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Permalink Mixing advice before I release to the wider world?

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Anyone have any advice on the levels and mix for this track? I've listened to it so much I can't hear it anymore. And what sounds great on the studio headphones sounds different in say, my car.

Weeping Figs: All Hail Slobberchops

I’m not going to offer any specific advice on how to mix it because I don’t know what your goal is, only you can hear that.

I will, however, HIGHLY advise against mixing on headphones. Get yourself some decent monitors. Mixing on headphones… it’s never going to sound right in the car or anywhere else.


The first thing I was going to say was to pan the lead a bit left, to balance the rhythm guitar, but then the third accent guitar came in on the left and I understood why you did it this way.

So the one thing I'll suggest, which isn't exactly purely mix related, is to consider altering the sound of the accent guitar a little bit to differentiate it from the lead. Since there's so much reverb on the lead, what about running the accent guitar dry or dryer and adding a tremolo to it?

Very cool bass line. I'd like to hear a little more bass drum in the mix - might be a volume thing, might be an EQ thing, I'd have to have it in front of me to be more helpful there. Seems like everything but the lead guitar is really dry (ooh nice key change!) but overall I think the song sounds pretty good as it is. I like the breakdown as well - it feels very 1960s TV show tension music.

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

Thanks for the direction, all.

@nismosurf: I guess mixing using headphones is the reason that most of my stuff doesn't sound like what I expect. Seems counterintuitive, but then again I don't know what I'm doing. Thanks for the tip.

@Redfeather: I may monkey with that accent guitar some. I don't really want to re-record it at this point (laziness, inertia, existential ennui), but maybe I can muck with it some in the DAW. Thanks.

@chiba: Thanks! I originally recorded the bass with a ton of reverb from a SurfyBear, but it really started sounding muddy, so I went back and redid it mostly dry. I may try and monkey with the drum EQ a bit more. Always am afraid of getting into clipping with stuff like that, but I'll give it a shot.

Thanks again.

Mix generally sounds for me ok, I maybe would work a little with bass a drums, especially kick and snare, but it sounds good in general.
I also prefer mixing with monitors, them check it in my studio headphones, my sports wireless, my car, my home wireless speakers and even my telephone without headphones) Then I usually make some small tweaks if I hear something really wrong with some sources.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

My opinion may not go over well...for this genre, I prefer mixes that have a narrower stereo spectrum and less compression. In general, I would err on the side of a bit more bite and rawness than soft and separated. Just my opinion! But it sounds great as-is and I know that a lot of people wouldn't share my opinion.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Let me start by stating that I like the track and hear a lot of good ideas, and good execution. That bass line is a work of art.

The only thing I have available as a listening device, at the moment, is an iPad, which obviously has limited bass response. It came across as well balanced through these minuscule speakers, but that could translate differently in various learning environments.

I would echo Vitaly’s sentiments, regarding listening in several different circumstances. I recording a little ditty, using just headphones to mix it, and while it sounds fine with smaller speakers, when I piped that recording into a fairly high end automotive system, the bass sounded overwhelming, and a baritone guitar counter-melody part melted into the mix.

In the ‘60s and ‘70s, producers used to test mixes on cheap AM car radios, home stereos, and other settings. In those days, AM was king, and a song that didn’t sound great on a car radio, would be unlikely to do well in the Top 40 charts. In our world, it’s even worse, because there are so very many devices, ranging from Bluetooth headsets on a smart phone, to home and vehicle systems.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Thank you, synchro and shake_n_stomp. (And thanks again, all.) I've tweaked a couple of things a bit more and test-listened using about as many sources as I have the patience for. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm going to go ahead and upload the song to the usual places, and then sit back and, uh... wait for the money to roll in?

What money?)))

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Nice job!

Samurai wrote:

What money?)))

My advice for anyone that writes a song would be to buy a new Rolls Royce and a new Bentley right now, because once the money starts rolling in you won’t have time to shop for a new car. Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

synchro wrote:

Samurai wrote:

What money?)))

My advice for anyone that writes a song would be to buy a new Rolls Royce and a new Bentley right now, because once the money starts rolling in you won’t have time to shop for a new car. Smile

Exactly, it takes so much time to calculate all these costs going from Spotify, Apple, Youtube, Amazon and other sources!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

If I play my cards right, I may eventually collect enough Spotify earnings to buy a new set of strings.

cricketseed wrote:

If I play my cards right, I may eventually collect enough Spotify earnings to buy a new set of strings.

It’s good to keep one’s expectations well grounded. Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I listened to it 2x and really enjoyed it. The break to end groove is great. I would have been tempted to expand both halves and made 2 songs out of it.

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

Thanks, Craig. I appreciate it.

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