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Permalink The Ventures: Stars on Guitars Movie

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Squid wrote:

"Stars on Guitars" is very lively, it kept my interest continuously from start to finish. I didn't even get up once for a snack or chewing gum, and that has not happened in years of watching movies on my large projection TV screen. This was despite no information new to me, as I have been an avid fan since 1960.

The rapid screen shifts and high energy should suit even short attention spans. The speedy parade of interviewee faces was engrossing. I'm surprised that "Perfidia" and "Lullaby of the Leaves" received no mention, and "Hawaii 5-0" was described only very briefly, while "Wipeout" was emphasized. This movie seemed mostly about other peoples' impressions of the Ventures.

The movie doesn't show a stage performance of a song by The Ventures. Although there was a lot of background music, to my ears little was performed by the Ventures. I recognized their "Spindrift" at the end but I didn't notice any others that sounded like them, besides a few seconds at a time here and there. Although Walk Don't Run was discussed at length it was not in the soundtrack. Still, the background music was pleasant.

I consider myself a fair-weather ventures fan but I agree with all of this. I have 13 of their LPs spanning entire genre shifts and this movie could have gone so much further. I'm grateful for it and I enjoyed it, but I'm left wanting.

On YouTube now.

I just finished watching the show, this is a must see for SG101 members for sure. I learned a lot, of what I thought , I already knew. Cool

Decidedly the most influential instrumental Surf band in the world.

I got this DVD as a Christmas gift, shortly after it was released. Being that I watched it a couple years ago, my memory, of it, is not fresh. I recall thoroughly enjoying it, and I would think that most, here, would enjoy watching it. That said, my memory is that it is sorely lacking in so many ways. In my opinion, a documentary about a musical group should include a LOT of music, including clips of the band playing live. This film does not. It is also lacking, in presenting the full history of the band. That upon which they focus is mostly Don Wilson's story, and mostly the early years. I applaud Don's family for putting this out, but it left me wanting so much more. If any of my recollections are inaccurate, I apologize.


Last edited: Jan 05, 2023 19:05:52

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