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Permalink donate-o-meter gone wild!

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Man, i don't think i've ever seen the donate-o-meter tally up as much as August 2007! What a generous bunch of reverb-freaks you all turned out to be! Looks like this forum might just might stick around another decade or so if you all keep it up.

Viva sg101!!!

in reverb we trust,



What a generous bunch of reverb-freaks you all turned out to be! Looks like this forum might just might stick around another decade or so if you all keep it up.

I doubt the forum future will be determined by the money donations but rather depend on the forum posts...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


What a generous bunch of reverb-freaks you all turned out to be! Looks like this forum might just might stick around another decade or so if you all keep it up.

I doubt the forum future will be determined by the money donations but rather depend on the forum posts...

You're right...but it is cool that the site seems to be financially supporting itself...

The list of August donators is long enough that some names have dropped off the bottom of the list!

If not an indicator of this forum's future health, it's at least a comment on its current quality. Cool

Thanks Brian!


A couple of those transactions are from some non-SG101 business. I need to filter those out from the block somehow. But anyway, yes, thank you. It is actually quite embarrassing how much money is sent my way. But I am using it to donate to various open source software projects that the site and site software make use of. Also donating to the people that create the security filters for the site (I get several hack attempts a week). And of course paying for the hosting, etc.

So to sum up: thanks to everyone who contributes financially and thanks to those who contribute meaningful posts and discussions to the forums and news. Thanks to those who keep the calendar full of events. Thanks to all who hang out here and help make this a cool place to talk about surf music!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I heard Brian has a new car. I dunno if its related or not.

Thanks Brian! This is a great forum...

I hope you enjoy the car... LMAO


I love SG101 and like all the different tools within the site. I'm glad that bands can share MP3s with members, that there is a calendar to post shows and events, and that there's a place for us to discuss what we love.

Brian, I'm definitely glad that we have this setup. The yahoo group was fun, but this is much more interactive and comprehensive.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

as I told Brian before, take the money and run!

seriously, doing a tiny bit of moderating to help out, I get some idea of the amount of work that Brian puts into this, and I still think it's incredible. Im sure he's getting something out of it both in terms of surfmusic and programming/computerstuff, but still, he does an awful lot of work, and it isn't always the fun stuff. I doubt sg101 has funded a new car for brian, but I hope at least it isn't costing him any money - if I remember correctly, the donatomat wasnt up from the beginning and Brian was paying for bandwidth himself. I hope he at least got/took that back. I like the idea that some of our money goes to the open source software we use, since it will undoubtly help out other passionate niche-market groups as well.

anyway, enough allready with the moneytalk. what Im saying is, that unless you're in a cubicle on a busy office floor or in a public library, now would be good time to get up from behind your PC and give this man a standing ovation! Worship


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Brian - For all you do, this Bud's for you!!! (Or whatever your favorite drink is)




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