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Permalink Deluxe Reverb RI alternative?

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I’m getting closer to pulling the trigger on getting a DRRI but wanted to check to see if there was a less expensive alternative….? (I’m not interested in getting one used)

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

IMO any other amp you might choose will eventually make you wish that you had gone ahead with a DRRI. And also IMO, there is nothing wrong with a used one that has been properly taken care of. There are usually a few of those on

And if you are as picky as I am, get the all-tube version.

With that said, the only comparable amp that I would buy if a DRRI was out of reach financially would be a Vox AC 15 with a 1x12, but like everything else lately, the price on those has skyrocketed, too.....$899.99 at Sweetwater now. They were $699.99 a couple months ago.

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

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Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Last edited: Oct 19, 2021 09:31:48

You could look into a Winfield Elizabeth, which is basically a single channel AB 763 variant. I have one with 6L6s, so it’s about 40 watts, but they are also available with 6V6s and run at about 22 watts. Great onboard reverb, too.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I second what Woody said. Properly taken care of Deluxe Reverb will do the job.

To really answer the question, what are you mainly using the amp for? Home? Possibility of playing out?

If just for bedroom playing, get a Princeton Reverb. Excellent recording amp and the cleans are great plus on board trem channel is awesome. If it’s the case of playing out, get the DRRI and call it a day. It will get drowned out by a loud drummer, but a good soundengineer running the board can fix that.

the Woodhavens
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Racingsnail84, you can't for wrong with a DRRI, a Princeton, or an AC15. As an alternative, check out the Quilter Aviator Cub. It's not a tube amp, but it is an all analog tone machine, with excellent Fender Blackface, Brownface, and tweed voicing. It weighs just 22 lbs, and is reasonably priced.


I just pulled the trigger on a Quilter Aviator Cub and expect to have it next week. I’ll share some thoughts then.

Get the 65 DRRI and be done with it, seriously. Just bought one 2 weeks ago (owned one years ago and sold, loved it so much I had to have it again). Tried the 65 Princeton Reverb RI, personally disliked it, sounded so tiny and the reverb/trem was a lot weaker, not my thing (and NOT a mini-deluxe either, like I thought). I play only at home, no band, and the Deluxe isn’t too loud for me (I even live in an apartment and play it on 2.5 and still sounds better than the Princeton, to me at least). There’s also the second input for lower volume of wanting to get quieter, which I use a lot.

You’ll never regret it and won’t need another amp. Reverb is plenty good. I have a Surfy Bear classic reverb unit which I love, but the onboard reverb is so good I often plug into the amp only and play.

Get the Deluxe, fall in love, take care of the amp forever and live happily ever after. Actually, get it before Fender decides to raise the price to $2k or even discontinues the tube version for the Tonemaster line (ooof). One day, a vintage collectible Fender amp may be a reissue (crazy but it seems to be going this way). Get it before it’s gone.

Last edited: Oct 20, 2021 23:55:55

desert_surfer wrote:

Get the 65 DRRI and be done with it, seriously. Just bought one 2 weeks ago (owned one years ago and sold, loved it so much I had to have it again). Tried the 65 Princeton Reverb RI, personally disliked it, sounded so tiny and the reverb/trem was a lot weaker, not my thing (and NOT a mini-deluxe either, like I thought). I play only at home, no band, and the Deluxe isn’t too loud for me (I even live in an apartment and play it on 2.5 and still sounds better than the Princeton, to me at least). There’s also the second input for lower volume of wanting to get quieter, which I use a lot.

You’ll never regret it and won’t need another amp. Reverb is plenty good. I have a Surfy Bear classic reverb unit which I love, but the onboard reverb is so good I often plug into the amp only and play.

Get the Deluxe, fall in love, take care of the amp forever and live happily ever after. Actually, get it before Fender decides to raise the price to $2k or even discontinues the tube version for the Tonemaster line (ooof). One day, a vintage collectible Fender amp may be a reissue (crazy but it seems to be going this way). Get it before it’s gone.

I would definitely agree that the Princeton doesn’t sound much like a DRRI. IMO, both have their place, and both are good amps, but for quite different purposes. The DRRI is a powerful amp, but works well at low volumes. The Princeton has less gain and is not so much a DRRI’s little brother than it is a cousin with a faint family resemblance.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

MasterPhez wrote:

I just pulled the trigger on a Quilter Aviator Cub and expect to have it next week. I’ll share some thoughts then.

Do you still have this amp? If so, how do you like it? If not, why did you sell it?


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