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desert_surfer wrote:

Just bought myself a shiny new Fender ‘65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue since Guitar Center had it for a steal on their Guitar-a-thon sale. I’ve had a reissue DR for many years and sold it, trying to fuel my GAS for other amps. I’ve since missed that amp dearly and the amps after that have not been the same (except for my Vox AC-10 which is beautiful and just as good, but different flavor). Seeing the DR price skyrocket over the past year made me feel like it would be out of reach, however the sale knocked almost $500 off the price, so it was a no-brainer. Ends up also being a 75th anniversary logo on it too, which is cool to have.

Reunited with my true love/desert island amp and it feels so good. Perfect size, reverb/tremolo to die for (sometimes I don’t even need my SurfyBear, it’s so good), and classic surf tone and beyond. I’ll never sell this amp again, as the rest don’t do it for me (except for the Vox). Build quality is so much better than the Princeton Reverb (Deluxe made in USA vs Princeton China) and to me the Princeton sounded kinda lame compared to this beast. Owned the 65 Twin Reverb and way too heavy (though the bright switch was a cool feature).

Hey Desert Surfer,

I bought my '65 DRRI in July. Being new to electric guitar and surf, I compared both the Deluxe Reverb and the Princeton, and fell in love with the Deluxe's power and tone. And since I was only going to treat myself to one amp (for now), I chose the Deluxe. And when that second channel is dialed in, it is one clean tone monster. The reverb is much better than I expected. I often play with the onboard reverb instead of plugging in my tank.


"...enjoy every sandwich." -Warren Zevon

Fender Stratocaster American Pro II
Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue

The DRRI is an amazing amp. It’s useful for just about any sort of music. While it’s not going to sound exactly like a Showman and a 6G15, it’s a very useful Surf sound and a great choice for small to medium-sized gigs.

jtrollmann wrote:

desert_surfer wrote:

Just bought myself a shiny new Fender ‘65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue since Guitar Center had it for a steal on their Guitar-a-thon sale. I’ve had a reissue DR for many years and sold it, trying to fuel my GAS for other amps. I’ve since missed that amp dearly and the amps after that have not been the same (except for my Vox AC-10 which is beautiful and just as good, but different flavor). Seeing the DR price skyrocket over the past year made me feel like it would be out of reach, however the sale knocked almost $500 off the price, so it was a no-brainer. Ends up also being a 75th anniversary logo on it too, which is cool to have.

Reunited with my true love/desert island amp and it feels so good. Perfect size, reverb/tremolo to die for (sometimes I don’t even need my SurfyBear, it’s so good), and classic surf tone and beyond. I’ll never sell this amp again, as the rest don’t do it for me (except for the Vox). Build quality is so much better than the Princeton Reverb (Deluxe made in USA vs Princeton China) and to me the Princeton sounded kinda lame compared to this beast. Owned the 65 Twin Reverb and way too heavy (though the bright switch was a cool feature).

Hey Desert Surfer,

I bought my '65 DRRI in July. Being new to electric guitar and surf, I compared both the Deluxe Reverb and the Princeton, and fell in love with the Deluxe's power and tone. And since I was only going to treat myself to one amp (for now), I chose the Deluxe. And when that second channel is dialed in, it is one clean tone monster. The reverb is much better than I expected. I often play with the onboard reverb instead of plugging in my tank.

The Deluxe adds gain at the Phase Inverter stage with a long-failed pair, while the Princeton uses a Cathodyne phase inverter which doesn’t add any gain. That makes a huge difference. Even the Blackface Princeton Reverb (AA 1164) has a degree of similarity to the older Princeton models, because of this.

They are very much an apples to oranges comparison, but either is a great amp. I have a Winfield Tremor, which is fairly close to a Brownface Princeton circuit. It has excellent bias-varying tremolo and a rich sound which works well for old school surf, but it’s nothing like a Blackface Fender.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I use a Vox Viscount 1967 this thing is awesome for a Solid State Amp.... can really get all sounds and will take most pedals esp Overdrive pedals...

Last edited: Jun 04, 2022 21:50:25

Don't look further, this is the one. Period.
Cheers, Andy

I'm with you Joe on the Viscount. I've been using this one a lot lately. It's one bad ass sleeper.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I've been using my Tone King Imperial MKII. I sold a bunch of stuff a few years ago to get it.

I'm also working on an ampless setup where I'll have a Universal Audio Dream 65 pedal. I may pick up a Headrush FRFR 1x8 speaker cab.

Part of me also wants to add a Quilter Tone Block 202 as another amp choice but it isn't a necessity.


InkEye wrote:

I've been using my Tone King Imperial MKII.

I picked up a Tone King Falcon Grande a few months back that really sounds great and would be fantastic for a portable surf amp. No tremolo, but the reverb has an easy two-control structure (level & dwell) that makes it easy to dial in exactly the reverb you want. I struggled between choosing an Imperial and the Falcon Grande, eventually deciding on the one I got because I found a used one at a great price.

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

I'm loving my Gretsch 6162 these day. Can't beat the true vibrato. The reverb isn't the best, but it does have the same shimmer as plate reverb.

I am no surf expert, but it is my favorite type of music to play. I have tried many amp combos including a Wet/Dry/Wet stereo amp rig using all vintage gear.

To date, my favorite amp surf amp is one I bought to play blues with. A Vibroverb with a 15" AlNiCo speaker is just so punchy, and rolls off the highs just enough but not too much. Plus the plunky drip just sounds absolutely MASSIVE with this amp!!! The amp I'm using is a Firebelly copy of the 64 VV with a switchable tube/solid state rectifier, it's glassy clean up to about 7 on the volume, it has plenty of volume and presence for just about any venue.

So my vote is 15" Vibroverb, followed by Vibrasonic, followed by Showman (can't forget the classic), followed but the versatile and affordable Twin Reverb. A bassman would do the trick, but good lord.. Who wants to lug that heavy thing around?

I would suggest going with vintage versions of any of these amps. You'll likely make money with them when the time comes to sell or trade. And many have that undefinable "something" that just inspires you to play when the reissues do not. If money is an issue, the Music Man amps are a good alternative. There are many lesser known amps from the 50's to the 80's that have flown under the radar for a long time. You don't have to spend a ton to get a cool amp. And if that's still too speedy, use whatever you can find. Even the newer modeling amps do a really decent job for what they cost, I wouldn't be ashamed to play a reissue amplifier either.

Last edited: Oct 09, 2022 17:02:24


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 15:38:05

Tqi wrote:

Welcome to the forum, lurker! Glad to finally meet you. Smile

With the exception of the Showman, these Fenders all sound like you're thinking blackface or silverface instead of brownface amps? I love the Music man amps - transistor pre-amp into tube power-amp is just a great design, I love my Vaporizer for it. I don't think I remember hearing one used for Surf but I'm sure it would work great.

I've been playing a lot on my old bass combo at home lately, and enjoying the sounds from it. I wouldn't be ashamed to play guitar through an Ashdown Electric Blue (a personal guilty pleasure amp) or a Fender Rumble either.

Yes, I suppose being a member for 4 years before making my first post would classify me as a lurker. Guilty! Thanks for the welcome!

I have never personally "Drip Tested" a Music Man amplifier, but I have played one in a blues setting. I figured it would do pretty well.

Yes sir, I suppose I do prefer the black or silver face amps over the brown face. I hadn't ever really considered that before but now that you mention it, it becomes clear.

Mfgeng wrote:

...A bassman would do the trick, but good lord.. Who wants to lug that heavy thing around?

You ain't lyin', friend. That's exactly what I use and the thing is a beast!!! Smile

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

chiba wrote:

Mfgeng wrote:

...A bassman would do the trick, but good lord.. Who wants to lug that heavy thing around?

You ain't lyin', friend. That's exactly what I use and the thing is a beast!!! Smile

I know that's the truth! They sound very very good, but how does your back like that amp? If I was gigging one, dolly's would be required for set up and tear down.

Mfgeng wrote:

chiba wrote:

Mfgeng wrote:

...A bassman would do the trick, but good lord.. Who wants to lug that heavy thing around?

You ain't lyin', friend. That's exactly what I use and the thing is a beast!!! Smile

I know that's the truth! They sound very very good, but how does your back like that amp? If I was gigging one, dolly's would be required for set up and tear down.

Beyond that, after a while, a person gets tired of schlepping gear to and from gigs. Just the time required can make a two hour gig into a six hour effort. I recently passed up a wonderful opportunity to buy a ‘62 Bandmaster with a Tone Ring cabinet, because I don’t want to carry it around. It sounds fantastic and would be a great substitute for a Showman, but I don’t want to even think about the effort required to take it a gigs. I’d rather play something smaller, and mic’ it, if I need more volume.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Big Grin


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 15:36:39

Well, (Fender) just listen:
What about bringing out a new series of amps under the name
Fender 63 custom (blonde/oxblood-brownface plate)
- a bunch of heads (Showman/Bassman, Bandmaster, Tremolux and a rather small one - 12-22 Watts Deluxe Reverb or Princeton) - allequipped with Harmonic Tremolo…
maybe (depending on size) with an attenuator or an output switch (85 - 25/35 - 12 Watts) - maybe even with a built in 6G15 unit (like the Vibro King if I recall correctly) or at least some splash - and maybe even make a Tonemaster one (class D, with some of the sounds modelled.

Limited edition of 1x15 and 2x12 cabs with Weber (or basically any speaker they want with aluminum domes & voiced after vintage JBLs).

make a Custom Channel that‘s the Bassman and a Fender Clean as the Vintsge (much like the Custom 68, just better sounding) - or like the Supersonic - just ditch the high gain and bring Reverb and Tremolo (or Vibrato in that case on board) - keep the vintage head shell size.

Win all the Surf and Rockabilly guitarists and some other aesthetic purists. Have those Surf amp legends available as (rather) environment friendly revelations.

i‘d be in for two of them at least.

TENTACULA: Garage-Psych-Heavy-Surf-Rock
Tentacula @ Bandcamp Tentacula @ Instagram Tentacula @ Facebook my gear collection @ instagram

MayTheFuzzBeWithYou wrote:

Well, (Fender) just listen:
What about bringing out a new series of amps under the name
Fender 63 custom (blonde/oxblood-brownface plate)
- a bunch of heads (Showman/Bassman, Bandmaster, Tremolux and a rather small one - 12-22 Watts Deluxe Reverb or Princeton) - allequipped with Harmonic Tremolo…
maybe (depending on size) with an attenuator or an output switch (85 - 25/35 - 12 Watts) - maybe even with a built in 6G15 unit (like the Vibro King if I recall correctly) or at least some splash - and maybe even make a Tonemaster one (class D, with some of the sounds modelled.

Limited edition of 1x15 and 2x12 cabs with Weber (or basically any speaker they want with aluminum domes & voiced after vintage JBLs).

make a Custom Channel that‘s the Bassman and a Fender Clean as the Vintsge (much like the Custom 68, just better sounding) - or like the Supersonic - just ditch the high gain and bring Reverb and Tremolo (or Vibrato in that case on board) - keep the vintage head shell size.

Win all the Surf and Rockabilly guitarists and some other aesthetic purists. Have those Surf amp legends available as (rather) environment friendly revelations.

i‘d be in for two of them at least.

Very yes.

MayTheFuzzBeWithYou wrote:

Well, (Fender) just listen:
What about bringing out a new series of amps under the name
Fender 63 custom (blonde/oxblood-brownface plate)
- a bunch of heads (Showman/Bassman, Bandmaster, Tremolux and a rather small one - 12-22 Watts Deluxe Reverb or Princeton) - allequipped with Harmonic Tremolo…
maybe (depending on size) with an attenuator or an output switch (85 - 25/35 - 12 Watts) - maybe even with a built in 6G15 unit (like the Vibro King if I recall correctly) or at least some splash - and maybe even make a Tonemaster one (class D, with some of the sounds modelled.

Limited edition of 1x15 and 2x12 cabs with Weber (or basically any speaker they want with aluminum domes & voiced after vintage JBLs).

make a Custom Channel that‘s the Bassman and a Fender Clean as the Vintsge (much like the Custom 68, just better sounding) - or like the Supersonic - just ditch the high gain and bring Reverb and Tremolo (or Vibrato in that case on board) - keep the vintage head shell size.

Win all the Surf and Rockabilly guitarists and some other aesthetic purists. Have those Surf amp legends available as (rather) environment friendly revelations.

i‘d be in for two of them at least.

A Tremolux still with a tube rectifier would be perfect.


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 15:39:26

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