Joined: Dec 11, 2013
Posts: 2537
Akron, Ohio

Posted on Jan 24 2023 05:54 AM
I have been using this for the last 6 months in various situations. My initial reason for acquiring the Stereomaker was through discussions with both Bjorn and Lorenzo. I had to wait quite a long time for this to become available, but I knew it was coming well before its release so it seemed like forever to get my hands on it. I wanted to simplify the recording process and get a truer signal on tape. Lorenzo had sent me some files utilizing it in the studio using two reverb units, 2 Quilters and going direct into the board. It sounded great! World Traveler was recorded this way.
At first, I wasn't ready to record so I just started experimenting with various amp combinations. One of the greatest sounds was running my two Marshall stacks with the Stereomaker dimed on each setting. This really separated the stereo image and the boost added significant crunch. Such a great "always on pedal" for that. With the surf setup I had to be more conservative with the settings as each speaker cab was already 4-5 feet apart.
Fast forward to this winter and I'm now in the studio. I have partnered up with Tim Roth, the original Kahuna Kings drummer and Ryan Baker, current Kahuna Kings bassist past bassist with Seafoam Tsunami, to record for a new project band called The Metabolites. This project falls back on a lifetime of influences from progressive, hard rock and heavy drip surf music. Kind of like if Dick Dale and Rush were to make an album. The songs are typically 4-7 minutes with lots of progressive influence and changes. All heavy hitting and extreme drip.
As soon as I got the Quilters plugged into the board and the Stereomaker on full stereo I was blown away at the clarity and definition. No moving cabs, mic positions and fussing around running from the control room into the live room. This was the exact sound I wanted. With my Dual Reverb Quilty Bear and a few pedals in the control room, it was all I needed for guitar tracking. Initial tracking has been mixed and piped to my main stereo in another part of the house and A/B'd against a lot of great records. The main stereo is very complex, and it brings out a great recording. The Stereomaker has produced a great stereo image equal to great music releases. My stereo image is full 3D definition with no double tracking. I'm just blown away! What a great tool! Bjorn is a genius!
— The Kahuna Kings
Last edited: Jan 24, 2023 05:56:50
Joined: Jul 28, 2008
Posts: 473
Wichita Falls, Texas

Posted on Jan 24 2023 06:19 AM
I love reading reviews about things like this which make home studio recordings sound better. I've been using a stereo Mimiq pedal with great results for my band's backing tracks. It's mostly used for guitar, I'm assuming.
I'm curious how each stack up against each other?

— _
Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.
Joined: Dec 11, 2013
Posts: 2537
Akron, Ohio

Posted on Jan 24 2023 06:40 AM
i just looked up the Mimiq and it sounds like a great pedal. I'd love to try with my Marshalls. The cost is really tempting! I currently run up to four Marshalls at one time. I might jump on this!
As far as comparing to the Stereomaker, I think it's a much different platform. I won't give away Bjorn's secrets, but he focused on creating a stereo image from one input source.

— The Kahuna Kings
Joined: Dec 11, 2013
Posts: 2537
Akron, Ohio

Posted on Jan 24 2023 06:50 AM
I will also add that double tracking is not what you get from the Stereomaker. It allows you to pan your input signals hard left and right and create a flow of sonic variation between the signals.
— The Kahuna Kings
Joined: Jul 28, 2008
Posts: 473
Wichita Falls, Texas

Posted on Jan 24 2023 07:20 AM
The Mimiq pedal uses a mono input source too. Stereo inputs are available (which I do use) but results from just a mono instrument cable sound stellar. That's quite an impressive Marshall collection, btw.
I once owned a 50 watt Marshall JMD50 combo...a digital version of all their top amps in one chassis.
Like an idiot, I ended up selling it to a Ramones Tribute guitarist after I got into surf amps/tones. I really loved that amp. Its XLR line out was perfect for big gigs that didn't need a cabinet on stage. Sound guys always said the line out signal was better than a mic'ed cabinet.
I may have to really look into that Stereomaker!
— _
Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.
Joined: Dec 11, 2013
Posts: 2537
Akron, Ohio

Posted on Jan 24 2023 07:55 AM
The Marshalls are a guilty pleasure chasing the tone of late 70's early 80's hard rock/metal that I love so much. They have never left the house and are for pure enjoyment. Chasing my surf tone has never caused guilt because I play onstage. Needs to sound great! Sharing playing time with these two opposing forces can be difficult. I will say that there are times when I will feel a bit of guilt when spending too much time with the Marshalls. Playing surf always leaves me with a greater sense of fulfillment. It's just more important in my life!
— The Kahuna Kings