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Permalink Bass rigs? Would Dick Dale approve of yours?

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Pretty excited to have wrapped up recording the bass tracks for my EP due out later this year. My producer was quite helpful, as while I can play bass pretty well and have done so in a few bands, I'm not truly a bass player, so his suggestions were definitely welcome and heeded. I'll tell you one thing, I don't know how y'all bass players can do the finger-style thing for hours and hours ... my right hand is exhausted! but a couple of the songs just didn't sit right with picked bass parts.

Anyway, it made me curious what the prevailing bass rigs are around here. I've seen a number of folks use Quilter heads, but I don't have one of those. Instead, I used a Supro Thunderbolt II 1x15" combo I got right here on SG101, set to the 60W output. This thing makes a really good bass amp at moderate volume. It would probably do OK in a live setting with a drummer who doesn't hit too hard.

For the bass, I know DD says I should use a P Bass, but I don't have one of those. Instead I used my Ernie Ball Stingray, a 4-string with the 3-band active EQ. I tried using my Squier Bass VI, but I just couldn't get it dialled in for keeper tracks - though it was invaluable during the demo process, and using the BVI gave me ideas I never would have tried on a the EB if I'd started with that.

For a mic, I'm using a Sennheiser e602-II. I like the e609 for guitar amps a lot, so I figured I give their bass-oriented mic a shot, and I liked it a lot. I also recorded a direct track as well at the request of my producer. This actually worked out really well, as I was able to stash the amp in another room, close the doors between and record without having to use headphones - no ear fatigue!

Pic for attention Smile


Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

I used a bassman for years. Nice bass and guitar amp imo.
For recording? This same bassman, a bassman 135 (blackfaced), Studio bass, brownface showman.
The showman gave incredible tones in combination with a relativaly cheap mustang bass. Ouch, a mustang bass. Yes, because I can't handle a p bass standing. I'm a pussy.
Live I use Fender super twins and studio bass amps exclusieve (in a combination with the mustang). Fender's most underrated amps.
Hearst them, play them and you'll understand what I mean.

I use Harley Benton bass and Palmer preamp for practicing and recording. I guess I will play live with this setup as well, love how it sounds. Not sure about Dick Dale)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Last edited: Sep 13, 2023 13:30:39

I own four basses but the one I use for surf is my new Jackson X Series Concert bass. It's a P/J setup with an active EQ in a bright orange color. I use it with a Boss Katana bass amp. I don't think Dick Dale would be very impressed.


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 09:22:43

Mike from the Tentakills started playing this rig this season.

It's a Bassman 800 paired with an old Fender cab that he recovered, did grill cloth (on both to match... nice) and stuck a single 15 into.

Speaker position being at the top of the cab, he can hear himself better especially in close proximity to his rig.


Mike and I are commonly on the opposite side of the stage, so our rigs look like bookends.

Seems like DD liked big and loud, so maybe he'd approve?


Last edited: Sep 13, 2023 12:36:22


Yamaha SBV run through an Ampeg B100R. Love the tone on that amp. Ran it a little hot the last gig and now I’ve got done crackling I didn’t have before. Shut itself down just before the big finale. My fault. Gain was only mid and the volume was way up. Pedal board wasn’t working before the gig either. Bad night all over. I run through an Idiotbox Effects Blower Box for a little dirt.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

I played a Fender VI during the last four years, but now that every surf guitar player seems to want a bass VI, I switched to a Fender P-bass Big Grin and I love it.
My amp is a Bassmann 50 hooked to a Fender 2x12 cab from the mid '60s.

Surfin’ Europe – Surf gigs in Europe
The Malbehavers – Instrumental Surf Music from Tilburg (NL)
Tout Tilburg Surft – Malbehavers’ debut EP

most gigs I use a little Roland KC-350 combo, so I can run vox and bass through it.

Larger gigs I bring the Genz Benz Shuttle 9.0 and Ashdown 1x12 cab so the drummer can hear my amp, as the monitors and front of house do all the heavy lifting.

for recording I use the Ampeg B-15R, mic'd and DI from the head. the DI in that thing sounds great!

I currently run one of two Precision basses through a Carvin BX, 600 watt, head into either a Carvin BX 2x10, or a Seismic 4x10, depending on the need. I have however, just built a 1x12 with a Seismic box and an Eminence Delta-12LFA speaker that I'm looking forward to trying out for smaller group outings.



Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 09:22:35

I've owned all the classic basses and amps and settled with a Gibson SG bass, which is the most comfortable bass I've played, paired with a Fender Rumble 100. I don't gig. When I record, I run direct.

LosVenturas wrote:

I used a bassman for years. Nice bass and guitar amp imo.
For recording? This same bassman, a bassman 135 (blackfaced), Studio bass, brownface showman.
The showman gave incredible tones in combination with a relativaly cheap mustang bass. Ouch, a mustang bass. Yes, because I can't handle a p bass standing. I'm a pussy.
Live I use Fender super twins and studio bass amps exclusieve (in a combination with the mustang). Fender's most underrated amps.
Hearst them, play them and you'll understand what I mean.

Are you talking about the 70's Fender Studio bass Amp?

Yes. They were made for a relatively short period of time.
They share the same chassis and most of the design of the super twin. Equalizer ranges are a bit different, some capacitors and the studio bass has no bright switch or distortion option, luckily.
With about 180w plenty of power. The super twin feels even more punchy.
These amps got me kind of addicted... have 3 studio basses and one super twin. Put them in seperate heads for portability.
As nobody faves them they are very affordable.

Andy, please stop sharing our dirty little secret. If the word gets out, there will be fewer of these available to hoard. —

Insect Surfers
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Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 09:18:58

Tqi wrote:

Samurai wrote:

I use Harley Benton bass... Not sure about Dick Dale)

Question. Mr Dale said "Precision Bass". Did he specify a generation? Like, is Vitaly's '51 copy ok, or does it have to be the '57 with the humbucker?

I deliberately wanted 51 precision or copy cause I like this single coil sound much more, especially for surf. And then I saw this one for 120 euro. It plays so nice)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 09:18:49

Some awesome bass rigs in this thread. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

My 3 favorites. The Showman is a backdated '67 Dual Showman, the cabinet was built by my surf pal Eddie Katcher. It was built 15" deep at my request and it has a 4 ohm E-V 15BX speaker. The Mesa is a 800 watt monster. My favorite bass is a very early (V000xxx) Fullerton-built Fender '57 Precision reissue.


Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

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