pelted with cans but what the hell, they left, we didn't ;)

This has nothing to do with surf music, but since we're on the subject of bad gig experiences . . .

My old blues band The Mudats were once talked into subbing for a house band at one of those infamous "state-line beer joints" we have here in the South. The place was just like Bob's Country Bunker right out of the Blues Brothers movie. All that was missing was the chicken wire.

We start the show and give them about half an hour of our best stuff and not a single person approaches the dance floor. They all just sit and look at us like we're from Mars or something.

Finally out of desperation I lead the band into a very comical rendition of "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" complete with the most nasal Willie Nelson vocal imitation I could muster. But the dance floor fills and they like it so well they demand we replay the song three times through before they finally get enough.

We made it through the rest of the night by tossing out our normal set list and proceeding to fake our way through about two hours of bad Skynyrd and ZZ Top covers. Though I did ruffle some feathers by thinking it would be funny to inject the lyrics to Werewolves of London into Sweet Home Alabama. Seems the crowd didn't find it nearly so amusing.

Matt Crunk
Decatur, Alabama

Founder: North Alabama Surf Alliance (NASA)

I love it!!! Keep them stories coming.....we ALL have 'em.....let it out!!

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Though I did ruffle some feathers by thinking it would be funny to inject the lyrics to Werewolves of London into Sweet Home Alabama. Seems the crowd didn't find it nearly so amusing.

GOLD! Laughing

Is there any such thing as "good" Skynyrd? Before they made it big, they were playing at the Front Page in Under Ground Atlanta. Our band Choice was playing at the Pumphouse right around the corner. Those guys looked like they had not seen a shower in ages. They were pretty good but were no better that any of the other bands on the strip. To this day I sill haven't figured out the appeal. ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

We only play a few instrumentals so basically it's a whole lot of covers, we sometimes seem to attract the "one drunk" who starts up about halfway through a set and just won't quit until "its" friends drag it away.

That kind of person can ruin an otherwise great time, other than that, we've had a pretty good run.

Happens all the time. Especially when playing to non-surf audiences. Some drunk meathead will come up and tell us to play some Bob Seger or something. I've gotten pretty good at smiling and saying "sorry dude, don't know that one." What kills me is when they try and talk to you when you're in the middle of a tune.

The moment I hear "SKYNYRD!!!", I know I'm in trouble.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

At our last gig, we had an inebriated, middle aged irish woman sitting directly across from us at the bar. At first she yelled for us to turn down, I told her this is as quiet as we get lady. It's a drag playing quiet, we're not a lounge band, I play a showman for pete's sake. Anyway, she then starts with "play an Irish song, don't you know any?" We ignore her. Song ends...."Play Danny Boy!" We ignore, next song..."Play Danny Boy!!!" Finally I give in and improvise Danny Boy for her hopefully to shut her up. She seemed very happy about it and content. We play another song, after it's done..."PLAY DANNY BOY AGAIN!"

Where's the bartender? Right next to her doing nothing, booking agent? ignoring her - she wasn't going to go away. I played Danny Boy Again a little longer and said "that's it, no more Danny Boy" Again, after the next song she wanted Danny Boy, I told her forget it, no more Danny Boy! She starts crying. She got over it enough to give me a hug at the end, but she was really pissed off at the rest of the band for not playing Danny Boy.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Danny, that is hilarious. Its funny what you have to do sometimes to deal w/ drunks at bars.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Maybe she was saying, "Play Danny!....boy. Maybe not.

When we played the the show with Meshugga Beach Party recently. We had a drunk Aussie guy start yelling at us even before we started our set. This caused our singer, who was already stressed that we were running late due to member be stuck at work, to tense up. He usually talks a lot during our sets, so the set list is made up with these anticipated ramblings. Instead Moon Zoggy just burns through our set list. Just a little over a hour. Which is fine except we got another hour to go. So we take a 20 minute break. Let some people know that was the evenings set and if they want to leave, we are happy that they came out.

So, we come back and the old problem is gone. The problem is getting through the next 40 minutes. Lucky for us the crowd is pretty drunk and we played a couple over again and everything seemed to work out in the end.

We got so many stories from this last year it is crazy.
Knife Fights, Girlfriends breaking their foot, Warning people that the dancefloor is wet, only to have someone fall right after the warning, Getting approval from gangsta rappers when playing in the seedier clubs, homeless guys standing right in front the mic during a show, drummer passing out and Mom's flashing us during our sets.

All good times.


Speaking of Danny Boy....that reminds me of a time when, taken by the moment, I decided to sing Danny Boy acapella during a break in the elderly gentleman in the front began weeping after the performance I asked the guy, "So are you Irish?"

He said, "No, I'm a musician."


Seriously though, folks...people that just cannot mentally grasp the concept that there can be music without singing are many (type 1). It's just the a-holes that get obnoxious about it are the problem (type 2).

For type one...dumb it down for them: Ask them if they have heard of Jazz or Classical types of music. Then say, "Ever seen the movie, "Pulp Fiction"?" Then feed them a treat.

For type 2...ignore until they get in your face and then say "sorry, don't know it." But be nice! But as Dalton would say, there are times to not be nice.

She got over it enough to give me a hug at the end, but she was really pissed off at the rest of the band for not playing Danny Boy.

Has Mr. Snyder just earned himself a new nickname? Hmmm Laughing

Wooza, I've been called that as long as I can remember. Too bad I didn't become a plumber Laughing (sing the first line of the song)

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Ha, yeah, wow, the pipes are calling Rolling Eyes Wink never heard that before... Laughing

So, I guess we can take it from these posts that "The Drunk" is not restricted by colour, creed, borders or gender.


The people telling me we should be playing songs are usually other members of the band. Fortunately, none of them have actually got around to writing one and I have nothing left to say, so can only write instrumentals.

Los Fantasticos

When we are asked to "sing something", I usually just say (truthfully) that we really don't sing so well. If they continue I joke and say " well, no one has ever asked us to sing more than once..." If they still press it we'll say OK, then play "Tequila", asking for a little help from the audience on the vocal.

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