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Permalink ELECTRIC BEACH PARTY 8 PM EDT...tonight's playlist

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this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featuring all european bands this hour

'journey to califuria' bang! mustang
'bolero' bang! mustang

'taipei tower chase' the space rangers
'paper moon' the space rangers
'treble in paradise' speedball jr.
'there she blows' speedball jr.

'undegpedwar' y niwl
'chwech' y niwl
'hawaii joe' bambi molesters
'glider' bambi molesters

'twangin' tritones' el danka
'mi guaguanco' el danka
'surf rider' bitch boys
'dark eyes' bitch boys

'six waves under' bang!mustang
'soleil rouge' the space rangers
'pilgrimage' speedball jr.
'undepump' y niwl
'standing on the nose in a stylish manner' bambi molesters
'el boogie' bitch boys

'cloudburst' bitch boys

Good show, Mom. Smile

this evening, monday may 3, 2021 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific........repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific......streams at

tonight's theme, south american bands and tunes with a latin feel


'curse of king tut' the deadrocks
'a redoblar' tito y sus supersonicos
'o cabalo branco' santo morcegos
'south american girl' joao erbetta
'quinqui fronteirizo' santos morcegos
'mexican rock' the tiaras
'maremoto' the maremotos
'a don jose' tito y sus supersonicos
'tamacun' rodrigo y gabriela
'margaya' bambi molesters
'stefanie' tito y sus supersonicos
'malaguena' boss martians
'malibu nightmare' joao erbetta
'siboney' bambi molesters
'latin'ia' the sentinels
'tico no fuba' joao erbetta
'bolero' estrume'n'tal
'dark eyes' the bitch boys
'mondo bandito' the fifty foot combo

Cool, been listening a lot lately.


bigtikidude wrote:

Cool, been listening a lot lately.

thank you

Another good show. Smile

this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: eric johnson

'cliffs of dover' eric johnson
'east wes' eric johnson
'blue tango' three balls of fire
'in the shadows' the atlantics

'fathomless' the fathoms
'undegpedwar' y niwl
'finless slide' the mentawais
'locked and loaded' the penetrators

'hearse full of souls' evan foster
'E-5' the eliminators
'journey to califuria' bang! mustang
'ancient winds' the madeira

'mojave dry run' the deadlies
'das model' the space rangers
'twangin' tritones' el danka
'tango' joao erbetta

'trademark' eric johnson

this evening, monday, may 17, 2021 at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the space rangers

'mr. lou' the space rangers
'shadow magic' the space rangers

'twangin' tritones' el danka
'splat' the glasgow tiki shakers
'three 30 blues' duane eddy
'ancient winds' the madeira
'the victor' dick dale

'reef rider' the atlantics
'beyond' the clee-shays
'shape of things to come' davie allan & the arrows
'incognito' daikaiju
'cheesecake' pozor vlak

'jetsetter' the exotics
'geronimo' jon & the nightriders
'mojave dry run' the deadlies
'squad car' the duo-tones
'malibu nightmare' joao erbetta

'our favorite martian' bobby fuller & the fanatics
'hearse full of souls' evan foster

'taipan tower chase' the space rangers
'das model' the space rangers

this evening, monday, may 24, 2021 at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

tonight's featured artist: from eugene, oregon....el borko

'head mixer larry' el borko
'two lorenzos' el borko
'E5' the eliminators
'locked and loaded' the penetrators

'flight of the surf guitar' martin cilia
'das model' the space rangers
'surf rider' the lively ones
'cecelia ann' the bambi molesters
'silver coast' the insect surfers

'flight of garuda' daikaiju
'atlantic echo' the atlantics
'blue eyes twist' the quiets
'pipeline' the chantays
'las cruces' the phantom operators

'moving target' jon & the nightriders
'baja' the astronauts
'malibu babylon' the blue stingrays

'count drinkula' el borko
'thee fantigua' el borko

Last edited: May 24, 2021 17:34:39

tonight, monday, may 31, 2012…..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific…….stream at

a movie and tv show themed show

'goldfinger' webb wilder
'exodus' the supertones
'peter gunn' the ventures
'our love goes on forever' los straitjackets

'theme from miss fortune' the exotics
'blues theme' davie allan and the arrows
'slaughter on 10th ave.' the shadows
'for a few dollars more' cosmonaut

'james bond theme' ralph rebel
'the godfather' satan's pilgrims
'taste of honey' the exotics
'ecstasy of gold' the atlantic

'the executioner theme' the clee-shays
'pink panther theme' 3 balls of fire
'shape of things to come' davie allan and the arrows
'for a fistful of dollars' dave wronski

'the endless summer' the sandals
'get smart' the clee shays
'hawaii 5-O' the ventures
'the munsters' the surge
'having an average weekend' dirk doom

'the good, the bad, the ugly' hugo montenegro

Good show, Mom. Smile

his evening, monday, june 7, not so surfy but all instrumental electric beach party at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain, 9 pacific. streaming at

'so excited' stevie ray vaughan
'three 30 blues' duane eddy
'turf's up' brad paisley
'trademark' eric johnson
'peter gunn' the ventures
'wild weekend' the rebels
'vaseline machine gun' leo kottke
'oh yeah' johnny A
'all about my girl' jimmy thackery
'shazam' the lustre kings
'cecilia ann' the pixies
'green light' ronnie earl
'pink panther theme' three balls of fire
'sinner street' jimmy thackery
'hell or el paso' scott smith
'crystal beach sundown' scott smith


we were so busy at work today i forgot to post tonight's playlist. here it is, and it does repeat at midnight EDT.

this evening at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the mentawais

'surfin' java' the mentawais
'cheater 5' the mentawais
'shoot the pier' the poles
'cloudburst' the bitch boys
'a forest' the phantom 4

'diamond head' jon & the nightriders
'slippery surface' the evanstones
'red sunrise' the space cossacks
'long gun' the bambi molesters
'let's go tripping' the beach boys

'las cruces' the phantom operators
'johnny's noseride' the eliminators
'vila nova' the exotics
'in the shadows' the atlantics
'wataridori' the surf coasters

'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'das model' the space rangers
'surf rider' the lively ones

'finless slide' the mentawais
'flat day' the mentawais

this evening, monday, june 21..... at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

new mix......

'cross steppin' the eliminators
'cabazon' jon and the nightriders
'malibu babylon' the blue stingrays
'two lorenzo's' el borko
'outside' the duo-tones

'another time, another place' the penetrators
'coolangatta' the insect surfers
'poles' shoot the pier
'malaguena' the boss martins
'monsoon' the chantays

'flight of the surf guitar' the atlantics
'ratchaser' king of hawaii
'walk, don't run' the ventures
'siboney' the bambi molesters'
'the rattler' james wilsey

'6 waves under' bang!mustang
'mr. lou' the space rangers
'skimpy' the exotics
'lonely surfer' jack nitzsche

'the secret route' the madeira

Love driving home at sunset listening to your show,
Makes rush hour traffic more tolerable.


bigtikidude wrote:

Love driving home at sunset listening to your show,
Makes rush hour traffic more tolerable.


monday, june 28, 2021…..this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the penetrators

'night of the drunken cheerleaders' the penetrators
'codename:gypsy' the penetrators

'wrong planet' the destroyers
'pacifica' los straitjackets
'6 waves under' bang! mustang
'killer dana' the chantays
'amor del mar' jon & the nightriders

'sunburst kid' bonney and buzz
'night star' the atlantics
'mojave dry run' the deadlies
'outside' the duo-tones
'sunset glide' the eliminators

'shore enough' the atlantics
'torquette' the fire balls
'mystery planet' the bomboras
'beach bunny' los venturas
'toxic train' the atomic mosquitos

'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'locked and loaded' the penetrators

Thanks for the spin, Carol!

monday, july 5, 2021…..this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist from australia: the atlantics

'flight of the surf guitar' the atlantics
'in the shadows' the atlantics

'dawn patrol' the eliminators
'sea breeze' rondo hatton
'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'a flash of green' pollo del mar

'oaxaca' king of hawaii
'baja' the astronauts
'gonzales' the shadows
'two lorenzos' el borko
'return of the surf guitar' martin cilia

'fathomless' the fathoms
'point break' the bambi molesters
'las cruces' the phantom operators
'das model' the space rangers
'sncient winds' the madeira

'reef ride' the atlantics
'night star' the atlantics

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