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Did any one catch the last part of the video!??!?!

His arms/hands are moving at inhuman speeds!

Im pretty sure parts of the vid are sped up.

Either way, thats some fast pickin'

yeah, it has to be sped up. look at how his head is moving, you can tell. his nodding is unnatural.

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The Tremblors on MySpace!

His left hand technique is incredibly fast. But the way he set up his gear, he almost doesn't need to pick at all. There is so much gain and the strings are thin as spider silk.

What I need is a speedy right hand lesson with a set of 13s.

It sounds like he's getting way more notes in than what he's merely fretting, it's like he's quadruple picking. However he does it, and in spite of the fact that musically it's a snore, it is an impressive feat. Imagine the commitment this guy made to learning his instrument.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Yeah, one of my buddies' brothers went to GIT with both those guys. Basically all they know (musically and otherwise) is sitting around and playing crazy shred guitar.


Yeah, one of my buddies' brothers went to GIT with both those guys. Basically all they know (musically and otherwise) is sitting around and playing crazy shred guitar.


You say that like its a bad thing.

eh, there is more to playing good music than playing ridiculously fast. Plus, his tone was rather annoying to listen to.

I am super sweet

I say nobodys that good. Batio is a good guitarest and all, but its just over the top. Has anyone heard of John 5? Now he is a great guitarest

"One may smile, and smile, and be a villian"

eh, there is more to playing good music than playing ridiculously fast. Plus, his tone was rather annoying to listen to.

Some people love it. Its very mechanical, the whole machine vs man except the machine is man. Its like those J.S. Bach pieces done with a moog synth, I love that stuff! Its sounds like it was written by a computer and not some dude in a dusty old church 300 years ago.

"I'm giving YOU the keys to the Lamborghini..."

These things always make me chuckle.

I think we should form a new sticky thread for the cheesiest session musicians/guitar tutorials on you tube. I'd follow the above up with the "chocolatey and robust" chaps on the Fender Cyber Twin page (see video).

I like the Anthrax video though.

I gotta admit, I kind of dig Dragonforce.

But that could just be me. Granted, all their songs sound the same, but at least they've got good melodic structures.


I never heard of them disgustingly cheesy. This reminds me of Europa or The Scorpions. No thanks.
BTW, that Michaelangelo guy was pretty funny at Deke's Guitar Geek festival. He was pretty tounge-in-cheek about the whole thing (although by the preparations beforehand you'd think he's some primadona)

The Scimitars


His left hand technique is incredibly fast. But the way he set up his gear, he almost doesn't need to pick at all. There is so much gain and the strings are thin as spider silk.

What I need is a speedy right hand lesson with a set of 13s.

It sounds like he's getting way more notes in than what he's merely fretting, it's like he's quadruple picking. However he does it, and in spite of the fact that musically it's a snore, it is an impressive feat. Imagine the commitment this guy made to learning his instrument.

His thin strings make him a sissy Laughing He knows his scales, and that's all i'll respect him for. Setzer can shred that fast, and also throws in jazz chords and stuff, much more complex and CATCHY. also, setzer plays 11's, not super huge, but they are bridge cables in comparison to the 8 or 9's that guys playing. hell, if makes a mistake, how are you supposed to tell? distortion eliminates a need for being super accurate.

i honestly could not remember how the lead guitar of the song sounded literally 5 seconds after it was done, that is how un-catchy that is.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

Bloody aweful noise! Yes, he's fast and yes, I wish I had the ability to move my decrepid 45 year old hands that fast but it doesn't make it the slightest bit nice to listen too... and that comes from a fan of Sonic Youth!!! Razz

His thin strings make him a sissy Laughing

Give him some 13s and watch his fingers BLEED Twisted Evil

Say what you will about shredders but Paul Gilbert one of the elite shredders of all time (Racer X) has a really cool website even if you hate shredding.

No one ever says "wow, check out how SLOW this guy plays"

This stuff isn't what I'd choose to play if I had that kind of skill, but my hat is off to these guys for the time and effort it takes to get that good. And if you can make a living doing what you enjoy, whatever that may be, more power to you.

Over 10 years ago when i used to work in a music shop we got this guy's video in and I bought it just to show my friends because it was so hilarious. You need to see his stuff with multi-necked guitars where he plays left and right handed simultaneously.

Of course it's a horrible din though.... I mean, what sort of person eshews human contact in order to learn to play that fast and then, instead of going out and say, meeting girls or something .... stays in to learn to do the same thing left-handed.....

I blame the parents.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Of course it's a horrible din though.... I mean, what sort of person eshews human contact in order to learn to play that fast and then, instead of going out and say, meeting girls or something .... stays in to learn to do the same thing left-handed.....

I blame the parents.

So true. I read that Sammy Hagar didnt even get his drivers license till he was like 21. Ah the irony.

I was talking to my friend about this just yesterday, how it seriously takes someone 8 hours of practice everday for like at least 1-2 years to be able to play like that. I could do it if I had an aderol (amphetamine) script maybe. I get bored after 10 minutes of scale practice, could you imagine doing 8 hours of sweeps and arpeggios? Everyday? For years?

I get bored after 10 minutes of scale practice, could you imagine doing 8 hours of sweeps and arpeggios? Everyday? For years?

i'm just satisfied where im at with my skills. im too lazy and i don't want it bad enough, haha.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

i'm just satisfied where im at with my skills. im too lazy and i don't want it bad enough, haha.

Here here!

Science friction burns my fingers.


i'm just satisfied where im at with my skills. im too lazy and i don't want it bad enough, haha.

Here here!

wrong answer you two. You know what happens to water when it stagnates? It STINKS! Well, that can be you. There are many ways to progress as a musician, find one that appeals to you and do it.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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