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Hello friends
I'm currently learning how to get started with guitar, and I plan to only play surf music.
May I ask what skills you need to spend a lot of time training?
What modern guitar techniques don't require training in surf music?
Do you need palm mute technique when playing?
Thank you so much

Last edited: Nov 26, 2023 13:11:29

There are some skills that really important in surf (like palm muting and tremolo) and some less (like two hands tapping or sweep picking)
If the aim is to play limited row of classic surf tunes - then the limited row of technical skills will probably be enough.
If the aim is to bring something interesting to the surf scene - initially limiting yourself to some “surf” skills is probably a way to nowhere.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Welcome to the site! I moved this thread to the Surf Musician forum.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Don’t sell yourself short, by playing only Surf music. Learn to play the other stuff you listen to, as well.

Many on this forum would agree that one of the best (and most creative) Surf players around is Dave Wronski, from the band, Slacktone.

When he’s working his whole bag of tricks, there’s a lot going on.
He’ll be speed picking like Dick Dale.
He’ll be rocking the whammy bar like Dwayne Eddy.
He’ll be playing octave runs like Wes Montgomery.
He’ll also be incorporating chord work reminiscent of Brian Setzer.

And when all is said and done, he doesn’t sound like any of them. He sounds like Dave Wronski.

There’s a lot to be had, take it.

By the way, welcome to the forum!

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

My advice is to learn two octave scales and concentrate on good technique. Once you’ve done that, apply what you’ve learned to the pentatonics, and you’ll be ready for almost any musical challenge.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I learned to play surf techniques by learning the songs I wanted to play. I started with Apache (The Shadows), Pipeline (Chantays), Walk Don't Run (The Ventures), Esperanza (Dick Dale), among others. For me it was a steep learning curve, but as I became proficient on one song, I took those skills to the next song, and the next. Those songs I mentioned include techniques like palm muting, string bending, tremolo picking, etc., and playing clean notes. YouTube instruction videos helped a lot as did a few surf related instruction books. One that comes to mind is The Surf Guitar Book by Martin Schmidt. And remember to have fun!


"...enjoy every sandwich." -Warren Zevon

Fender Stratocaster American Pro II
Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue

mummy1932 wrote:

Hello friends
I'm currently learning how to get started with guitar, and I plan to only play surf music.
May I ask what skills you need to spend a lot of time training?
What modern guitar techniques don't require training in surf music?
Do you need palm mute technique when playing?
Thank you so much

First Welcome to the SG101 forums.
I wouldn’t worry so much about what technique is used to create surf music. As mentioned above. Surf music incorporates a lot of different styles.
Concentrate on learning to play very cleanly. Once you get pretty well along the path start listening to surf music only. Soon you will start to hear little bits you want to lear how to do.
Then it’s simple. Just ask here and we’ll tell or show you how it’s done.
Have fun!

Last edited: Nov 27, 2023 21:38:54

In addition to the suggestions already posted, I would suggest learning double stops, 3rds and 6ths, for major and minor keys.

Chords (open, barre, partial) and playing with a good feel (groove) are very important as well.


Canadian Surf

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