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Permalink 2023 Surf Guitar 101 Annual Festival Appreciation Thread

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I thought I'd save Jeff the trouble of asking everyone for their impressions, recollections, highlights and suggestions about the festival this past weekend (7/28/2023). So don't be bashful, Jeff and his crew aren't doing this for the money, and I'm sure they'd really appreciate getting some positive feedback on all our experiences.

I'll start by saying this was the most amazing convention (though it's no longer called that) yet. I've been to every year save one (death in the family) and have performed at least at a half dozen of them.

There are many things I could single out about this event, but utmost to me is the camaradery and love shared by hundreds of people for this tiny uber-nerdy genre of music. Much of adult life is finding ways to connect with other people; to feel part of something bigger than oneself. For a lot of us here, crazily enough that became surf music.

I enjoyed many of the performances, no surprise that my favorite was Satan's Pilgrims - and that's not because I happened to play on 3 songs. We all (we other surf bands) do our best to piece together the various elements of surf music to find our own individual approach. But inevitably only a few get it so right that they transcend the bulk of us and rise to the top. For me it's Satan's Pilgrims. They hit all the marks for me. Great thanks to the festival, the Pilgrims and Thomas Lauderdale for making the trip down.

The venue was among my favorite of all the conventions. I liked having a room right there. And I liked that there was decent food options a short walk or an easy drive (had perhaps the best taco truck experience in my life, and I live in the Bay Area). The drinks were a tad pricey, but that's probably par for the course. I did appreciate that the bar was staffed well so it wasn't a long wait.

A huge highlight was spending time with the founder of this website Brian and his lovely wife Debra, who made the trip from Iowa. To some degree we are all indebted to Brian for all his generous hard work setting up and maintaining this website. And the best way to show your appreciation to him is to keep this forum active. And not just gear posts! Mad

One other highlight I'd like to mention is seeing The Sound Of The Surf film in it's final state. I had seen a previous edit many years ago, but this is not the same film. The pacing was tightened up, the narrative flowed smoothly, the interviews were salient and absorbing and the footage is unbelievable. It may not cover everything we super surf nerds may have wanted, but it succeeds as an overview, introduction and testament to the genre that can be appreciated by a general audience and a diehard fan.

I enjoyed many other acts, but I'll leave it to others to sing their praises. Jeff, Ran, JonPaul, Marie, Duff, The Quilters and whoever else I'm forgetting or haven't met on the staff - my deepest gratitude for putting this together. I highly recommend you start planning to attend next year. Spending time in Southern California is an experience to remember, I look forward to it every year.

PS: to those of you who I neglected to say hello to, please feel free to come up to me, and remind me who I'm talking to. I get a bit overwhelmed seeing so many people at once while trying to remember their names (we're all getting up there in age and I'm sure you can relate). I'm always glad to chat with you.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Jul 31, 2023 13:11:16

So many amazingly friendly people! i wish I had time to talk to everyone, and if I didn't, it was my loss. I came home with about 12 amazing stories to share, that makes for a great weekend. Sitting in with the Tikiyaki Orchestra was a dream come true! Pollo Del Mar was warmly welcomed back, and we all appreciated that. I agree with Danny that having the event attached to the hotel was a huge convenience. I loved Jonpaul's chat with PJ, I hope a video get's uploaded soon. Jon Blair- good luck with completing the final steps of getting the Sound of the Surf documentary released. So much great music!!! Thank you Jeff and all who helped present the show.

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Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

I am so envious of those that got to attend. I was at the first one but only for a short while. This postage stamp farm, back then, with horses, llamas, dogs, cats, and chickens, didn’t allow me much time away from it.

The years pass. And there’s always something to keep me away.
I was talking to my wife about it last week. For once in 40yrs we are animal free. She ask me if I had thought about attending the convention/ festival next year. Well I thought about it. But I’ll be 74 next year. I think I’ll let all you youngen’s go and enjoy yourselves. I’ll bask in the after glow of your reports here for those of us that don’t attend.
But you never know. Just don’t knock the old guy in the walker over. Big Grin

Last edited: Jul 31, 2023 14:42:34

I will not die without going to at least one of these. This year sounds like a true triumph. I truly cannot imagine the work that goes into an event like this. I don't look upon the organizers with respect, it's more like reverence. To me they are super human, and I thank each one of you even if I haven't been able to go yet. This year it was because I haven't worked in seven months and have no money, which is because of the writer's and SAG strikes. Congratulations on such a success this year!!

Daniel Deathtide

Joelman wrote:

But I’ll be 74 next year. I think I’ll let all you youngen’s go and enjoy yourselves. I’ll bask in the after glow of your reports here for those of us that don’t attend.
But you never know. Just don’t knock the old guy in the walker over. Big Grin

I mean this to encourage, not to disparage the event: you'll fit right in. At 37 I feel like I'm one of the youngest regulars. Though I did notice a pretty good amount of people younger than me, which is great!

The lineup was truly fantastic -- I feel like I ticked off a bunch from my bucket list. The venue was great, similar to the last one which I enjoyed but upgrades where it mattered! However if it sold out maybe we gotta move onward?

Thanks so much to everybody that made it happen. With a toddler and a newborn I have to be pretty choosy about my surf festival opportunities and I have no doubt that I chose wisely.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Danny, thank you so much for starting this festival appreciation thread. As with many others, I too look forward to making it out there one of these years soon, and to hear the great success from having it all in one location just adds to my fervor. Congrats to Jeff and all who put in all of the necessary effort behind the scenes just to make it all work! Now, let's see some videos!


Padraig wrote:

... Now, let's see some videos!

You're welcome Patrick, I suggest you subscribe to Dave F's youtube, he'll be posting a bunch.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Cool topic -

First of all, a huge congrats to TikiDude Jeff Hansen for getting this one together. He texted me early on when he made the announcement for the lineup, and the date. I was blown away! I was also bummed because I had a legitimate excuse for not being able to attend this year. (shamelessplug) I teach guitar building class once a month to 6 people at Texas Toast Guitars, and the 7 day class was last week, ending Sunday. We had the class planned for a year, and there was no way I could get out of it. If I could swing it, I would have 100% been there.

But anyway, I'm so happy for Jeff, and thrilled at what he has done with the festival over the years. I was talking to band mate Maui from the A-Sonics, and telling him about the lineup, and how cool it was. And the fact that it's at a cool venue with rooms on site makes it even cooler. Early on, there was talk of making the SG101 Fest kind of like Viva Las Vegas, a weekender at a hotel with with space for all the music. That's a big task. And Jeff pulled if off this year.

I haven't been to as many as I wish, and this year was a huge miss on my part. But, there is always next year, and if I can, I'll be there.

Congrats Jeff, and all that helped! Very Very good job!

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Tikiyaki was outstanding. It was a real treat to see them. We did get to see Ferenc play a little ukulele with The Tikiyaki Orchestra, playing happily next to JP. TO played a long set, roughly 1 hour 24 mins.

Satan's Pilgrims, also outstanding. They wore suit jackets, no capes.
Garrett was ripping on guitar. So cool to see Danny on keyboards with SP.
SP finished their set around 11:30.

The people were super into it & were immediately on the wooden floor next to the stage as soon as TO started. They stayed on the floor all Friday night.

The venue sound man was nice enough to give me a soundboard feed both Friday & Saturday. I did record all the PJ interview & plan to use the soundboard audio for it & all the bands where it fits. PJ said he intended to play, but was not up to it that day.

Right after the PJ interview, Marty Tippens & Matt Quilter did a reverb shootout for a few minutes.

It was great & exhausting for me, standing most of the time.
I did record Friday & most of Saturday when I reached my limit.
Had to chill for a while across the street. A record number of attendees meant the floor space was full of people & was too difficult at times to maneuver. I'm sure my cameras were a pita to some.

Attached are the set lists from TO & Satan's Pilgrims.
I started editing the TO set & sent the first video to them, pending approval.

I was toying with the idea of making the entire sets available for free download, warts & all. I'm assuming the bands may not give that a thumbs up & hesitate to ask them.

If nobody else starts a video thread then I will. I am typically slow at making videos. If there is no thread soon, then I will start one so we can all add to it.


ONCE AGAIN you did an exemplary job on 3 days of surf immersion. Lotsa new faces, lotsa old faces, and it always amazes me just how....NICE everybody is in this fanatical community! And every single band had something to offer.Again, Jeff, thanks for all that you do and I'm STILL laughing over this comment you posted-!

David Arnson


Last edited: Aug 01, 2023 03:12:05

Thanks everybody
Means a lot, keep ‘em coming


Congrats again on putting together such a pillar of an event for this community!

I forgot to mention that I am already looking forward to next year's Fest!!!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Bummed out that the members jam was skipped...

Ferenc, already planning,

member jam needs more people interested.
Gellert has some ideas.


Gotta get back for another SG101. Had so much fun in 2018! Jeff, Thanks for putting this together each year.


Canadian Surf

bigtikidude wrote:

Ferenc, already planning,

member jam needs more people interested.
Gellert has some ideas.

Yes,there will be changes for the member's jam. Communication is the #1 most important factor when saying "I'm in". Responding to private messages is also crucial, and not after the festival has ended.

Going forward, the four of us who were prepared and present, have decided a re-do to the signup procedures were in order.

More information will be posted later. Let's keep this thread focused on everything wonderful that went perfectly during the festival's three days.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

First of all, huge thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this happen!

Still thinking about how I felt this weekend. There was not one band that disappointed me and plenty that exceeded my expectations. I can't really single out bands or tracks except to say that hearing the Eliminators play Dawn Patrol sent me to surf music nerd heaven. Hearing two Phantom Four tunes in the Waves of Steele set meant so much to me. Just two examples... As usual, it was the kind and fun and interesting folks there who were the highlight. When I started doing a surf music show on KFJC radio, someone there told me "you can't imagine how this will change your life." Little did I know.

By the way, JoelMan - I am older than you are and walk with a cane. No excuses!

Wow, what can we all say? This event was superb. My wife and I have been to Tiki Oasis many times but decided to fly down from Sacramento to attend SG101. I'm retired now but having put together large events over several days myself, I can only applaud Jeff and his team on the fact that things went smoothly. There are so many details that must be thought about and addressed beforehand for these types of functions to run smoothly....and a smooth event it was !!!!

My only thought that might warrant further review would be to consider other food vendors. I don't feel the vendor came prepared for this volume of people. The food was tasty but several at my table complained that they waited close to 45 minutes for a hotdog. The line was never that long so waiting like that was ridiculous. I waited almost as long for an item only to be told at the window that they ran out of it long ago. I suggested they put a sign on their menu board indicating what's no longer available!? They also ran out of napkins and their battery ran out on their ordering ipad (shockingly, no backup was available) so many folks could not pay with credit cards and some had no cash. Some hotel employees in line had enough and decided to go elsewhere too.

The food issue aside, the hotel, the level of talent at the event and the overall execution was outstanding! We've already decided to come back next year! Oh yea, Satan's Pilgrims rocked !

Mahalo and well done !!

Last edited: Aug 02, 2023 17:15:00

I'd like to thank Jeff and all the volunteers who pulled off a great festival. Everything was well organized and the music was great. Also thanks to the hotel staff who made the whole venue possible. As far as the music, the Surf Kings set was worth every penny I spent with Delta to fly down for the festival.


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