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Permalink Warm up protocol

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How do you warm up for either a gig or practice? Is it the same for both?

Any exercises / stretching to keep your hands from cramping / freezing shut ?

What are your favorite songs to warm up with?


weird_oh84 wrote:

How do you warm up for either a gig or practice? Is it the same for both?

Any exercises / stretching to keep your hands from cramping / freezing shut ?

What are your favorite songs to warm up with?


I don’t do any particular warm-up, but I usually start out slowly, for the first few minutes of play, and avoid anything that will require any big stretches, etc. If I need to get ready for a gig, or just need to focus my mind, I’ll play some scales and/or arpeggios, concentrating on proper technique, and not on speed. Then I might play a couple of challenging passages, such as a solo that moves very fast, just as a way to practice something that is both familiar and challenging.

Yesterday, I had a challenging day at work, and when I finished, I depressurized by plugging in my Jaguar and playing for about 30 minutes. I ran the gamut, Surf, Classic Rock, Country, some Chef Atkins fingerstyle, some Blues, and ended up at Jazz. Works better than a beer, and better for my health, than a beer.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

As mundane as this sounds, I do a bit of housework or yardwork before working on marathon practice sessions getting ready for a gig. I also try to avoid playing for an hour or so after waking up. The point being that I just want everything warmed up naturally before any serious guitar work. Regular breaks, reasonable hydration, and putting down the guitar whenever I feel anything straining. As a young guy playing lots of guitar and sports, I was prone to getting tendonitis in my wrists so I found what works for me. Also, avoiding any substance that accelerates dehydration, too! Guitar strap length and other posture/ergonomics is not a very cool topic, but I figure that not everyone is designed to be Jimmy Page with a guitar slung down to his knees.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Last edited: Nov 17, 2023 02:12:36

I do a few iterations of a chromatic fingering exercise I learned decades ago, up and down the neck. It involves using the fingers in different order and eventually string-skipping. I probably do it for five minutes or so. Doesn't just warm up my hands, it warms up my brain and helps me get in the playing mindset.

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

Never done any warm-up for any practice session but always drank plenty of alcohol before a show in order to relax as well as maximize the fun.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Usually a couple of whiskey shots and I am warmed up

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

To warm up I start gigs with Walk Don't Run. I've played it so many tens of thousands of times I could play it in my sleep, and in different keys. With the many notes I add to it I'm not just warmed up, I'm smokin'....

I also warm up by dragging equipment to the gig and setting up...


Last edited: Nov 18, 2023 12:54:51

Alcohol is not a sedative, it is simultaneously a stimulant (like caffeine) and a relaxant. Unlike sedatives (e.g., Valium diazepam, Xanax alprazolam) it does not lower blood pressure, pulse rate or adrenaline, it raises them. It also increases body levels of noradrenaline (attention and focus), as amphetamine does. Unfortunately alcohol causes every kind of cancer, but I drink wine or beer occasionally anyway.


Last edited: Nov 18, 2023 12:53:44

I try to get in about 30 minutes of warm up time before a show. Backstage I will play my guitar unplugged working on getting my hands to the spot where them don’t have to struggle with anything that might come along. Scales, arpeggios, tremolo picking, chords, tricky song passages usually make an appearance. I always start off slowly and make sure my playing is clean and accurate. Warming up effectively allows us to concentrate on the music/groove/improv side of performing when playing.


Canadian Surf

Speaking of alcohol. In the afternoon, I can tremolo pick at 170 BPM pretty well. In the evening after two glasses of wine, I tremolo pick poorly at 165 BPM.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

ldk wrote:

Speaking of alcohol. In the afternoon, I can tremolo pick at 170 BPM pretty well. In the evening after two glasses of wine, I tremolo pick poorly at 165 BPM.

Strong tremolo demands strong drinks! Wine is for relaxed chords)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Samurai wrote:

ldk wrote:

Speaking of alcohol. In the afternoon, I can tremolo pick at 170 BPM pretty well. In the evening after two glasses of wine, I tremolo pick poorly at 165 BPM.

Strong tremolo demands strong drinks! Wine is for relaxed chords)

It always sounds better if you drink vintage wine, before a gig. Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

synchro wrote:

Samurai wrote:

ldk wrote:

Speaking of alcohol. In the afternoon, I can tremolo pick at 170 BPM pretty well. In the evening after two glasses of wine, I tremolo pick poorly at 165 BPM.

Strong tremolo demands strong drinks! Wine is for relaxed chords)

It always sounds better if you drink vintage wine, before a gig. Smile

and everybody knows that the best vintage wine is cognac or brandy)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Samurai wrote:

synchro wrote:

Samurai wrote:

ldk wrote:

Speaking of alcohol. In the afternoon, I can tremolo pick at 170 BPM pretty well. In the evening after two glasses of wine, I tremolo pick poorly at 165 BPM.

Strong tremolo demands strong drinks! Wine is for relaxed chords)

It always sounds better if you drink vintage wine, before a gig. Smile

and everybody knows that the best vintage wine is cognac or brandy)

It's 8:00 AM where I live; are you giving me permission to have a drink this early? Smile

Actually, I rarely drink, but a Grand Marnier sounds good.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

synchro wrote:

Samurai wrote:

synchro wrote:

Samurai wrote:

ldk wrote:

Speaking of alcohol. In the afternoon, I can tremolo pick at 170 BPM pretty well. In the evening after two glasses of wine, I tremolo pick poorly at 165 BPM.

Strong tremolo demands strong drinks! Wine is for relaxed chords)

It always sounds better if you drink vintage wine, before a gig. Smile

and everybody knows that the best vintage wine is cognac or brandy)

It's 8:00 AM where I live; are you giving me permission to have a drink this early? Smile

Actually, I rarely drink, but a Grand Marnier sounds good.

In Deutschland we say “Kein Bier vor 4”. So if it’s already 8 you surely may have a glass!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Samurai wrote:

ldk wrote:

Speaking of alcohol. In the afternoon, I can tremolo pick at 170 BPM pretty well. In the evening after two glasses of wine, I tremolo pick poorly at 165 BPM.

Strong tremolo demands strong drinks! Wine is for relaxed chords)

I'll test this with wine vs. martinis!

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

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