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Permalink Band Uniform Pre & Apres

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This is a weird one. If your band has uniforms or matching outfits of some kind, do you wear them all night or change in & out of them for the set? I always wonder if I should just save the "outfit" (which in fairness is a work shirt with our logo on it, not a giant ant costume or something) for onstage, or just hang out in it all night. What do you do?

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

Good question. We just started doing matching outfits and have only done two shows like that. It's just matching striped t shirts and black jeans. I (guitarist/frontman) just wear that to the show, but our other 2 guys change right before stage time. I think it works either way to be honest. On one hand, I think there is a level of impact that when someone shows up to the venue and sees you they say..."those guys are in the band". There's something to that.

But also, I can see that it feels more impactful to change right before. I've seen some touring bands do it that way too. I think either way is fine to be honest, don't over think it....for the most part probably no one is thinking about it as much as you are.

We have usually dressed right before the show and then changed clothes after but mostly because our shirts were usually totally wet after the show.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Different members do differently. I like wearing the matching shirts for at least a few drinks at the bar; with the hope of being recognized... Big Grin

But, like Samurai, if it's a tight, warm club, then I change.

Finally, if we wear standard issue Hawaiian shirts, and it fits venue, we keep them on.

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

We always preferred to load in and set up in t-shirts and jeans, changing into our stage clothes for the show and then staying in them afterwards. We didn't want to take the chance of getting our stage cloths dirty during the load in.


I personally usually wear it all afternoon/night. I do take the jacket off about halfway through the set though. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

We tend to wear our band shirts for the whole evening. That way, as we drink and mingle, the audience can easily identify us as members of that terrific band with the funny name.

Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

I used to wear a suit, and I would only put on the shirt / tie / jacket right before the set. I want to hear Bango's gorilla suit routine. I would love for him to say that they wear those all night.

Daniel Deathtide

DeathTide wrote:

I used to wear a suit, and I would only put on the shirt / tie / jacket right before the set. I want to hear Bango's gorilla suit routine. I would love for him to say that they wear those all night.

Gorilla suit? What do you mean, we're full-blooded gorillas! Big Grin

We've got two modes, and mostly agree with Samurai and Padraig - getting gig clothes dirty loading in is a drag, so we avoid it when possible. How do we do that, you ask? We enlist "The Zoo Crew" - Zoo Crew members boldly wear the GO-GO Rillas Zoo Crew T-shirt (available at and the brand new lanyard (not available in stores). When the "Zoo Crew" arrives, they load in, set up and if we're lucky, do a line or sound check. They then fire off a rocket flare to let the apes know that it's time to hit the stage. We make our way to the venue (limo, helicopter, jet-ski, hoverboard, or whatever the gig requires), rock bananas, and then exit the venue after signing bananas, taking pictures, and scaring children. The "Zoo Crew" is then aroused from slumber and packs up the gear and exits.

Since this T-shirt is for sale for the general public, each purchaser is warned that they are now consigned to load in amps, mics, guitars and other ape-paraphernalia whenever they wear it to the gig. APE ON!


Bango Rilla!

DiPintos, Fenders and Reverb (oh, my!)

The GO-GO Rillas
Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | Threads: thegogorillas | Spotify

Last edited: Apr 25, 2024 10:39:43

I kinda need to see photos of the giant ant costumes.

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

sadly, the giant ant costume remains a concept my bass player had.

chiba wrote:

I kinda need to see photos of the giant ant costumes.

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

Probably 50% of our shows require a dry shirt afterwards, so the set o’ the day shirt may go away quickly. Otherwise, I’ll wear it home. Depends on the weather more than anything. Certainly, after the show, stay in character while I hobnob/market/network my way out of the building.

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