Greetings Surf Fans,
I have posted photos of last Sunday's Surfin' Sundays concert with
Billy Blast Off and the Surf Rockets at the Huntington Beach International
Surfing Museum. The photos can be found here:
This band is a split off from the Detonators of So Cal fame and was formed
to play a wider variety of tunes from surf to rock and a little rock-a-billy too.
Two of the members, Rob Woolsey and Billy Scanlan, come out of
the Dets. Marty Tippens and Doug Forbes are from other local bands.
The purpose of this band is to have fun. And they do a good job of that!
All tunes are presented in the TRAD sound of Fender guitars and Amps
tweeked with a slightly modern sound. They don't stray very far from
the TRAD sound but will play some 60s and 70s rock along with some
very familiar surf tunes. The Big Kahuna has an example of this sound
on one of his latest video productions. I believe he has posted his
URL here in the past.
It was a fun day of music and altogether too short. The photog got to
sit in for 3 tunes and had a ball.
Check out the pics.
Surf's Up, Rich