Joined: Feb 25, 2006
Posts: 19321
Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Aug 02 2023 12:42 PM
I finally got home a day late last night after losing a battle with the airlines. I too greatly appreciate all the hard work of Jeff, Chris ?, Art, Ran, and the rest of the crew. The last one of these I went to was in 2017 so I was very excited to go back. It was so great seeing all my old SG101 friends...when I first drove into the hotel parking lot I saw within 30 seconds Fritz, Cousin Mary & Ken, and Eddie Ugata. It was really surreal! Yup, I'm in the right place!! I know I didn't get a chance to talk to everybody and I deeply regret it. I had so many great little chats with all kinds of cool people!! It really is like a nerdy family reunion!
So unbelievable the place sold out all 3 nights! I even saw some young folks in their twenties... in general the crowd was of course bigger and more diverse than previous years. Man, I think back to 2008 when the convention was just one afternoon at Suzy's in Hermosa Beach... how things have changed and grown!
The music blew me away! Satan's Pilgrims with special guests! WOW! I was just speechless after that. And, OMG one of my favorites: The Volcanos!! Worth the trip alone! Pollo Del Mar!! It had been a long time since I caught a PDM set and it was fantastic! And a first time seeing the Bomboras! All these bands go back to the 90's, it's nuts thinking that they are still playing today and all in one place over several days!
Thank you and congratulations Jeff, we really appreciate it!
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
Last edited: Aug 02, 2023 18:28:30
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 02 2023 12:56 PM
Wow! What a weekend! I am still completely exhausted. But exhilarated and happy and thankful at the same time.
Sorry for the delay, but here is my Thank you post.
First off, huge thank you to all who attended the SG101 festival,(long time fans and new). I was always wanting it to be a 3day weekender event. But I was nervous that it would do well. At about a month before, we were at 2/3rds tickets sold.
Then the last 2 weeks boom, the rest sold.
Sold out! Huge thanks to everybody for that. If you couldn’t attend this year, be sure to buy tix early next time. And there will be lots of videos posted on FB, IG, and YouTube. So keep an eye out for those.
Ok, Huge thanks to my Partners Christopher Burkhart and Art Bourasseau.
They helped so much in making this years event happen, and be a success. Also a huge thank you to my Stage Manager and Amp donator for use, Ran Mosessco. Your tireless quest for the best sounding amps is appreciated by myself, the bands and the Audience. Also thanks to Ran’s bandmates
Jonpaul Balak for the bass amp, and to David Berner for being an assistant stage hand. Thank you to Tony Tortolano and Doug Snyder for being side door security and all around helpers when needed.
Thank you to Dorthy Michelle Treasure and Clint Beachwood, and Laura Bethita Neptuna Doug Snyder for running the Sg101 booth, selling raffle tix, posters and t-shirts. Thank you to Duff Paulson of the Torquays etc. And Pablo Baza of Tikiyaki
And Scimitars for helping get, get ready,
Set up the Drum kit.
Huge mahalos, thanks, Kudos, etc
To Elliot Kendal for spreading flyers all over So. Cal. In music stores and other.
You are an animal and helped make this huge. Also thank you to Eric of Caveman music for helping spread the word, and for hooking up the Kensington Goldfinch baritone guitar for the raffle.
Thanks to all the sponsors, donors and vendors for being huge supporters of the event. Especially Fender musical Instruments and Mark Kendrick for the gracious donation of the Awesome Jazzmaster Ultra guitar. Patrick Quilter
And his crew at Quilter amplifiers for the amazing Dockblock cab and 202 toneblock amp. To Lorenzo Valdambrini and all at Surfy Industries for the special gold surfy bear metal reverb. And to Don Lace at Lace pick ups and guitars for the cool Teleiki guitar donation. Thank you to Robert Molina Robert for suppling the food service and the print work for the posters and banners all around the event. To Tom Laura
Aka Big Toe, for the super Bitchin artwork for the SG101 flyer, you nailed it!
Jason Weckerly and Kustome Deluxe for the printing of flyers and posters, and all the additional posters for separate nights/bands/side room event. Ulisies of
The Tequila Worms and Zug Monster printing for the T-shirts( still have those for sale) and the huge, awesome picture opportunity stand up of the surfer guitar guy.
And last but not least to Bob Walk of Surfking Surf Wear For the gracious donation to pay for the printing of 10,000 flyers, and 250 posters. (We still have 150 of those also, Contact me if you want to buy one).
Thank you to all of the bands that played, from near and far! If it wasn’t for you the event would exist. And to all the hardcore fans that came from all over.
Even as far as Japan and Canada. Was there any euro fans,beside a couple bands?
Thank you to John Blair for bringing the Sound of the Surf Doc to us to see it.
And for the Seminar you and Jonpaul did.
Thank you so much to Jonpaul for that discussion with John, the One with PJ,
And all of your input on many things regarding the event,(this year and every year),having me on your radio show to promote, and being an ear and a shoulder to cry on when the insanity of the event was getting to me.
Thank you to the host hotel and Ballroom
The Golden Sails. I hear they were very happy to report that they had no major incidents or complaints with our event and all of the surf fans that stayed there.
I think it’s a good place and will probably return if they will have us back.
Thank you all,
So much, I was truly blown away
By the turn out and response.
Jeff Hanson
P.S. thanks to Dad for letting me use his truck to haul all of the Amps n gear to the show.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 02 2023 12:59 PM
Brian. Thank you so much for coming out and attending.
It meant a lot to see you there.
I’m sorry it wasn’t more.
wish we could have sat and chatted.
Brian wrote:
I finally got home a day late last night after losing a battle with the airlines. I too greatly appreciate all the hard work of Jeff, Chris ?, Art, Ran, and the rest of the crew. The last one of these I went to was in 2017 so I was very excited to go back. It was so great seeing all my old SG101 friends...when I first drove into the hotel parking lot I saw within 30 seconds Fritz, Cousin Mary & Ken, and Eddie Ugata. It was really surreal! Yup, I'm in the right place!! I know I didn't get a chance to talk to everybody and I deeply regret it. I had so many great little chats with all kinds of cool people!! It really is like a nerdy family reunion!
So unbelievable the place sold out all 3 nights! I even saw some young folks in their twenties... in general the crowd was of course bigger and more diverse than previous years. Man, I think back to 2008 were the convention was just one afternoon at Suzy's in Hermosa Beach... how things have changed and grown!
The music blew me away! Satan's Pilgrims with special guests! WOW! I was just speechless after that. And, OMG one of my favorites: The Volcanos!! Worth the trip alone! Pollo Del Mar!! It had been a long time since I caught a PDM set and it was fantastic! And a first time seeing the Bomboras! All these bands go back to the 90's, it's nuts thinking that they are still playing today and all in one place over several days!
Thank you and congratulations Jeff, we really appreciate it!
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 25, 2006
Posts: 19321
Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Aug 02 2023 06:28 PM
bigtikidude wrote:
wish we could have sat and chatted.
Same here. I missed talking and saying hi to quite a few people.
Again, fantastic job my friend!
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me
"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
Joined: Mar 19, 2006
Posts: 974
Oxford, Ohio

Posted on Aug 03 2023 12:54 PM
Jeff and all the volunteers thanks for all of the blood sweat an tears it took to put this on! It was the best one yet! Not only were the bands & venue fantastic, but the vendors were great too! You can find stuff you can't find anywhere else! Here is a pict of my CD haul! I did buy a few duplicates for friends. I can't wait to listen to all of them.

Last edited: Aug 03, 2023 12:55:31
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 03 2023 03:53 PM
Guy, let us see the covers of them all
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 28, 2006
Posts: 2372
San Jose, Ca.

Posted on Aug 03 2023 05:18 PM
Guy, I wonder how many duplicates you ended up with for yourSELF. 
midwestsurfguy wrote:
Jeff and all the volunteers thanks for all of the blood sweat an tears it took to put this on! It was the best one yet! Not only were the bands & venue fantastic, but the vendors were great too! You can find stuff you can't find anywhere else! Here is a pict of my CD haul! I did buy a few duplicates for friends. I can't wait to listen to all of them.

— Bob
Joined: Mar 19, 2006
Posts: 974
Oxford, Ohio

Posted on Aug 03 2023 08:06 PM
LOL! I had 14 duplicates 12 were intentional for friends. So there were 2 un-intentional duplicate CDs for me. If I am standing there thinking I know I wanted this but did I already buy it or is it still on my hit list. I sync my library with my phone so when in doubt I check it. I am also a more visual person, so I always include the CD cover art and that helps me spot duplicates. Unfortunately my phone has been having syncing issues. I think I need to wipe it out and sync again from scratch.

Joined: Feb 28, 2006
Posts: 2372
San Jose, Ca.

Posted on Aug 03 2023 09:34 PM
Guy, I have the same affliction. We've talked, and laughed about this in years past.
midwestsurfguy wrote:
LOL! I had 14 duplicates 12 were intentional for friends. So there were 2 un-intentional duplicate CDs for me. If I am standing there thinking I know I wanted this but did I already buy it or is it still on my hit list. I sync my library with my phone so when in doubt I check it. I am also a more visual person, so I always include the CD cover art and that helps me spot duplicates. Unfortunately my phone has been having syncing issues. I think I need to wipe it out and sync again from scratch.

— Bob
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 03 2023 09:59 PM
Always better to buy a duplicate, than give as a gift.
Than to pass on it and never find again.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Mar 05, 2006
Posts: 289

Posted on Aug 04 2023 12:44 PM
Wow. I had a really great time at the festival — both as an attendee and a performer.
Great to meet so many musicians and fans in the flesh.
I was struck by the diversity of bands that fall under the surf umbrella. I liked some more than others, but it’s great to see all the different styles coming together.
Performing with The Volcanos and The Hellbenders was so much fun! We had a blast.
Thanks again to Jeff and his team for all their efforts in putting it together and inviting us to be part of it.
— The Volcanos
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 04 2023 02:41 PM
Thank you Rick,
It was great seeing both bands.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Jan 30, 2023
Posts: 330

Posted on Aug 09 2023 12:38 PM
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 09 2023 12:57 PM
stepintolife wrote:
There was a vendor selling CDs who was cash only. His table was stage left next to Sir Bald and the Surf Kings.
Does anyone have his contact information?
Matthew, yes it’s Tom Long, send me an email at
And I’ll give you his cell number.
No emails. V he’s old school.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Jan 30, 2023
Posts: 330

Posted on Aug 09 2023 01:58 PM
Joined: Jun 10, 2023
Posts: 3
Long Beach

Posted on Aug 09 2023 04:48 PM
I just want to say that it was my first time attending the SG101 festival and I had so much fun. The level of talent was off the charts and the lineup was phenomenal. I’m 22 so to be there and learn so much about the genre and to meet so many wonderful members of the community was truly amazing for me. I just wish I had the chance to talk to more folks but I was shy and came for the music haha. Thank you Jeff for organizing such a memorable event. I’m very much looking forward to the next one.
Joined: Jul 28, 2008
Posts: 473
Wichita Falls, Texas

Posted on Aug 09 2023 09:14 PM
JetBlackVince wrote:
I just want to say that it was my first time attending the SG101 festival and I had so much fun. The level of talent was off the charts and the lineup was phenomenal. I’m 22 so to be there and learn so much about the genre and to meet so many wonderful members of the community was truly amazing for me. I just wish I had the chance to talk to more folks but I was shy and came for the music haha. Thank you Jeff for organizing such a memorable event. I’m very much looking forward to the next one.
I think we'll be seeing you on stage soon, yes? Who was the most impressive band during the festival, in your opinion?
— _
Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 10 2023 12:06 AM
There will be more meet n greet time for chatting next year.
But people have to come early, or stay late.
10-12 am and 10-12 pm
Maybe a 1 hour break 5-6 pm
and you have to walk around and chat with people,
Either in the lobby, or by the vendors,
Or out by the food area.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Last edited: Aug 10, 2023 00:07:46
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25644

Posted on Aug 10 2023 11:46 AM
Joined: May 14, 2021
Posts: 10

Posted on Aug 11 2023 01:27 AM
this event was EPIC!!! my second SG101 and i found myself saying things that i had only read others saying in past years, "great to see old friends AND make new friends as well"...! same for me this time. i just loved the whole event; the bands were f-in AWESOME...! really incredible... the jonpaul/john blair seminar is still resonating with me... and both movies churning inside me too... i was most definitely exhausted afterwards but so gratified; exciting, informative, and inspiring...! thanks to jeff hanson, ran mosessco, jonpaul balak, and crew! cya next year...!!
— corky james
Last edited: Aug 11, 2023 01:29:36