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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
319 days ago

dp: dude
300 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
255 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
239 days ago

GDW: showman
190 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
112 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
106 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
91 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
71 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
22 days ago

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What a great resource! Really enjoyed and looking forward to more!

I am really pleased with how great the old vinyl sounds. Can you share a little bit about your setup - how you're getting these from 45's to broadcast with such great quality?

Audio Technica turntable (elliptical stylus) through a Sony amp to a Teac CD recorder. CD then ripped to my computer. It's a bit time consuming since pre-production recording is in real time, but the process works well for this purpose.

Last edited: Jun 08, 2021 20:49:29

The "Bad News" podcast #2 for July is now available. Stream it live at (Tuesdays @ 3AM, Thursdays @ 5PM, and Sundays @ 11 AM PST). It is also available 24/7 on SoundCloud:

Vintage First Wave vinyl, all mono, all the time.


Once again a very enjoyable show, john.
I can imagine that some of the vinyl record collectors
will add some items to their WANTS list. It sounds easy
but I know myself how much work is in the preparation of
an one hour radio show!
Very well done, John.

Hey John, enjoying your podcasts way over in central VA.

Keep 'em coming.

Would you be interested in selling 'Blue Chevelle' by the Chevelles? Or if anyone has a copy they'd like to sell please PM me.

Woody D
S3 #148
Henrico Va

Thank you, Woody. I appreciate the support. Not selling my copy of that Chevelles' record, sorry. But there's one on Discogs, actually, for only $199 (and it comes with the uber-rare picture sleeve!!).

Meanwhile, a little teaser: ALL of the records featured on next month's "Bad News" podcast will be instrumentals. Available on August 1.

Last edited: Jul 12, 2021 11:36:56

Thank you John. I think. Sad

Those little bits of history about the songs really add to the show for me. But the hour goes by way too fast.

Woody D
S3 #148
Henrico Va

Congrats on the new show John - really enjoying it, and I'm very happy that you are making it available thru Soundcloud - I'm so busy it's hard for me to catch a show at a specific time, so the on-demand option thru Soundcloud is perfect (although I am enjoying the GTF feed as well!).

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

John wrote:

Here's the SoundCloud link for Bad News #1:

look forward to listening to this while working from home tomorrow.

My "Bad News" podcast #3 for August is now available 24/7 on Soundcloud and streaming 3x/week (Sundays 11 AM, Tuesdays 3 AM, Thursdays 5 PM PST) on GTF Instrumental

An hour of all 1st wave instrumentals this time. I tend to lean more toward the seldom-heard (or never heard for that matter), rarer surf (and similar guitar) records. Check it out.

Last edited: Aug 08, 2021 13:07:59

Good stuff, thanks John


Enjoyed it very much! My favorite was Moon Race by the Citations.

John, thanks for another enjoyable and informative show.

Woody D
S3 #148
Henrico Va

Thank you John.
You are doing the lord's work. Very Happy

My "Bad News" podcast for August is over and the September "Bad News" has an early premiere tomorrow, September 1st at 3pm, PST here: It will also be available on SoundCloud 24/7 beginning Wednesday evening (I'll post the link when it's available).
Following Wednesday, the podcast will continue with its normal streaming schedule: Thursdays @ 5pm, Sundays @ 11am, and Tuesdays @ 3am, all PST. Summer's over. Back to school...


Last edited: Sep 01, 2021 00:18:08

My "Bad News" podcast for September is now available 24/7 here ---->

Thanks for another great show John. Appreciate the time and effort it takes you to put these together.

Woody D
S3 #148
Henrico Va

For all you vinyl disc hunters: John played an unreleased demo acetate by
The Strangers - Windy and Warm, written by John D. Loudermilk.
Lots of great vocal and instrumental music once again with very informative comments. Thanks a million times once again, JOHN!!!

Some of the surf wax played on this month's "Bad News" podcast (label porn for the hardcore).


I only JUST now saw this topic. Serves me right for not spending some free time here every day. Lesson learned. I'll catch up. Thank you John for all you do for surf music!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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