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This is inspired by a previous thread about "how to make SG101 better". It was suggested we have a section to post transcriptions. In lieu of a dedicated forum, let's use this thread!
Awhile back, I had started transcribing the songs of Messer Chups. I had started with the album "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula" but lost steam about 7 songs in. Perhaps having a place to post the transcriptions will inspire me to pick up the torch again.
The notes are there, but I hadn't bothered to put chords in the transcriptions and have omitted a lot of performative information like slides, tremolo techniques, etc. Initially these were just a guide for me to learn the style and help with playing along with recordings so I filled in a lot of gaps on my own, but if there's any sort of interest in this thread I may go back and add more detail to the transcriptions. When it comes to fingerings, I've tried to be as accurate as possible based on what I could hear in recordings and see in videos. In some cases, some fingerings/positions could be simplified, but that's for you to decide.

In any case, please feel free to add your own tabs or lead sheets! Let's see what you've got!

First up:
Midnight Call by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"

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Last edited: Jul 23, 2024 23:20:21

This is from another thread, but here is a transcription of RJ Ronquillo's Latin Surf arrangement of David Bowie's "The Man Who Sold the World".

The Man Who Sold The World by David Bowie as arranged/played by RJ Ronquillo

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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 16:26:23

Hula Drag-U-La by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"

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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 16:20:01

Surf De L'Amour by Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"

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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 16:15:50

Last one for the evening.
The Hound of Baskervilles by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 16:09:49

@BB_Bunny... This website already has a tablature/transcription section!


The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

shake_n_stomp wrote:

@BB_Bunny... This website already has a tablature/transcription section!


AH! thank you. I will now move these to the appropriate section and shirk away in shame.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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No this is actually good and what some folks prefer. I have no problem if you want to keep this thread going (it's good for discussion / corrections / comments) as well as submitting to the download section.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian wrote:

No this is actually good and what some folks prefer. I have no problem if you want to keep this thread going (it's good for discussion / corrections / comments) as well as submitting to the download section.

Thanks Brian! With your benediction, I'll keep it going (and will additionally upload to the download section).

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Yes I agree with Brian.
You are doing something that others have spoke of.

But you are actually doing it!
Nice job. Keep it going.

I'm posting this later than intended. I did these transcriptions awhile ago and this one was way off. I may have originally transcribed another performance. Anyway, this should be fixed.
There's a note to "slightly arpeggiate" one of the chords here. The performance is not always exact but there's a gestural/rhythmic arc to what Oleg plays. Instead of the headache of having to notate the clusters of strings he's strumming as he plays this, I took the easy way out. You should be able to hear what he's doing in the recording.

Magneto by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"
Edit: I fixed some errors that Floyd had pointed out. The pdf has been updated.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 16:05:07

Joelman wrote:

You are doing something that others have spoke of.

But you are actually doing it!
Nice job. Keep it going.

This! 100%!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks for these transcriptions.

InkEye wrote:

Thanks for these transcriptions.

Of course! More to come. Feel free to add anything if you feel motivated. Transcription is, in my opinion, one of the most in-depth ways to learn new music.

Here's a general question...Oleg often uses a sort of muted slide accent note that I refer to as a "BOOSH!" (not really sure if there's an actual term for it). It's like a staccato attack but the note is partially choked right after it's played and the hand slides down the neck. A lot of surf guitarists use this technique, and it's famously used as the pickup note into Dick Dale's Miserlou, though I often hear the sound as less pitched than it's used in that context. there a term that surf guitarists use for this technique? Second, I realize that surf guitar isn't often notated, but is there a way people would notate this? An X notehead indicating starting pitch with a slide line and parenthetical target note makes sense to me, but I don't want to just make stuff up if there's a standard.

Same with tremolo bar use. It was only after I began transcribing The Messer Chups that I really started keying into surf guitarists' nuanced mastery of the whammy bar and have since been trying to figure out how to notate the various techniques they use. My approach changes from chart to chart as I try to figure out the best blend between readability (and ease of notation) and accurate conveyance. At the end of the day, any sheet music is going to be more of a general guide than a complete depiction, but these embellishments are such a huge part of surf guitar playing that it feels like an attempt to capture them should be made.

If anyone has any good resources on nitty gritty guitar notation, I'd love to check them out. Extra points if someone happens to have access to an internal style guide for Hal Leonard or Berklee Press. Otherwise, if you have your own thoughts, feel free to share. I love geeking out about stuff like this.

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This is how Tom Conlon notated that pickup at the beginning of Misirlou.

At the beginning of his cover of Rock and Roll, he uses down arrows but I don't see much else for the wiggle stick notation throughout the song.

BB_Bunny wrote:

I'm posting this later than intended. I did these transcriptions awhile ago and this one was way off. I may have originally transcribed another performance. Anyway, this should be fixed.
There's a note to "slightly arpeggiate" one of the chords here. The performance is not always exact but there's a gestural/rhythmic arc to what Oleg plays. Instead of the headache of having to notate the clusters of strings he's strumming as he plays this, I took the easy way out. You should be able to hear what he's doing in the recording.

Magneto Transcription

I think you're wrong here, it's 0--2, not 2--4. It's like i play it

Btw, a Big thanks for All this tabs,very usefull !!

Here is my band the Wankats, surfabilly band from Marseille, France
Wankats on YouTube
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Wankats on Bandcamp
Wankats on Soundcloud

Last edited: Jul 08, 2022 16:08:11

Floyd wrote:

I think you're wrong here, it's 0--2, not 2--4. It's like i play it

WOW, you're right! Thank you for the correction.
That section was one of the ones I had to change last minute as I had previously written some whammy bar stuff (which I think he does in another performance). I was taking a break from a different recording project which had my guitar in drop D so when I did a quick check against the recording, I tabbed out the wrong fingerings without even thinking about the notes I was playing!!! I'll change the file and fix the link. Should be up in about 5 minutes.

Edit: File has been updated

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Last edited: Jul 08, 2022 17:46:12

Girls in Orbit by the Messer Chups from "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula"

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Professional Website (film-scoring)

Last edited: Jul 16, 2024 15:53:35

Hey BB,
Do you plan on doing any Slacktone? Smile

What else is coming down the Pipeline? Very Happy

For now, I plan to continue transcribing the rest of the "Taste the Blood of Guitaracula" album (with some detours as I find stuff I get curious about). Is there a particular Slacktone song you're interested in? I can't promise anything, but feel free to make requests.

Premiere Single Out Now! - Keep On Running
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Last edited: Jul 09, 2022 13:13:19

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