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Permalink Where is U.S. America

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Um, truly, I'm speechless...

about what, about miss southcarolina or about the fact that 1/5th of the US population can't point out the US on a world map? Rolling Eyes

I'll admit, Ive watched JohnnyTV a few times on youtube just for laughs. Duh

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

1/5th? That's almost 40%!!!

I'm still looking for "The Iraq" on my map.....


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I heard this the first time a couple days ago and went, "What...?" None of it was coherent. It was painfully obvious she'd been coached to throw in the bits about south Africa, Iraq, and "for the future"...and even more painfully obvious when she threw in, "Oh, for the children" at the end, as if it were something she was supposed to have memorized and such.

Really, that chick probably isn't ever going to need her brain. They should just remove her from the system. We look bad enough as it is without her.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Cut her some slack maybe?

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'm sure she's not as stupid as that answer made her sound. What irritated me was her tossing in unrelated stuff about third world countries and saving the future for the children.

But maybe we should cut her some slack; she's from South Carolina, which is #50 (or has been) in education. I'm from Georgia, which is #49, so I stay on top of these things.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Who wouldn't be nervous being interviewed by Mario Lopez? He's so dreamy!!!

Oh yeah, Miss Colorado won the whole deal - at least we got that goin' for us!


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

1/5th? That's almost 40%!!!


It's closer to 30%.

gee I thought 1/5th was 20%
but what do I know,
I barely got thru high school
Rolling Eyes Wink



This makes me proud to live far away on the north coast of the US. Rolling Eyes

No, we Americans have never been too well known for our proficiency in geogromaphy. Most of what I know about the rest of the world I don't think I learned in school, which is really unfortunate.

I like this video as a case in point. It's funny without being too mean and heavy-handed.

But maybe we should cut her some slack; she's from South Carolina, which is #50 (or has been) in education. I'm from Georgia, which is #49, so I stay on top of these things.

Well California is 51st Wink

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Locating stuff on maps is way overrated. I mean really, how usefull is that? Put it another way, would you consider someone who can find Butmunch Arkansas on a map a brilliant genius?

I know where B.F.E. california is.
its where DP lives.



about what, about miss southcarolina or about the fact that 1/5th of the US population can't point out the US on a world map? Rolling Eyes ...

Miss South Carolina, she was hilarious...

1/5th? That's almost 40%!!!

that made me spill my coffee over my keyboard, too funny Chris!

for one more outsider perspective, the "1/5th cant locate" anecdote has been going around Europe for ages as just another "mock the americans" story, it's right up there with the amercian with hawaiian shirt and camera cliche and the "see europe in 6 days" tours ("it's tuesday, this must be Paris. that must be the Eiffel tower"). It's very funny but in all honesty, I think you'd find about the numbers if you went checking in other parts of the western world, an higher numbers if you went to undereducated (ie third world) countries.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Sadly, I think her response is indicative of what WAY too many 18-year olds would say (save all the BS about preserving the future and helping poorer countries).

Having spent the last five years working in and around public schools in the Bay Area (California ranked 47, last I checked), I am shocked at the ethno-centrism of kids these days. Finding the US on a globe would be tough enough, I had some kids who, as seniors in high school, asked me if Boston was a state. Though I'm sure they could teach me volumes on spinning rims and why Tupac's assaination was much more significant than that of Abe Lincoln.


and this in the age of high speed internet where the sum total of the world's knowledge is at their finger tips.

Having watched the video on TV, I can say, in all objectivity that when I pass on and bimbos like this are in control (so to speak) , this world is in serious trouble.

Rolling Eyes


Well California is 51st Wink

North California or South Califormia?

I've looked at the video a number of times now and my reactions vary from laughter to downright disgust. I guess I'm just appalled that a supposedly educated young woman can be so out of tune with the world (and country) she lives in. What's even more concerning to me is that somebody in authority in the school systems she attended, passed her through the system. Well, God bless her... at least she had a second opportunity to respond to that question and.... obviously with a ton of coaching... gave an acceptable answer.

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

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