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The "Bad News" podcast for January is now streaming on GTF Instrumental here:

This month's podcast is an ALL INSTRUMENTAL edition. One unreleased hot-rod instrumental and quite a few rare, uncomped surf and hot-rod records. All vinyl records from the surfin' and hot-roddin' 1960s. Streaming on GTF Instrumental Tuesdays @ 3am, Thursdays @ 5pm, and Sundays @ 11am through the month of January.

And, available 24/7 on SoundCloud here:

Hey John, quick question - are you still with the Eliminators? They're one of my favorite surf bands, but I haven't heard from them in a while.


Once again a great show, John. It was a big pleasure to listen to it,
couldn´t imagine a better start into this new year 2022!
I am looking forward to the next show in February!

Jake: Not with The Eliminators any longer.

Re: the "Bad News" podcast, anyone have any specific requests? Anything listed in my surf music discography that has piqued your interest? I can't guarantee that I'll have a copy of it, or that I'll have a copy that's not worn and scratchy, but let me know.

Three wishes from your Surf Discography and three from your Hot Rod book.
Revelles - Boogie ´65 - Ajua 5023
Invaders - Burma Road - Whingding 950
Essex - Pray For Surf - Best 101
Don Quick & Scott De Witt - Dune Buggy - Arch
Gene O´Neal - Woody Woody - Yardbird 8002
Burning Slicks - Midnight Drag - Riverside 4571
I am looking forward what you have in your collection and which
of the tunes above you can play for me in BAD NEWS# 9!

A mid-month reminder that the first "Bad News" podcast of the New Year is now streaming on GTF Instrumental here ---->
Tuesdays @ 3am, Thursdays @ 5pm, and Sundays @ 11am through the month of January (all times PST).

This month's podcast is an ALL INSTRUMENTAL edition. One unreleased hot-rod instrumental and quite a few rare, uncomped surf and hot-rod records. All vinyl records from the surfin' and hot-roddin' 1960s.

Or, head over to SoundCloud where you can listen to this podcast 24/7 here:

Put yer dancin' shoes on. Not too late to join the party.


It was great, as always.
Thanks again for putting up the show, John.

Playlist for this month's "Bad News" podcast currently streaming on GTF Instrumental
Tuesdays @ 3am, Thursdays @ 5pm, and Sundays @ 11am through the rest of the month (all times PST).

"Hangin' High" Big Timers
"Baggies" Bel-Aires
"Big Noise From Makaha" Majestics
"Wildfire" Run-A-Bouts
"Beach Head" Breakers
"Blue Surf" Patents
"Stomping After Five" Cornells

"0 to 60" Catalinas
"Burning Rubber" Gene Moles
"The Rebel" Hondells
"Supertorque" Marauders
"Speed Trap" Scavengers

"Taboo" Uniques
"Cobra" Bailey's Nervous Kats
"Bali Ha'i" Irridescents
"Midnight Mist" Impacs

"Surfer's Cry" Torquays
"Bodacious" US Rockets
"Topless" Telstars

"Diamond Head" Country Cut-Ups
"Gandy Dancer" Centurys
"Torquay '65" Larry/Crossfires
"Mr. Moto" Huggins Brothers

This podcast is also available 24/7 here:

A brand new "Bad News" podcast of 60's surf and hot-rod records for February premieres tomorrow, Tuesday @ 3am (PST). For those of us in this time zone, a better bet would be this coming Thursday @ 5pm (PST). There's also Sunday @ 11am (also PST), and repeats at those times through the rest of the month on GTF Instrumental here ---->

The podcast is also posted to SoundCloud for your 24/7 listening pleasure here ---->

This month's "paw-some" podcast looks at tigers (from a distance, though), an interesting Dick Dale record, space, and bullfights. All First Wave 60's vinyl. It'll be G-r-r-r-e-a-a-t!!


Last edited: Feb 01, 2022 12:08:34

Can’t wait


"Bad News" bump with SoundCloud link (see above).

Great fun. Thank you John.

Woody D
S3 #148
Henrico Va

Is everyone catching these? You do realize the significance of having someone as knowledgable and experienced as John curating these shows with selections from his own vast and rare collection? And he even asks if anyone has any specific requests from TIDOSM? Are you kidding? It’s like a dream come true! Yes, there are many shows broadcasting these days, but none like THIS!

So, are people listening and just not posting about it or do people that like to talk and talk and talk about how “into” surf music they are really just not put in the actual time and effort to (GASP) actually LISTEN?!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

JP, I have read or listened to everything John has said since I joined this forum. I recorded the tail end of NSSR and have listened to his show many times. I have had the love affair of surf since hearing Pipeline for the 1st time in the early 60's. (yes, I'm old)I'm just one person but I'm serious about my love affair with music. I have better than 200 of your shows recorded. Smile

These shows with John are a gold mine of great songs, and information. We are very fortunate that John puts them together. Putting together a show for vinyl records is a ton of work. Much appreciated!


Canadian Surf

I listen to them multiple times on thursdays while working.
helps the work go by faster.


I still don't get it. Why does someone create a fabulous podcast and calls it 'bad news'?

Five stars!

Instagram: instro_surf
Spotify: instro_surf

Last edited: Feb 08, 2022 03:44:26

It's unbelievably generous for someone of John's expertise to curate themed shows culled from his own rare collection! I know how lucky we are. Thank you John! You keep it up and I'll keep listening.

Here's a mid-month reminder that February's "Bad News" podcast of 60's surf and hot-rod records is currently streaming on Tuesdays @ 3am, Thursdays @5pm, and Sundays @ 11am (all PST) on GTF Instrumental here ---->

The podcast is also posted to SoundCloud for your 24/7 listening pleasure here ---->

This month's "paw-some" podcast looks at tigers (from a distance, though), an interesting Dick Dale record, space, and bullfights. All First Wave 60's vinyl. It'll be G-r-r-r-e-a-a-t!!

Last edited: Feb 15, 2022 17:37:08

Amazing work!

Thank you so much John for putting the time and effort into these shows and sharing your INCREDIBLE collection with us!

We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to listen!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

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