Hi from Moscow,Russia, my name is Alexey Pavlov.
I've done the release of my first EP. Please write your opinions.
Los Vaccine EP album
Written by Marlow Stewart,1964 - WINDSTORM. 1:53
Written by Pavlov Alexey. - NU_POGODI! 2:32
Based on music theme from old Soviet cartoon
"Nu-Pogodi!" 1969 /author unknown. - BENDER. 1:19
Based on music theme from old Soviet film "12 chairs" 1971
written by Alexander Zatsepin - BALZAMINOV. 1:48
Based on music theme from old Soviet film "Zhenit'ba Bal'zaminova" 1964
written by Boris Chajkovskij
Recorded june 2021 OZCH Record Studio, Moscow