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Permalink Horror Surf

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Hey guys

can anyone help me with what makes a horror surf track aside the sound effects? Like scales, chords used, how much reverb

Use as many minor chords as possible. Extra credit for using diminished chords.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Diabolus in musica. Throw in a tritone here and there. \m/

It's intense and scary. Sound fx are cheap, you don't need them if your music is scary enough. The Ghastly Ones are about the only band to do it fairly well, although the fuckin samples really take me out of the moment.

Daniel Deathtide

Harmonic minor scales and their related scale tone chords, with possible excursions into parallel melodic minors or even Hungarian minors. The Munsters theme is a good example, living in A harmonic (as I play it) and the last phrase, measure 8, being a walk-up from E but using an F# instead of an F natural, so for just that measure, it’s in A melodic minor.

Harmonic minor scale tone chords.

I chord, minor of minor natural 7.

II chord, minor 7 b5.

III chord, augmented Major or possibly a Major with a 6th.

IV chord, minor, minor 7th or minor 7th b5.

V chord, Dom 7th or Dom 7th augmented 5th.

VI chord, Major, Major 7th, Major 7th b5, Major 6th, Major 6th b5. (I love the 6th b5 to Dom 7 turnaround, such an F6b5 to E7.)

VII chord, Dim 7 or min 7th b5.

One cool oddity is the harmonization of a Hungarian minor, where the II chord is a Dim 7th b5. You can slip between parallel minor key tone centers pretty safely, so I frequently will be in A harmonic minor, for instance, and play a passage using an A Hungarian or an A melodic minor scale, then slip back into an A harmonic minor.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Locrian is a pretty scary mode. It's diminished, and you do have the tri-tone. Root - minor 2nd - minor 3rd - perfect 4th - diminished 5th - minor 6th - minor 7th.

HeroSandwich wrote:

Locrian is a pretty scary mode. It's diminished, and you do have the tri-tone. Root - minor 2nd - minor 3rd - perfect 4th - diminished 5th - minor 6th - minor 7th.

Very cool, indeed. It brings brings to mind also the super locrian, and even the name of that is too cool for school. Super Locrian would be like a melodic minor played from the 7th degree to the 7th degree. If you play a super locrian over any dominant 7th chord, you will get the notes for a b9, a #9, a b5 and a #5. Jazz players use this a lot, and it co tributes to a very exotic sound.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Thanks guys had a little practice/experimenting earlier and I really like the results for using the locrian scale. I just got a EHX C9 organ machine and the tones I’m getting are also helping to dial up the creepy

About 15 years ago, I put 13s on a Strat and tuned it down to C. (I might have tried heavier strings, but beyond that, I would have had problems getting it to intonate properly. At least with that particular guitar.)
It sounded very ominous.

If you have a guitar that you can dedicate to tuning down, it might be worth a try, especially with the suggestions mentioned above. Depending upon the song, you may wish to try substituting tremolo, in place of the usual reverb.

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

I really like the sound of Hungarian minor!
Rick Beato have a cool video on it on youtube:

I used it my song called "Cannibals" as well. The link is in my signature if you are interested.

Beach Bomb - Black Surf from the cold waters of Norway!

I had a listen, very cool!

elmorto wrote:

I really like the sound of Hungarian minor!
Rick Beato have a cool video on it on youtube:

I used it my song called "Cannibals" as well. The link is in my signature if you are interested.

I’m not sure how to post the link, but I just saw a video on YouTube, by a channel called “Signals Music Studio”, and title of the video was, “Six Spooky Secrets Composers Use To SCARE you.”

It gives a quick rundown of the ideas mentioned above. It’s about five and a half minutes long. Worth a look.

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

Thanks for the heads up

My tried and true method:
One part Bernard Herrmann
Two parts Black Sabbath
5 parts Reverb

Shake, stir and season to taste.

But in all seriousness, dark movie soundtracks and songs in rock and roll forms other than surf can be a phenomenal source of inspiration.

Garrett_Immel wrote:

My tried and true method:
One part Bernard Herrmann
Two parts Black Sabbath
5 parts Reverb

Shake, stir and season to taste.

But in all seriousness, dark movie soundtracks and songs in rock and roll forms other than surf can be a phenomenal source of inspiration.

Nice recipe Garrett! I also like to add a drop of The Cure or Type of Negative to the sauce)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

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