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Permalink Fender Jag Abuse

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What cracks me up is that ANY guitar will sound like that through on of those high gain amps... you know like kids wail on all day at guitar center.


yeah, why waste such a good guitar on stuff like that? that jag would be much happier in my hands and with flatwounds, that's for sure.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

It's got Seymour Duncan railed humbuckers in it if you look closely....

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

yeah, i noticed that.

still, it could be put to better use.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

thats a major "check please" moment
somebody needs to take that guitar from him.



I gotta appreciate the guy playing the guitar he wants to play, regardless of labels... I have nothing against shredding, I just choose not to play it.

Jags rule, and I can't blame him for playing one, even if his music differs from mine! Same with the indie/alternative crowd.

Would you all think less of me if I told you I use my Jag and Jazzmaster to play in a country band? Smile (Surf is my passion, country pays the bills)

Man I play Jaguars exclusively and have played them since the late 80s for every musical venture I have got my self into from metal, grunge, rockabilly, blues, jump blues and everything else, my musical taste in the present is very eclectic.. in plain english I'm a music lover and yes surf has been my 4t'y and passion it's my back bone so anyways Jaguars can be used for any style it's all in the players skill, soul, mind, hands and mojo

I favor the Jaguar over any guitar for any style, Jaguars can hold thier own Worship
sure I dig other guitars but the Jaguar is my first call Very Happy

Check out this Jazz kat Joe Pass playing an early Jaguar with a 1962 Bandmaster


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

I'm sure he feels really cool with his CIJ and crate setup. He'll probably take first place at his high school talent show.

What's wrong with a CIJ Jag? Sad


no me gusta nada.

What's wrong with a CIJ Jag? Sad

In comparison to an AV they are not the greatest. All the electronics are junk and the metal isn't as good. The body and neck are great, and I like the tuners as well. I've owned 3 CIJ and now I don't own any.

What's wrong with a CIJ Jag? Sad

what's wrong with Crate? Wink (dont get started Jake, just razzin')

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."


What's wrong with a CIJ Jag? Sad

what's wrong with Crate? Wink (dont get started Jake, just razzin')

Yeah Bruce from Longboard Ranch owns a Power block and says it sounds just as good as a showman amp.
Rolling Eyes Shocked Wink

I saw one of their 2 sets at the Orange Street Fair,
just as un inspiring as ever.



oh well, there's nothing wrong with a CIJ jag or a crate powerblock - you simply get what you pay for.

I understand though that with the CIJ's in the US, you dont get what you pay for.

anyway, back to that video, why would he ge that guitar? yeah yeah, looks good and cool, buyt it's really not suitable for what he wants to play, with the subtle trem and the vi9ntage radius... he cant do trem dips, he cant push up 3 steps what's up with that. He needs to get an Ibanez and leave the cool guitars for the cool kids Twisted Evil Cool

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I gotta appreciate the guy playing the guitar he wants to play, regardless of labels... I have nothing against shredding, I just choose not to play it.

Jags rule, and I can't blame him for playing one, even if his music differs from mine! Same with the indie/alternative crowd.

Would you all think less of me if I told you I use my Jag and Jazzmaster to play in a country band? Smile (Surf is my passion, country pays the bills)

Easy now, I am not looking for a fight.... It was the title of the video that got my attention, "It ain't your gram's old surf guitar".... Then it sounds like EVERY FRIKIN kid that spends his weekend in Guitar Center tryin to impress ANYBODY! My point is any guitar will sound like that through that amp. Even an old Tiesco. It was his notion that surf is for your grand parents. It just made me laugh. I am not one to say what you should use for any situation. I just thought it would be a funny thing to post here.

Very Happy



What's wrong with a CIJ Jag? Sad

In comparison to an AV they are not the greatest. All the electronics are junk and the metal isn't as good. The body and neck are great, and I like the tuners as well. I've owned 3 CIJ and now I don't own any.

I know all the differences between CIJ's and AVRI's. I own both. The CIJ Jag is a fantastic guitar. That being said, mine does have Novak pickups. The trem spring is AVRI, too. The stock tuners are the same Gotoh Kluson copies that are on my AVRI Jazzmaster.

What metal isn't as good? The control plates and tailpiece? Easily replaced.

The pots are crap, and the finish is poly, but it's still a fine instrument. My CIJ Jag was less than half the cost of my AVRI, even with the Novaks. You can still get a brand new CIJ Jazzmaster from Ishibashi for around 800, which is 600 dollars cheaper than a new AVRI.

No harm done, I just have to stick up for CIJ's. Cheers

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