Joined: Sep 27, 2008
Posts: 1149
Damascus, Maryland

Posted on Oct 28 2023 10:17 AM
chiba wrote:
Matt ... solid point. I'd jump at the chance to make $200 a night playing music all day long and twice on Sunday.
Seriously. I’m reading that going “have bass, will travel”!!!!
— Will
"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater
The Luau Cinders
Joined: Jan 09, 2014
Posts: 618
Vancouver BC

Posted on Oct 28 2023 06:11 PM
If it is possible, divide the duties so that one person is not taking on all the logistics. Like any small-scale business partnership, everyone in a small group must contribute according to their strengths. Share the driving, but have one person focused on social media, one person being the contact person for the venues, one person looking after accommodations, etc.
I went on micro-tours outside of my immediate region with a previous band and the lead guy in the group was so busy organizing that playing guitar and leading the group on-stage was not even in the top 10 items on his priorities list.
It would be outside the budget of most small bands, but hiring a trusted friend to help with the merch table, driving, loading/set-up, and smoothing-out ("fixing") logistics, another eye on the vehicle when stepping into a truck-stop diner, could ease a lot of work.
Like all start-up businesses, I would suggest that a first-time touring group look at it from decreasing their losses rather trying to dial-in a profit margin. That would be a focus on future tours.
— Lorne
The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada
Last edited: Oct 28, 2023 18:16:49