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Permalink Explain "Math Rock" to me.

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OK what is the SG101 verdict on so-called Math Rock?

I'll admit I approach thie genre with a dose of scepticism has anyone got any bands that may change my view?

at 00:45???????

I dont have a clue what math rock is, but it sounds terrifying!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

youtubing "math rock"brings up this

is that math rock? doesn't really make me happy...

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Math Rock = music defined by complex structure and timing patterns. Bands like Don Cabellero, Battles and Hella. Despite being quite broadminded about music, I would rather eat my own earwax than listen to it.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Nothing sounds better than a bunch of broken cymbals turned upside down. Very Happy

Anything where you have to count higher than 4?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

There was a very fine young surf band from Georgia about 8 years ago called The Squares. They put out a great debut CD that was fairly close to trad surf, and then for their second CD they had gotten into math rock, which was interesting but way to intellectual. Like staring at a book of train schedules.


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I enjoy a few of the Math rock bands. Don Caballero is really interesting. They've been around for years.

As far as explaining what it is: I would describe it as very complex time signatures and tempo changes, massively repetitive guitar lines that border on avant styles, but with much more structure. The drummer tends to be the "front-man". Basically the musical interpretation of the pythagorian theorem Wink

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I just realized, much to my embarassment, that I am not as open minded as I had previously thought.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

I always get hung up on 'Word Problem Rock'...I hate that.

I failed math rock.

This is my kind of Math rock!!!!


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It's Math Rock, and I suck at math...badly. I'm amongst the 5/4 of people that are bad with fractions.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Math Rock = music defined by complex structure and timing patterns. Bands like Don Cabellero, Battles and Hella. Despite being quite broadminded about music, I would rather eat my own earwax than listen to it.

I remember Leonard Bernstein talking about something like this in a movie or recording we listened to elementary school, shortly before the dork ages (mine anyway). He was talking about the approach as a school of neo-classical or maybe pseudo-classical music in which music was treated as arbitrary sequences of notes that could be transformed in various ways. He played Happy Birthday backwards and upside down (the notes, not him) to show that most people aren't very good at even recognizing what is going on. I think he was agin it, at least as something likely to produce enjoyment, but he didn't put it nearly as well as you do. However, hearing HB in various inversions was interesting. That stuck with me. The idea, not the sound.

I thought all music was math? Wasnt Bach a mathematician? Thats why there is only 2 types of prodigys: math and music which are both the same. (so really only 1 type)

Like staring at a book of train schedules.

And discovering that you can't get into that from here?

I found some tab for math rock!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I love Don Cabellero...but some of the others I dig mildly...check this vid from yet another "supergroup" featuring members of Don Cab and Helmet...the quintessential "math rock" band: Battles

The lead-lap-top player kicks ass! I hear they need a new i-Phone player.


I found some tab for math rock!

That's a toe-tapper.

I like Dillinger Escape Plan, Battles and Hella, but a little definitely goes a long way. It also usually sends me running for a Ramones album, too.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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