To the SG101 community ... I am hopeful that you'll get a kick out of this: A while back I saw a post on Facebook from The Green Reflectors with Aaron doing a drum beat; challenging anyone to take it and build upon it. I really thought it was a cool way to show a community spirit. So I "ripped" the drum rhythm and took a stab at creating something with it - adding guitar and bass. Upon finishing the track I went surfing to get some footage. The waves weren't great but I had fun and that's what counts right? I am calling it "Surfing the Soup". We can all talk about how hard it has been in recent times. Music and playing in the ocean has been powerful medicine for me. Thanks Aaron!
- Bernard, guitarist PAR AVION
Video link:
The Green Reflectors at: |
Video shot in Santa Monica on July 12, 2021
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