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Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:03

Man TQI, that’s almost enough Offsets. (Spoken as a 4 Offset owner, myself).

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I personally would be inclined to make a better composite body based on those overlays. The lower horn is fine, but where the Jag-Stang goes pear shaped the most is the upper waist - way too constricted. And then the upper left of the body is too short compared to the lower left - makes it look very saggy, like a plastic model left out in the sun too long. Or like maybe some drunk guy drew it on a napkin.

And offsets, I have like 3 or 4 or 5...depending on what counts.


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:08


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:13

Tqi wrote:

Just for fun... took the hardware off the top-down of the Fender 2021, the neck off the top-down of the Squier 2022, and tweaked the mockup.


I get the body shape is unpopular here. But I'm happy with it. Very Happy

I love it.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Tqi - I did recall you saying you were all in on using the original Jag-Stang body, and that's fine by me, and I have to say the mock up of your design is probably the most pleasing Jag-Stang design I've seen. Mainly I commented on the shape because you provided that great diagram overlaying the shapes of the three guitars - it helped me think about how I would change things if it were my project. And since it's not - keep at it!


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:18


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:25


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:30

Tqi wrote:

I've been bedridden all week, so no going to the hackerspace to try milling out the cab again. Also no going to work. Or, outside at all.

Most of the week I've not been able to do anything useful, but I managed to get enough braincells together to do some math with a tracing someone on OSG sent me.


I was as much as 12mm too small in places. Which is a liiittle bit beyond my "close enough" margin. So, really glad I measured twice before I cut anything valuable.

And I just ordered a Mustang hardtail. It was the only Fender Mustang tailpiece I can find anywhere in the UK, it was selling for about 45% of retail for the part, and I'm about 73% confident I can retrofit a CV or VM cigar and hardware onto it if I come across such things somewhere.

It'll do for now. Speaking of "do for now", I'm also officially committing to using the CV Jaguar bridge on this at the start - I still think a Staytrem is the long term plan, but why throw deliberate issues in my way. I will literally have the CV bridge spare (I can't use it when I put the Mustang neck on the Jag because of radius, so it's getting an MiJ Jaguar bridge) so why not put it to use??

Hope you get better, soon.

The CV bridge should be more than good enough. I have had zero bridge problems with my CV Jaguar’s bridge.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:37

Tqi wrote:

synchro wrote:

Hope you get better, soon.

Thanks! Today was day 8, and I managed to mask up, get in the truck and go grocery shopping. Was exhausting, but rewarding. I had "pregnancy tests" on hand so I know it's not 'Rona, either a particularly bad cold (I work in academia, so "Fresher's Flu") or actual flu. Getting to the end, either way.

The CV bridge should be more than good enough. I have had zero bridge problems with my CV Jaguar’s bridge.

Yep, no issues with it on my Jaguar, or on my Bass VI to be honest. But, on the Daisy Rock, and on the Jagmasters - I've never regretted going stainless steel on a guitar. So it's on the bottom of the to-do list, but it'll definitely happen. It's a personal taste mod, not a "fix a problem" mod.

I’m a big fan of StayTrem bridges. I have one on this beauty:


To clarify, the StayTrem is on the Jaguar, not the Siamese. Smile

My other Jaguar, the CV, astounds me. It is one of the best guitars I’ve ever owned, and the least expensive guitar I’ve bought in many years. It was a stopgap, while I assembled the Warmoth Jaguar, but I’m completely bonded with it, at this point. I keep waiting for the bridge to adjust itself downward, but it’s been perfectly behaved.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 16:03:42

Tqi wrote:

synchro wrote:

My other Jaguar, the CV, astounds me. It is one of the best guitars I’ve ever owned, and the least expensive guitar I’ve bought in many years. It was a stopgap, while I assembled the Warmoth Jaguar, but I’m completely bonded with it, at this point. I keep waiting for the bridge to adjust itself downward, but it’s been perfectly behaved.

I am of a strong belief that the only mod "needed" on the CV Jaguar is something to fix the Trem rattle. In my case it was a Staytrem, others do an AVRI, some people just beat it into submission with a mallet.

Nothing else needed, great guitar.

I did an AVRI on mine, but I’ve heard that you can smooth the edge of the plate that forms the fulcrum of the pivot with a file.


I’ve never done this myself, but the AVRI trem in my Warmoth build is a bit rough, so I may test there.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Nov 19, 2023 07:36:32

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