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Permalink The Nebulas - Euphorian

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I've given the new Nebulas album several spins and it is AMAZING! The album has a "space-y" or "space opera epic" feel to it, I absolutely love it!

Congrats Nebulas!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

There is a not so hidden nod to The Lively Ones at one point.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Phenomenal album! I've been listening to it repeatedly, since I received it a few days ago. And the artwork is amazing, too! A+++


That band doesn't miss

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

It's an incredible record!

"Friccion" and "Convective Activity" are a couple of my favorites.

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Good Stuff!!!!


Progressive (almost as if Santanu jointed the band).

I love what I am hearing! Headbang


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

The Nebulas – Euphorion (Double Crown Records/Tivertone)

Named after the winged Greek mythological figure, Euphorion, flies with speeds unknown to mere mortals! For their fourth studio album, The Nebulas have had 18 years to write and practice since their last full-length was released. It’s safe to say, they used that time wisely and have produced an incredible album.

While the opening chords of the title track, and album opener, may appear to be a calm introduction, it’s the only pleasantry that you’re going to get. The tune kicks it into high gear, grabbing you by the shirt collar and not letting up until there’s only a minute left. Even then, the notes once again start swirling at a dizzying pace. The second track continues the aural assault until the traditional approach of “Solid State Reverb” offers a little reprieve. Buckle up, as “Friccion,” “The Gods of The North,” and “Moon’s Haunted” crank the intensity back up to 11!

In a unique turn of events, there is a three-part composition named, “Null Set” consuming 10:13 of the CD's 34:28 runtime. The whole gamut of emotions is evoked through this opus. The first tune, “Prelude” has a calm, ethereal feel. “In Medias Res,” naturally fills the median spot of the three and delivers the classic, ‘The Nebulas’ Sound’ filled with fervor and energy. The third installment, “Epilogue,” highlights the beauty of having two blazing guitars and yet manages a tranquil and graceful conclusion to the journey.

There are a few similarities to their 2018 10” EP, Aktion Faction. The unusual spelling continues with the title of track 4, “Friccion.” The EP has a tune named, “Solid State Reverb,” and the album has a new and shorter tune named, “Solid State Reverb – Trad.” The gritty version on the EP now has a cleaner sound with ample drip. Lastly, the EP was pressed on “Coke bottle” clear vinyl, and the LP was pressed on “vellum” clear vinyl.

The 550 LPs are housed in a classic sleeve that also comes with a download card and poster. The 300 CDs are contained within a plastic tray inside a gatefold sleeve. As a bonus, the CD has a demo version (potato quality) of the 2006 tune, “Logan’s Run.” You will want to pick up one (or both) as soon as you are done reading this review. Available at or

As reviewed in Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Issue 2

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