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AndrewTesta wrote:

ArtS wrote:

AndrewTesta wrote:

ArtS wrote:

Not sure I'm following this thread correctly. Are you asking for quieter amp that has Fender Tone, or using Surfy Bear Reverb with Twin? I have a Twin, but it's incredibly loud to get tone so I'd never be allowed to play it in the house.

If this is truly a smaller amp question with good reverb and tremolo, get a used fender deluxe for about $5-600.

If I'm missing the point of this thread, please accept apologies in advance.

Sort of both Laughing would like quieter amp with earlier breakup I was just asking if anyone knew if a surfybear sounded better through a deluxe vs Princeton vs pro etc.

Ugh, don't get old! Sorry can only comment on how it sounds through a Deluxe, which is awesome! I help the Deluxe along with what I call simulated breakup via my Surfy Bear Blossom Point.

A surfy bear reverb into a surfy bear blossom point (Blossom Point is last pedal in chain) playing through a Deluxe gives an edgier, lower volume, surf tone. Hope I'm back on course. (If not, I'll personally remove myself from the thread... Big Grin )

One day closer Laughing thanks for the input my friend. The blossom point is great. I recommend it to everyone who doesn’t have one. I’ve been leaning towards a deluxe but have been seeing hundreds for sale, more so than a twin which makes me wonder… what’s wrong with it Uh-Oh

What's wrong with it you ask....i have had a lot of the DRRI 65 of 68 on my workbench. They are unreliable. Cheap parts, cheap filter caps, noisy due too using a different schematic, bad solder joints, using cheap speakers, etc. Fender nowadays don't built them anymore like they used to. You've to spend some decent money on them to make them more reliable and old skool sounding and rebuilt them to old specs.


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 16:34:02

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