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BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
253 days ago

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I imagine it'll be a while until I get an opportunity to watch it down here in Louisiana but I'm thrilled that it's hitting eyeballs of people on this forum

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

This is truly amazing. Congratulations and thank you again John for helping to bring Tom's project home.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Note to John…
Hi John,
It was good seeing you again at the screening of the sound of surf documentary. Such a wonderful setting to see a special movie and indeed special it was. It felt like we were watching your personal journey through surf music from the heavy influences to later starting your own band and the success that followed. The interviews were relevant, and I rarely say that about DD, informative and helpful to move the interesting narrative forward. Having read all your and Bob Dalley’s books, forming my own bands and playing with many of the influencers in your movie, I came away learning new things about our genre and most importantly, had a huge smile on my face from being thoroughly entertained. Great job!

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

The Newport Beach Film Festival screening this week was a huge success with a sold out audience and many very supportive and complimentary comments. Thank you to all those who came out.

The next, and last (for the moment), southern California screening for "Sound Of The Surf" will be on Saturday, November 5 at 11:00AM at the Sunscreen West Hermosa Beach Film Festival. Screening will be held at the Hermosa Community Playhouse (710 Pier Ave.).

Tickets available here (get them NOW...don't wait until they are sold out). Scroll down to the "Doc Block" section:

Thanks john, sharing with many surf fans and players in LA area


I will do my best to be there on Nov 5

Squid From Madrid - New Single on Bandcamp
MB Website

I don’t see it on the list for sale,
Does that mean it’s sold out already?


As John mentioned, "scroll down to the "Doc Block" section".
Click on "show details", and four documentaries are listed, including
Sound of The Surf.



Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: Oct 21, 2022 09:24:00

Ah thanks guys,
Always helps to read everything.


A reminder to get your ticket NOW for the screening of "Sound of The Surf" at the Sunscreen Film Fest West in Hermosa Beach next Saturday, November 5, at 11:00am. Here's the link to buy tickets (scroll down to DOC BLOCK):

Scroll down to "DOC BLOCK" to select the number of tix. Don't be left out like several did for the Newport Beach screening a couple of weeks ago that sold out a week ahead. This will be the LAST SoCal screening of this movie for the foreseeable future. Get your tix NOW if you want to see this movie and are within driving distance of the South Bay.

Bump for "Sound of The Surf" in Hermosa Beach this coming Saturday, 11/5, at 11am. See above post for ticket info.

So who is going to this?


Sunscreen Film Festival West Celebrates 10th Year in the South Bay

The upcoming screening of "Sound of The Surf" in Hermosa Beach this Saturday will be the LAST public screening in SoCal for the foreseeable future. Now is the time!!! We are moving on to other film festivals in other states, hopefully (and one possibility in France), over the next several months.

Congrats, and Good luck John


See you there!

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this when it's widely available - it's overall been a great time for surf/instro documentaries, between this and the two Ventures documentaries (Stars On Guitars and the upcoming Walk, Don't Run documentary).

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

I'm hoping when SOTS is available on dvd, that it's also available on blu ray.


Good thing I saw it in Newport,
I’m sick now and can’t go.
gave my tix to Mac of outerwave


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