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Wow, this site darned near impossible to use on my mobile phone. Any hope of a responsive design in the future,? I figured not, but there's no harm in asking the question, I reckon.


I can use it fine on my phone,
Which is funny as I’m not tech savvy.


I started working on updates to make this site mobile friendly and probably got 75% of the way done but then divorce etc happened and I lost my momentum. Then my interests and time demands changed, etc. etc.

Believe me it is painful for me too. The cobbler's kids always have the worst shoes.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I hate mobile sites. I set my phone's browser to display desktop sites.

Brian, I hope this makes you feel better.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

I had just started on the forums which is the last (and biggest) part of the site that needs mobile updating. I had some functionality working and it was so much better. Someday maybe? I dunno. If anyone wants to give me a million dollars to quit my job I can finish it.

I hate mobile sites. I set my phone's browser to display desktop sites.

Brian, I hope this makes you feel better.


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

bigtikidude wrote:

I can use it fine on my phone,
Which is funny as I’m not tech savvy.

Not a matter of being tech-savvy IMHO. I'm reasonably savvy, I guess, But when elements extend well beyond the viewport and some text renders so small it can't be read, then, well...hrm. The site is not responsive in the modern context.

I'll stick to my MacBook. It'd be awesome to use my phone, though. I'm not butthurt. Just so happened that I had to leave my computer at work over the weekend and I was struggling so I figured I'd poke the bear.


ldk wrote:

I hate mobile sites. I set my phone's browser to display desktop sites.

Brian, I hope this makes you feel better.

Well, you, sir, are a masochist. The Golden Rule does not apply to masochists and neither do media queries. Wink


I’m so used to zooming in and scrolling left n right to read the site,
It doesn’t bother me and I don’t even think about it.


I am happy that the format isn't like every other forum! I don't see the need to update anything. I do switch to landscape view when I'm trying to read while wearing contacts.

Daniel Deathtide

I don't know if you remember this Trey but you asked me this same question in person at the SG101 convention we had at the Elk's Lodge. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Lol, is there an echo in here?


Brian: Yessir. I was enjoying myself quite thoroughly at that particular moment in time, so fair question, that! But I do recall. Hope I’m not bothering you again.

I’m living in the jungle and I don’t really use a computer these days, except at work. I will scroll left and right and pinch zoom but sit on my hands otherwise.


The answer I gave at that time was different than the one I have now though. Sorry.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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