Hi there!
As I recently went into a recording and dived into all of this stuff like plugins (reverb, tremolo, vibrato, amps, preamps or channel strips, compressors or whatever) loops, kits, keyboards etc, I see some things concerning surf sound digital gear option:
- they are few
- the companies that have some of them surely don’t pay them much attention
- quality, features, attention to details are often lacking
- a lot of stuff that emulates some vintage gear that is surely may be used for surf as well
Surely we all want to record Showmans and Reverb tanks in a big hall with vintage ribbons directly to tape, but let us be honest, many of us use mostly DAW trying to make this sound.
The question is, would you buy this kind of stuff from dedicated producer that will be really surf (and related genres) oriented and develop high quality products with a lot of passion, knowledge and attention to genre correct details?
Do you often buy plugins or mostly go for free ones or the ones that go with your gear free? What is a comfortable price for a good plugin? Anybody buys $300 plugins besides from pro studios?
I am now talking with some people about developing and presenting this kind of stuff but not sure yet, so let it be a king of marketing research)
—Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine
Lost Diver