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Permalink SURFER JOE MEGA Touring in 2022! USA Mid-West & South Sept. 20-Oct. 11

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Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Jonpaul, are you receiving these posters from the venues or are you designing them yourself?


Speaking of posters, it's great to see the Tentakills on the above pictured poster.

We are stoked to play that gig!

Padraig wrote:

Jonpaul, are you receiving these posters from the venues or are you designing them yourself?

These are all posters that have come from the venues or other bands.

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Really looking forward to this show.
First Aces show in 6 years!


It is an honor for The Driptones to be opening for Surfer Joe. I am looking forward to meeting Joe and the band. I'll also be purchasing his latest CD "World Traveler."

image - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

JONPAUL wrote:

It was great to see you again Uwe! Thanks for rocking out in the front the entire show!

One thing I’m really coming away with from these passed two tours (39 shows) is how much I like the Quilter blocks. I had the chance to use the version 1 Bass Block, a Bassman 100 and a Tone Block 202 in many different situations—varying sized rooms with vastly different acoustics, volumes, and speaker cabs—-and in the end, everything considered, I see absolutely zero reason to tour with a giant, heavy tube amp. Touring this much is an entirely different set of circumstances that have certain practical requirements. Like it or not, weight, portability, consistency, stability, sound-technician convenience, adjustability actually matter. Also, believe it or not, the TONE coming from these things is not a compromise. They actually really do sound GOOD! In a live situation, I never once felt that anything was lacking and that I preferred to use the Bassman 100. If anything, it was the other way around. Several nights when using the Bassman 100, I was too limited in eq adjustability to compensate for the issues of the room and inherent acoustics. Also, FWIW, time and time again, audience members, other musicians and sound techs all commented on how good those heads sound in a live situation.

Great hearing your experience from the road. The Surfer Joe band has been touring harder than any other surf band in the world (that I know of)and this is honest insight. I whole heartedly agree with all of this. I've been using a Deluxe Reverb Tone Master since Wiped Out started playing live, and the weight, portability and adaptability all made it a better option to me than it's tube counterpart. In the case of Quilter and Tone Master amps, I think modern solid state amps have reached a place (at least for surf tones), that we do not need to rely on vintage tube amps to get an incredible sound live.

Tour is winding down!
Not many shows left:

Here’s an extra special “hell yes!” to everyone that has put in the effort to make it out to a show and much respect and thanks to all the bands sharing the stage! The act of being physically present at shows like these is what makes strangers that share a passion into an international tribe of friends and that means something!

Cheers Thumbs Up

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

The 5 Spot's calendar says

Cara Louise – Wholesome Dread – Album Release Show, with Suzie Chism

Luckily I'll be in Nashville on the 6th but I wanted to make sure I got the right place & date.

CrazyAces wrote:

Really looking forward to this show.
First Aces show in 6 years!


Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

chiba wrote:

The 5 Spot's calendar says

Cara Louise – Wholesome Dread – Album Release Show, with Suzie Chism

Luckily I'll be in Nashville on the 6th but I wanted to make sure I got the right place & date.

CrazyAces wrote:

Really looking forward to this show.
First Aces show in 6 years!


YES all good. The 5 Spot has late afternoon and night shows. We play the late afternoon show. The "happy hour" time show. All confirmed ;) and see you there!

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

I just wanted to say Surfer Joe and his band were awesome last night in Memphis! All three of them are truly world class musicians. My band The Driptones opened for them, it was a lot of fun! Here is a photo and a short video from the show.

image - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Oct 04, 2022 14:52:48

IN the short video clip Joe is plugged into Surfybear classic.
Anyone know what amp he's playing through?


"...enjoy every sandwich." -Warren Zevon

Fender Stratocaster American Pro II
Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue

jtrollmann wrote:

IN the short video clip Joe is plugged into Surfybear classic.
Anyone know what amp he's playing through?

I can answer you personally Smile
I use a quilter tone block 202 on my small fender cabinet (probably made out of an old super amp, I bought this chassis like this years ago) loaded with a 15” eminence EPS-15C

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

surferjoemusic wrote:

I can answer you personally Smile
I use a quilter tone block 202 on my small fender cabinet (probably made out of an old super amp, I bought this chassis like this years ago) loaded with a 15” eminence EPS-15C

Thank you, Lorenzo! I love the simplicity and the beautiful tone you get.


"...enjoy every sandwich." -Warren Zevon

Fender Stratocaster American Pro II
Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue

Last edited: Oct 04, 2022 23:10:21

Had a great time at the show - the Aces were good and Surfer Joe & his band were great! Going to try to catch another SJ show in Va. Beach before it's over.


Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

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