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I may or may not be reimbursed for a faulty TRRI I bought used from GC (don’t get me started)
Since they only give store credit and I can’t use the money to potentially find something better elsewhere, what should be the move for someone like me, quiet bedroom levels/recording?
Im in love with the twin and if my tech comes back with good news my plan is to turn it into a custom 15” and enjoy my time with her. Forget this post even exists. But worst case scenario I need to jump ship I want to lighten the load but still get a beautiful fender tone with lush reverb/tremolo. The vibrato channel on this reissue is astounding and it’s 75% the reason I got her in the first place. Torn between a deluxe, Princeton or pro and remember I’m strictly playing bedroom level and recording. Does a surfybear/blossom point sound better through one of these over the other? Or should I just get a used cab, buy a superblock and forget about it

Last edited: Aug 01, 2023 21:53:37


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 16:28:43

I recommend a Universal Audio Dream 65 and a Headrush 1x10 (or a similar powered flat speaker). You can also run the Dream 65 into an interface for recording.

New, you are probably looking at around $600 altogether.

Is only giving store credit at GC a new thing? I’ve always got my money back when returning something there.


Tqi wrote:

Or should I just get a used cab, buy a superblock and forget about it

I mean, probably? But I'm also not into that vibe. In your place I'd be building something bespoke to suit myself (yes, for those counting that's TWO unfinished valve amps)... but yeah - this is always tough - especially at "bedroom level". There's always the Tone Master Twin Reverb - I fucking hate them; but that's not really for anything to do with the sound they make. The cheap (black) TMTR has a poorly regarded speaker, but if you wanted a 1x15 amp anyway - flip the stock Jensen Neo's and get a Weber Neomag 15 with the high power rating. It's the LAST thing I would do, but it might suit you.

In the "store credit" option I'd probably look at a SuperSonic 22 head (in blonde, obviously), a decent old cab and track down a SurfyTrem to stick in the footswitchable effects loop (DRRI doesn't have one)

At low levels the twin sounds amazing but I wanted to get it as close to showman as possible so figured a 15” would help. Not a fan of the TMTR either. And I’ll definitely check out the supersonic

nismosurf wrote:

Is only giving store credit at GC a new thing? I’ve always got my money back when returning something there.

Their warranty makes you eligible for replacement if your amp suddenly kicks the bucket but since I bought used they would just give me store credit which I’m not particularly happy about. Pay $200 for a warranty just to be able to get store credit after their 30 day return policy is up. If my amp developed issues a few weeks prior while I was in the window for return I would’ve just got my money back instead. Now it’s been sitting with a local tech for over a month until I find out the damage and make a decision if I want to pay the tech or just take it back to GC. They’re worse than car salesman

A couple of years ago, I bought a used amp from Guitar Center online, but returned it because one of the effects didn't work (it was a Princeton Chorus SS amp, and the chorus didn't work). I got a refund, but not for shipping. I probably should have argued with them. It would suck to be told store credit only.

Anyway, there are plenty of threads here about amp suggestions, and if you want an amp with built in reverb that you can play at low volume, your main choice is the Princeton Reverb.

Guitar Center is great for guitar strings...

edwardsand wrote:

A couple of years ago, I bought a used amp from Guitar Center online, but returned it because one of the effects didn't work (it was a Princeton Chorus SS amp, and the chorus didn't work). I got a refund, but not for shipping. I probably should have argued with them. It would suck to be told store credit only.

Anyway, there are plenty of threads here about amp suggestions, and if you want an amp with built in reverb that you can play at low volume, your main choice is the Princeton Reverb.

Yeah I hate restarting threads when there are already so many I know it’s bad etiquette, I’ve done a lot of digging on here which narrowed my choices for sure I was just curious if one or the other sounds better with a surfybear/blossom point. My ‘91 TRRI vibrato channel is immaculate that’s why I’m hoping for good news from the tech so I wanna make sure the next thing I get isn’t lacking any of these qualities worst case scenario.

Redfeather wrote:

Guitar Center is great for guitar strings...

Mine doesn’t even sell flatwounds Laughing at least not 11’s or 12’s

Not sure I'm following this thread correctly. Are you asking for quieter amp that has Fender Tone, or using Surfy Bear Reverb with Twin? I have a Twin, but it's incredibly loud to get tone so I'd never be allowed to play it in the house.

If this is truly a smaller amp question with good reverb and tremolo, get a used fender deluxe for about $5-600.

If I'm missing the point of this thread, please accept apologies in advance.


Agent Octopus
Agent Octopus Bandcamp

Last edited: Aug 04, 2023 13:55:19

ArtS wrote:

Not sure I'm following this thread correctly. Are you asking for quieter amp that has Fender Tone, or using Surfy Bear Reverb with Twin? I have a Twin, but it's incredibly loud to get tone so I'd never be allowed to play it in the house.

If this is truly a smaller amp question with good reverb and tremolo, get a used fender deluxe for about $5-600.

If I'm missing the point of this thread, please accept apologies in advance.

Sort of both Laughing would like quieter amp with earlier breakup I was just asking if anyone knew if a surfybear sounded better through a deluxe vs Princeton vs pro etc.

Last edited: Aug 04, 2023 22:32:33

I have a 1967 Vibrochamp and it sounds wonderful clean, like a smaller Twin. But when I play through the '64 reverb tank, it sounds terrible. Go figure! I think one needs big iron for a big sound, studio tricks aside. What I mean by that is a savvy engineer can make a Princeton sound like a Showman, but us normal people cannot. My advice is to get a silverface Twin and an attenuator. The Weber Mass 200 is absolutely brilliant. And forget about reissues! The silverface Twins are still pretty cheap, but in 10 years they won't be.

Daniel Deathtide

You can definitely get a silverface twin for cheap - I see them pretty often for sale in the $700-900 range. All those players who have decided those amps are too heavy and too loud to cart around for gigs are getting rid of them because most people mike their amps for shows these days.

Our guitarist loves his Milkman The Amp.

When we started gigging, he was bringing out a Twin Reverb black panel reissue. We'd fire it up for soundcheck and the sound guy would go pale as a ghost and say "That needs to get turned way, way down." It never sounded its best at 'sound guy approved' volume.

He now gigs a Milkman The Amp into a 112 and he loves it. We recorded a 30-second song for a compilation a few months ago and he likes The Amp enough to have recorded with it. You can use it without a cab so it's great for bedroom recording/practice as well.

Party Nerves - Loud, Fast, and Kind of a Bummer



Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 16:32:06

I have an Allen Classic 57 and I love it!

AndrewTesta wrote:

ArtS wrote:

Not sure I'm following this thread correctly. Are you asking for quieter amp that has Fender Tone, or using Surfy Bear Reverb with Twin? I have a Twin, but it's incredibly loud to get tone so I'd never be allowed to play it in the house.

If this is truly a smaller amp question with good reverb and tremolo, get a used fender deluxe for about $5-600.

If I'm missing the point of this thread, please accept apologies in advance.

Sort of both Laughing would like quieter amp with earlier breakup I was just asking if anyone knew if a surfybear sounded better through a deluxe vs Princeton vs pro etc.

Ugh, don't get old! Sorry can only comment on how it sounds through a Deluxe, which is awesome! I help the Deluxe along with what I call simulated breakup via my Surfy Bear Blossom Point.

A surfy bear reverb into a surfy bear blossom point (Blossom Point is last pedal in chain) playing through a Deluxe gives an edgier, lower volume, surf tone. Hope I'm back on course. (If not, I'll personally remove myself from the thread... Big Grin )


Agent Octopus
Agent Octopus Bandcamp

Last edited: Aug 05, 2023 21:28:51

ArtS wrote:

AndrewTesta wrote:

ArtS wrote:

Not sure I'm following this thread correctly. Are you asking for quieter amp that has Fender Tone, or using Surfy Bear Reverb with Twin? I have a Twin, but it's incredibly loud to get tone so I'd never be allowed to play it in the house.

If this is truly a smaller amp question with good reverb and tremolo, get a used fender deluxe for about $5-600.

If I'm missing the point of this thread, please accept apologies in advance.

Sort of both Laughing would like quieter amp with earlier breakup I was just asking if anyone knew if a surfybear sounded better through a deluxe vs Princeton vs pro etc.

Ugh, don't get old! Sorry can only comment on how it sounds through a Deluxe, which is awesome! I help the Deluxe along with what I call simulated breakup via my Surfy Bear Blossom Point.

A surfy bear reverb into a surfy bear blossom point (Blossom Point is last pedal in chain) playing through a Deluxe gives an edgier, lower volume, surf tone. Hope I'm back on course. (If not, I'll personally remove myself from the thread... Big Grin )

One day closer Laughing thanks for the input my friend. The blossom point is great. I recommend it to everyone who doesn’t have one. I’ve been leaning towards a deluxe but have been seeing hundreds for sale, more so than a twin which makes me wonder… what’s wrong with it Uh-Oh

PartyNerves wrote:

Our guitarist loves his Milkman The Amp.

When we started gigging, he was bringing out a Twin Reverb black panel reissue. We'd fire it up for soundcheck and the sound guy would go pale as a ghost and say "That needs to get turned way, way down." It never sounded its best at 'sound guy approved' volume.

He now gigs a Milkman The Amp into a 112 and he loves it. We recorded a 30-second song for a compilation a few months ago and he likes The Amp enough to have recorded with it. You can use it without a cab so it's great for bedroom recording/practice as well.

Ironically I love my twin at low volume. Not sure how it would sound mic’d(?) but i would imagine it would be great if not better, maybe not… I have a baby on the way so gigging isn’t in the cards for me anytime soon :/ but low volume bedroom playing on the twin has been great and I look forward to do some recording soon. Just feel like I’m underutilizing it. I’m sure they all record well anyway when you get them just right.

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