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It has it if you got it then.

Gonna ask possibly a dumb question but do you need a little overdrive to make a decent drip?

I tried a clean boost, used lighter picks, cranked the volume up a bit more and it still doesn’t sound how I’d expect


Last edited: Mar 03, 2022 02:21:57

I seem to be using my bridge which gets me closer to a drip sound but I’ve been experimenting with all of them


Last edited: Mar 03, 2022 02:22:11

dontrunfrombears wrote:

Gonna ask possibly a dumb question but do you need a little overdrive to make a decent drip?

I tried a clean boost, used lighter picks, cranked the volume up a bit more and it still doesn’t sound how I’d expect

As a rule, most of the Surf songs of the early ‘60s was played clean, but the Brownface Fender Showman amp had a bit of grit to the sound that wasn’t overdrive, but more a case of the amp being somewhere in between clean and overdriven, with a tendency to sustain, but the notes kept their definition.

I find that drip happens when there is ample reverb and the strings are lightly muted, so that the decay of the string is rapid, but the reverb tails have some time to ring out. While a 6G15 tank is the ultimate drip machine, there are only so many of those out there and even the reissues are demanding a hefty price, these days. (I have a reissue, and it’s pretty good, but an original 6G15 is awesome.) The Surfy Bear is as good as it gets and has a very natural sound, all but indistinguishable from a 6G15.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Jun 03, 2023 13:32:08

Ok so with much experimentation I’ve managed to get what I wanted (phew) using a boost before the SB, middle and neck pickup position and equally important put only the smallest pressure to mute the strings I’ve got my drip! Thanks for all the tips guys

Oh and a thin fender celluloid pick seemed to produce the best effect too

Seems my background playing rock has left me a little heavy handed so I’m working on that

Last edited: Feb 10, 2022 08:56:21

That's interesting that you use the neck pickup, and a light pick. When I play Dick Dale stuff (which is a lot), I live on the bridge pickup. I also use a relatively heavy/thick pick. It's the blue Dunlop extra grip picks, anyone else use those?

Like you, I also use a clean boost. It really makes a huge difference. Anyway, I am glad you found the sound that you were looking for! - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer wrote:

That's interesting that you use the neck pickup, and a light pick. When I play Dick Dale stuff (which is a lot), I live on the bridge pickup. I also use a relatively heavy/thick pick. It's the blue Dunlop extra grip picks, anyone else use those?

Like you, I also use a clean boost. It really makes a huge difference. Anyway, I am glad you found the sound that you were looking for!

That's pretty much how I do it, which is to say, bridge pickup and usually a heavy pick. Sometimes I use very thick V-Picks, up to 4 millimeters in thickness.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Feb 12, 2022 08:18:28

SixStringSurfer wrote:

That's interesting that you use the neck pickup, and a light pick. When I play Dick Dale stuff (which is a lot), I live on the bridge pickup. I also use a relatively heavy/thick pick. It's the blue Dunlop extra grip picks, anyone else use those?

Like you, I also use a clean boost. It really makes a huge difference. Anyway, I am glad you found the sound that you were looking for!

Btw been listening to you guys, very cool! And I love the tones (and drip!) that you guys get

Weird but I had my Boss DM-2w before my Surfybear Metal and now I get all the drip I could ask for. (With the delay effect disengaged) Don’t need a boost pedal, maybe it’s the buffer in the delay

Last edited: May 09, 2022 06:59:53

dontrunfrombears wrote:

Weird but I had my Boss DM-2w before my Surfybear Metal and now I get all the drip I could ask for. Don’t need a boost pedal, maybe it’s the buffer in the delay

I have. DM-2W on my board, and have used it to stimulate drip, quite effectively.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Jun 03, 2023 13:33:31

Yeah, the Boss pedal's effect on the sound is probably due to the buffer. The drip effect lives in the high end and that's what the buffer would be restoring.

Redfeather wrote:

Yeah, the Boss pedal's effect on the sound is probably due to the buffer. The drip effect lives in the high end and that's what the buffer would be restoring.

That makes a lot of sense.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

dontrunfrombears wrote:

Got a question for you guys, I’ve been playing guitar years but just getting into playing surf

Got a smaller amp for the house, a Fender Vibro Champ reissue and I’m going through a Surfy Bear Metal and playing a Strat.

I put all the settings on the surfy bear around 6 or 7, the amp is trebly enough as far as I can tell. Was using the bridge pickup

My issue is that the drip doesn’t sound very pronounced, going through the forum I can see it could be a number of issues (not least being my technique) but could my gear be the culprit or the volume I play at (I have a 5 year old to avoid waking up)

Thanks in advance Big Grin

I know I’m a year too late and congratulations on the baby! This might sound crazy but if the amp is ground level and you’re in front of it I noticed if you put your ear towards the bottom of the amplifier, the drip is right there. I remember feeling the same way about my surfy metal for a long time and once I got a TRRI and my bedroom didn’t sound like 1965 I got down to actually listen closer (like I had to do with my blues Jr all the time to hear some drip) it was right there at the bottom of the amp. So now I have it tilted back on its legs to allow for it to hit me higher and not hit my feet

AndrewTesta wrote:

I know I’m a year too late and congratulations on the baby! This might sound crazy but if the amp is ground level and you’re in front of it I noticed if you put your ear towards the bottom of the amplifier, the drip is right there. I remember feeling the same way about my surfy metal for a long time and once I got a TRRI and my bedroom didn’t sound like 1965 I got down to actually listen closer (like I had to do with my blues Jr all the time to hear some drip) it was right there at the bottom of the amp. So now I have it tilted back on its legs to allow for it to hit me higher and not hit my feet

Try putting it on a chair and, if possible, tilt it there a little. It will sound even better ;)

_Introducing; Impala '59; An Evening with; Herr Magnatech Bittet Zum Tanz; Europa

Changing label.

Last edited: May 31, 2023 11:21:28

Jojobaplant wrote:

AndrewTesta wrote:

I know I’m a year too late and congratulations on the baby! This might sound crazy but if the amp is ground level and you’re in front of it I noticed if you put your ear towards the bottom of the amplifier, the drip is right there. I remember feeling the same way about my surfy metal for a long time and once I got a TRRI and my bedroom didn’t sound like 1965 I got down to actually listen closer (like I had to do with my blues Jr all the time to hear some drip) it was right there at the bottom of the amp. So now I have it tilted back on its legs to allow for it to hit me higher and not hit my feet

Try putting it on a chair and, if possible, tilt it there a little. It will sound even better ;)

Do they make chairs that can hold a TR??? Laughing Ima have to try that

Lol, if the chair can hold you, it can hold a Twin Reverb ;)

_Introducing; Impala '59; An Evening with; Herr Magnatech Bittet Zum Tanz; Europa

Changing label.

I have a Surfybear Classic kit and I get a ton of drip with flatwounds on my Strat and almost no drip with rounds on my Jazzmaster and Coronet (which has a P90 and is not for surf but just to confirm that rounds drip much less than flats with my rig).

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