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Permalink SiriusXM Launches New 'Surf Instrumentals' Channel

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IceratzSurf wrote:

IceSurfing is fast cold and about the most fun you can have with your clothes on!

That does look fun!

Daniel Deathtide

SirisXM has been known to shuffle its music channels so it is amazing that they still offer instrumental surf music. I listen every week. They must know and track the listeners so this is a very good sign that our genre is alive and well.

Happy Sunsets!

I listen too! A lot of the same artist over and over again, but still surf on any mainstream outlet is AWESOME!!!

Gotta figure out how to get Agent Octopus in the rotation, so they can play us over and over again...

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Thanks for this info. Just got a new car with a complimentary SXM subscription and I've had XM Radio before but it only benefitted me during NFL season when I was on the road. With the potential for a car surf channel...I'll be lobbying Sirius with the programming email option. While I'm here, I'm looking for y'all's advice on other bands to add to my repertoire. My surf tastes currently support the following bands. Yeah, they're not extreme teams (well, maybe Daikaiju). Who am I missing out on?
The Atlantics
The Volcanos (the surf band not old timey blues)
The Madeira
Space Cossacks
Tiki Phantoms
The Kilaueas
Jon and the Nightriders
Hawaii Samurai
Insect Surfers
The Torquays
Messer Chups
Los Straitjackets
The Fathoms
The Eliminators
The Bambi Molesters
The Surf Trio

Alrighty, for the remainder of my trial period I have this channel locked as my Favorite on the Sirius cell app. Thanks for the tip.

martinblasick wrote:

I will email that link and see if there is a response to a submission and report back here. Lots of folks use the service in their cars so it seems like a plus for surf.

Any luck? Did you submit an MP3 with the email?

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Is the Surf Instrumentals channel still up?

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I'm listening to it now via Alexa. Last night I couldn't get Sirius to load in my car, but it's OK today. Maybe hey are having some technical trouble?

GretschEastwood wrote:

I'm listening to it now via Alexa. Last night I couldn't get Sirius to load in my car, but it's OK today. Maybe hey are having some technical trouble?

Could be. I couldn’t find it on their website, and when I searched for “surf instrumentals” it sent me to their ‘60s channel.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

From the first post in this thread.

"SiriusXM has launched a brand new channel called 'Surf Instrumentals'. The channel is exclusively available on the SiriusXM app. You can search for it or navigate to their Instrumental channels in the app."

So, only on the app.

Last edited: Nov 25, 2023 12:09:05

John wrote:

From the first post in this thread.

"SiriusXM has launched a brand new channel called 'Surf Instrumentals'. The channel is exclusively available on the SiriusXM app. You can search for it or navigate to their Instrumental channels in the app."

So, only on the app.

That’s a shame. Once I have to use my phone to listen while driving, I might as well pull up my iTunes add, choose the Surf genre, and hit shuffle.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

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