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Isle of Kent, MD

Posted on Apr 10 2023 11:07 AM
Comments aside. That's not what this post is about - at least for the immediate future. It's for Brian to keep us up to date and for alternatives. If you want to complain about content, post that somewhere else. (At least for the time being until this crisis is resolved one way or another)
You've done a great job. I'm not much on Facebook, so I might not be on that one as much. If you can dummy down this site so we can still post and just links, I'd be all for that.
If you just don't have the time and energy to do it anymore, that's good too. You've give all of us a great format to discuss surf music, surf rock, surf, etc. We should say thank you and do what you can.
If there is something we can do to help, alot of us would. But I couldn't program or run a site like this unless the world was ending and I had a year or two to figure it out, without working on anything else.
Thanks, keep us updated. How can we help?
— Surf.The most dangerous of genres...
MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
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Last edited: Apr 10, 2023 11:13:42
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Dollars, Taxes

Posted on Apr 10 2023 03:54 PM
Brian, although I only officially joined SG101 a while back, I had been lurking for many years, back to what may be considered "the golden age" but I'll say this, we still have a great group of participants who care about surf music, its history as well as its current expression, its gear and the people writing and playing it throughout the world.
There is still much sharing of knowledge and ideas on past and present efforts as well as gig listings and gig/recording reviews.
Although we have morphed over the years into a newer group of participants (along with some of the remaining icons), your work and your site continues to serve the surf music world tremendously, so I echo Art's request, how can we help?
Sonicris, I love you dude! You have been here since the beginning and have always added much to the conversation and knowledge base. I'm sorry to hear that you are now questioning the worth of the effort. Just know that many of us appreciate your input and knowledge and hope to continue to see it given here.
— Patrick
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Apr 10 2023 05:01 PM
I'm a big fan of Sonichris and I understood what he means. The nature of the site has changed... we used to actually talk about surf music. Sometimes anyway.
There isn't much anyone can do to help. It isn't money. I need to spend hundreds of hours updating the tech stack of the site. Or we can live without embedded photos for a while.
But I'm kind of questioning why. We had a fantastic run. Lots of good stuff. But I'm not sure I'm into running the site anymore. And with these bit-rot issues maybe it's time to retire the site. I don't know yet.
There are plenty of forum hosting sites if anyone else wants to start a new forum after this one retires.
I do know that I am just not going to pull the plug and go dark when it happens. I will try to leave an archived version of this site up with all the news stories, yahoo group archives, and forums. This will be a static site with no database or other services so it should be easier and cheaper to host. I'm not sure people are going to donate just to keep our archives around so it needs to be a less resource intensive site. I've started thinking about that and that will take me a few months to create at least.
More thoughts coming later. Maybe we should start a separate thread.
Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts.
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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Posted on Apr 10 2023 05:44 PM
Brian wrote:
I'm a big fan of Sonichris and I understood what he means. The nature of the site has changed... we used to actually talk about surf music. Sometimes anyway.
Thanks for the support Brian - I started another thread The Future of SG101?
— "You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"
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Posted on Apr 10 2023 05:54 PM
chiba wrote:
Sonichris wrote:
Frankly, _ could care less what Bullshit amp you think is a suitable substitute for what we all know is the real setup for this music. Or what Jaguar or Jazzmaster is the new hot setup - or even a Strat. (that's for you Ivan) _
We used to have big big discussions over all the little things, and I thought that made a difference. We were discussing history. But then Facebook came along, and suddenly, we differently communicate. I HATE Fb.
BTW, It's not surf rock, it's surf music. That's the way it has always been. Don't make me fight you.
Gatekeeping doesn't look good on anybody, so maybe it's your attitude that's helping us "differently communicate."
If I want to call it surf rock, I can call it surf rock. If I want to play it on a Les Paul through a Peavey Classic 50, well, I can do that too. That's how music works - because it's art, not science.
You wonder why more people don't participate here? It just might be because they read posts like yours and figure they don't need that kind of gatekeeping/negativity in their lives, and they just move on.
There's enough space here for all of us who share the love of surf rock in all its forms - and no matter what guitar or amp we choose to use.
I couldn’t agree more.
— The artist formerly known as: Synchro
When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.
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Posts: 1224

Posted on Apr 10 2023 06:29 PM
Well I know it's gotta be a tough call to make - and so first of all thank you so much for the forum and everything you've done for the surf music scene over the years. I'll always be grateful for what you've provided with this site.
I will say that I do use several forums on various topics and so I don't believe forums are completely dead yet. So maybe this site needs to be tweaked, simplified, automated, or something to keep it going and active in some form. I know there are a lot of features and sections here that I never use, so maybe stripping things down to a basic forum might be the way to go, or some form that perhaps makes it less (or no) work for you. Maybe there could be volunteers to help moderate.
Some forums I regularly visit, and are super active, are the Steve Hoffman forums for music, and the Newcastle United forum for the soccer/football team I follow. Maybe those sites are something that SG101 could emulate, just as far as the features and stripped down look.
I'm 100% behind whatever you decide, but will agree with what others have said, Facebook and other social media sites are really not a substitute for SG101, even though many treat those sites as a substitute.
— Sean
Double Crown Records
Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD
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Posted on Apr 10 2023 07:15 PM
Brian, you've been a great custodian to the surf community. Whatever happens, this site has been (still is) a gold mine of information.
— Paul
The Dead Planet Surfers
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Posts: 25634

Posted on Apr 10 2023 07:35 PM
We just changed the name of the
SurfGuitar101 convention
To surf guitar 101 festival.
It’s going to be a huge 3 day event with 21 bands..
I sure hope the site stays around.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Apr 13, 2018
Posts: 1378
New Orleans

Posted on Apr 10 2023 07:49 PM
This site changed my life in huge ways. I was into surf music since the early 90s when I was 21, but never realized how rich the history was, and how insanely cool the gear was.
I absolutely understand the feelings you're talking about, and if you've had enough, then you've had enough.
I heartily disagree that the age of forums is over. They are such a breath of fresh air and real people amid the ridiculous online persona crap that social media supports. I'm not on Facebook, so if this site goes, I will probably lose touch with the world of surf music.
And guys, Sonichris has the right to be emotional! That's the beauty of these sites is that people can voice their thoughts. If someone is going to give up on the site because of him, in my mind that's not really a loss. Better would be to have members challenge and discuss rather than simply react. How boring with the world be if everyone accepted everything?
— Daniel Deathtide
Last edited: Apr 10, 2023 19:50:24
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Posts: 186
Quimper Peninsula, WA

Posted on Apr 10 2023 09:08 PM
Not expecting anyone to care what I think, as mostly a lurker and poseur and wannabe - but i have used this site since the beginning and was on the Yahoo! list before that. I've still never played a live surf set, but I practice near-daily as I have for almost 20 years (still terrible, but that is ok - I have a ton of fun). On this forum I have gained so much guitar and amp advice, had people coach me on buying a guitar, I sold an amp, bought an amp... and had a lot of fun.
I actually don't know anyone In Real Life that is moved by surf melodies like I am. I like knowing you all are out there, somewhere.
In short, thank you!
I hope there is a way to keep it going, and I am happy to help financially, creatively, or other. But again, thank you to those who keep the site running and those who contribute and patiently answer the questions from noobs like me (even if we've been noobs for decades).
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Posted on Apr 10 2023 10:20 PM
chiba wrote:
Sonichris wrote:
Frankly, _ could care less what Bullshit amp you think is a suitable substitute for what we all know is the real setup for this music. Or what Jaguar or Jazzmaster is the new hot setup - or even a Strat. (that's for you Ivan) _
We used to have big big discussions over all the little things, and I thought that made a difference. We were discussing history. But then Facebook came along, and suddenly, we differently communicate. I HATE Fb.
BTW, It's not surf rock, it's surf music. That's the way it has always been. Don't make me fight you.
Gatekeeping doesn't look good on anybody, so maybe it's your attitude that's helping us "differently communicate."
If I want to call it surf rock, I can call it surf rock. If I want to play it on a Les Paul through a Peavey Classic 50, well, I can do that too. That's how music works - because it's art, not science.
You wonder why more people don't participate here? It just might be because they read posts like yours and figure they don't need that kind of gatekeeping/negativity in their lives, and they just move on.
There's enough space here for all of us who share the love of surf rock in all its forms - and no matter what guitar or amp we choose to use.
Dude, you've been here for 6 months. You know nothing about me or my time here. I ask you to look at my past posts. You are accusing me of crimes I did not commit. I am generally helpful and knowledgeable. Unless there is a need to call out general bullshit and dumb-fuckery.
— "You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"
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Central VA

Posted on Apr 11 2023 09:35 AM
Sonichris wrote:
Dude, you've been here for 6 months. You know nothing about me or my time here. I ask you to look at my past posts. You are accusing me of crimes I did not commit. I am generally helpful and knowledgeable. Unless there is a need to call out general bullshit and dumb-fuckery.
You're right, I don't know you, and based on the posts I've seen in this thread, I wouldn't want to. I'm sure you're generally helpful and knowledgable, but like I said, gatekeeping doesn't look good on anybody, and that is exactly what you're doing here, this time, in this thread. It's not a crime, but it is rude - don't play the victim and don't act superior to anybody else on SG101 just because you've been here longer than they have.
I may have only been here 6 months but that doesn't mean I'm somebody prone to "bullshit and dumb-fuckery." You don't know me, either, so don't assume I'm just some newb punk with nothing to contribute. My history with this site may be short, but I'm not new to forums, and I'm certainly not new to people acting out because their feelings are hurt.
I know firsthand what a difficult, time consuming and thankless job it is to run a forum like this, and the fact that Brian has kept it going as long as he has speaks volumes to his dedication to the community. It would indeed be a shame if he were to shut down active participation, but nothing lasts forever and if his heart isn't in it any more, then he shouldn't keep doing it. You and I can offer our opinions, but in the end, it's up to him.
— --
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Ventura, CA

Posted on Apr 11 2023 10:46 AM
Have a little respect Chiba before you start bashing people who have made this site worth visiting. The belligerent tone of your post is what has contributed to the decline.
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Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Apr 11 2023 12:23 PM
While I was once very active here, I haven't been for many years due to my battle with cancer. I again show no evidence of disease, but I was NED before, so there's that...
If it weren't for members of SG101, I would never have started writing music reviews, met so many great people here who I now call personal friends, some of whom encouraged me to play in public, for which I will always be grateful. I was always pointed in the right direction musically whenever I needed advice, and this includes from everyone.
I developed severe neuropathy in my left hand after my Stem Cell Transplant which now makes playing guitar a lot more difficult, but I'm back at it again with renewed determination to play better than ever. So don't be surprised if I start asking questions again.
Last but certainly not least, I thank Brian from the bottom of my heart for everything he's done here and continues to do. It's no understatement to say the members of SG101 changed my life for the better. Whatever Brian does from now on, I wish him all the very best, and the same to everyone here.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Last edited: Apr 11, 2023 12:25:16
Joined: May 09, 2008
Posts: 1383
Isle of Kent, MD

Posted on Apr 11 2023 12:58 PM
Stormtiger wrote:
Have a little respect Chiba before you start bashing people who have made this site worth visiting. The belligerent tone of your post is what has contributed to the decline.
Not sure how belligerent Chiba was. Maybe I missed something. Anyway, I've been on here since the early 2000's and it make me incredibly sad to see it go. Brian you have earned your rest.
When Brian does shutdown, is there any simpler site we can all kind of move over too?
— Surf.The most dangerous of genres...
MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)
BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
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Kiev, Ukraine

Posted on Apr 11 2023 01:04 PM
Noel wrote:
While I was once very active here, I haven't been for many years due to my battle with cancer. I again show no evidence of disease, but I was NED before, so there's that...
If it weren't for members of SG101, I would never have started writing music reviews, met so many great people here who I now call personal friends, some of whom encouraged me to play in public, for which I will always be grateful. I was always pointed in the right direction musically whenever I needed advice, and this includes from everyone.
I developed severe neuropathy in my left hand after my Stem Cell Transplant which now makes playing guitar a lot more difficult, but I'm back at it again with renewed determination to play better than ever. So don't be surprised if I start asking questions again.
Last but certainly not least, I thank Brian from the bottom of my heart for everything he's done here and continues to do. It's no understatement to say the members of SG101 changed my life for the better. Whatever Brian does from now on, I wish him all the very best, and the same to everyone here.
For me this forum is also much more than just a musical community. In my hard times I found here unbelievable support, both emotional and material. Hope we will be able to keep it alive.
— Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine
Lost Diver
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Posted on Apr 11 2023 01:54 PM
chiba wrote:
Sonichris wrote:
Dude, you've been here for 6 months. You know nothing about me or my time here. I ask you to look at my past posts. You are accusing me of crimes I did not commit. I am generally helpful and knowledgeable. Unless there is a need to call out general bullshit and dumb-fuckery.
You're right, I don't know you, and based on the posts I've seen in this thread, I wouldn't want to. I'm sure you're generally helpful and knowledgable, but like I said, gatekeeping doesn't look good on anybody, and that is exactly what you're doing here, this time, in this thread. It's not a crime, but it is rude - don't play the victim and don't act superior to anybody else on SG101 just because you've been here longer than they have.
I may have only been here 6 months but that doesn't mean I'm somebody prone to "bullshit and dumb-fuckery." You don't know me, either, so don't assume I'm just some newb punk with nothing to contribute. My history with this site may be short, but I'm not new to forums, and I'm certainly not new to people acting out because their feelings are hurt.
I know firsthand what a difficult, time consuming and thankless job it is to run a forum like this, and the fact that Brian has kept it going as long as he has speaks volumes to his dedication to the community. It would indeed be a shame if he were to shut down active participation, but nothing lasts forever and if his heart isn't in it any more, then he shouldn't keep doing it. You and I can offer our opinions, but in the end, it's up to him.
I didn't say you or your posts were bullshit and dumbfuckery, I said that I occasionally respond to those posts with a less than helpful attitude. And if you look at my posts, you will run into a couple of those. I never called you out by name, nor did I make accusations that you are a problem. I have looked over all your posts. You are helpful and contribute, so I'm not sure why you think I have a problem with you, or you have a beef with me.
I will say this - if all this forum has to offer is cheap gear talk, it doesnt have much value any more. There are better forums for that. Is gatekeeping wanting the forum to turn back around and be something cool again? Is it gatekeeping trying to stop every thread from being about reverb pedals? You don't realize what a thriving place this was at one time - it's a ghost town now.
Did I play the victim? I don't think so. I explained my position. And I do deserve respect for the time I've been here, just like all the others who have been here for a long time. I show them respect, you should too. You as a new guy, have to earn that respect. No matter how many other forums you have been on. We don't know you, or your agenda until we get to know you. Weren't you the one that wanted a bunch of pins removed because it interfered with how you use the forum? LAME. That was a pretty stupid post, and came off as entitled. Especially from a new guy.
It's pretty clear to me this site is going to be archived, so all this won't matter soon. I'll miss it, even if I don't participate as much as I used to during the heyday.
— "You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"
Last edited: Apr 11, 2023 14:02:50
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Wear gloves - I'm in the Rockies

Posted on Apr 11 2023 02:03 PM
Stormtiger wrote:
Have a little respect Chiba before you start bashing people who have made this site worth visiting. The belligerent tone of your post is what has contributed to the decline.
Thanks Doug!
— "You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"
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Central VA

Posted on Apr 12 2023 09:51 AM
Stormtiger wrote:
Have a little respect Chiba before you start bashing people who have made this site worth visiting. The belligerent tone of your post is what has contributed to the decline.
Don't confuse bluntness with disrespect or belligerence.
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Central VA

Posted on Apr 12 2023 09:54 AM
Sonichris wrote:
Weren't you the one that wanted a bunch of pins removed because it interfered with how you use the forum? LAME. That was a pretty stupid post, and came off as entitled. Especially from a new guy.
It was a suggestion, not a mandate. It clearly wasn't a good one, and everybody moved on. Nice to see your reaction to it was to judge me as entitled. Tells me exactly how much respect I should afford you. After all, as you said, respect is earned.
— --
Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!