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Permalink Sound Of The Surf documentary = = Kickstarter Pre-launch

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Unfortunately Kickstarter does NOT support Paypal but only various credit and debit cards. The money you pledge will only be booked once the whole project reaches the targeted financial goal.

Since time is running very short now (42 hours as I write), the only solution for me was to fiend a friend, who had one of the supported cards, and ask him to pledge for me. (I'm kicking myself, that I didn't deal with this earlier, but these are difficult times.)

I don't know about the multiple adresses, but it is probably a lot cheaper to have one parcel from the US to Europe and then distribute the contents to people here.

I hope that helps, and that some more people support the project!

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

I just finally got around to pledging... please people! We need this film!!! Pledge now and pledge BIG!

So what now? Surely we'll keep trying somehow?

I noticed that the page now says that they'll announce a campaign relaunch soon, so I guess it's there's a plan B.

As much as it's a bummer that it barely made it to half, 457 backers sounds pretty good.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

If we get 500 people to donate 130 dollars it will meet the amount.


Hey guys. Wow! Was that not fun the last 60 days?

I have to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to the entire surf music community.

But especially thanks go to Jeff Hanson and Brian and the handful of people who really jumped into the soup with me. Ramon, Cole Boarders, Rick and Laura took on extra tasks and made a difference. We were mostly dependent on Facebook to generate traffic and these went above and beyond by sharing and posting almost every day. EAch time we posted something we would get another $1000 so every little bit added up and made a difference.

We raised $37000 from 457 people. That is pretty darn good in my book. I could finish the film for that much and pay remaining licensing but it would stay on my desk until we had manufacturing, artwork, website, postage and marketing costs. (after KS gets their 10%) = $65K or so.

I also had built in a little $ more for 2 - 3 songs that I want to license for the trailer, which costs extra. We got a great price for them but never got the paperwork and someone dropped the ball. I'm pretty sure I can still get those. Hence, I went for the $65K figure.

I learned so much from the experience about both the fundraiser process and the audience too. I have tons of good data from the campaign that I didn't have before.

Here are my options. Please weigh in.

  • Quit (yeah right)
  • Wait until next year to fund-raise (better days)
  • Re-launch fundraiser immediately with a different release date (Spring 2021)1.

The relaunch would be for a smaller amount but once we hit a first stage goal (completion) the money could continue to accumulate for months with "pre-orders" as we hit higher "stretch goals" or tiers. Something I should have done with KS. I think this is important for surf music as it takes time to reach the audience. There is no central location to reach them all.

I am only going to make 500 of the BONUS discs and they are exclusively through this campaign. (maybe fewer?)

Don't use Kickstarter. After looking at them they are obviously hitting a completely different demographic than say Indiegogo. More on that later.

The issue with an immediate relaunch is... Will people continue to back me with this approach and be willing to wait until Spring for DVD? I already feel like I have egg on my face and not really into another failed campaign. Right now I'm a bit burned out, but I hate to lose the momentum we have built. What do you think?

cheers, td

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

I'll donate under any scenario, but I'll be able to donate more generously after the holidays.

It's sad the goal was not made but it's a project worth fighting (and waiting) for.Perhaps a different company would reach a more agreeable crowd. I don't see anything suddenly getting a lot better in 2021. I'm still in....

I’ll donate whenever.
As I’m still working, not affected by COVID.
But I think this year was a bad time.
I suggest waiting till after things get better.

Also I’ve said this before.
I hope the movie and the bonus material
Are both produced on physical discs.
I’m not a streaming person.


Tom, thank you for all you hard work. I know that this has been a Herculean labor of love. I'm super-bummed that the Kickstarter campaign didn't reach its' goal. Getting 450+ people to donate over $35k for a niche genre like surf, is pretty darn good, but we can do better. Between COVI and the holidays, I think that waiting to relaunch is wise. Like Jeff, I will participate whenever you choose to relaunch and I prefer the physical discs over streaming. Thanks, again, for all your efforts, and to everybody who supported this worthwhile project.


Hit it while it's hot...just wait until after Nov 3rd as that will be in the forefront of a lot of people's minds. But start again well before Black Fiday and Christmas...offer some kind of Christmas gifting "donate in someone's name as a dedication gift". I supported this past campaign. You can count on my support for a new campaign.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

I'm not real knowledgeable about kickstarter or any other fundraiser. But I do have real world exp. with the economy in the last 6 months. I build and sell hot rods and other auto projects. In mid July, the market drastically shrunk. There's no question that the election has people sitting on their wallets. Will it change after the election? We won't know for a while. I tend to operate on the safe than sorry concept so I would be waiting until spring. You would miss out of the Christmas buying but is that the person that would be pledging in this campaign anyway? Someone who has more exp. can tell you if re-running a campaign has a higher success or failure rate. All of us on SG101 want this to succeed greatly. We aren't a large enough body to pull this off by ourselves. Some of the members are involved in marketing. Maybe there is some good advise to be found here, still. Smile

I'll support whatever decision you make. I'm trying to think outside the box so if I ramble a bit I apologize. I totally want this to happen for sure though. I also like the physical disks and think it's a great way to hit your target demographic with a nice tangible item.

I agree with the others in that the timing sucks sort of..... I'm conflicted on this point because I think you do have people's attention now, AND due to COVID, people are spending a lot of time at home and we are moving into Winter and the holidays so maybe you can get something going now that collects the donations longer and can go into Spring next year?

Also was wondering, do we know how many donated who are on this forum? I ask because maybe we can get you our orders here somehow and bypass the Fees you'd incur from Kickstarter and so on. Then use them or some other platform when you need to go organize the rest. Your dollars might go further. That has some work attached to it to organize and collect it and might help (assuming Brian's cool with it of course). I'm watching this thread and hope we can help you. Thanks for all you've done and please hang in there. This WILL happen. - David

Peace to you, not on you

Last edited: Nov 03, 2020 19:07:22

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Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

New crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo:

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I had said I would never donate to another crowdfunding. Well, I just did. Smile I believe in this and want it to come to market!

wfoguy wrote:

I had said I would never donate to another crowdfunding. Well, I just did. Smile I believe in this and want it to come to market!

thank you so much. I know exactly what you mean. I've been encouraged, even shocked, how much support I've received between the two campaigns. It tells me that I must press on and make this happen one way or another.

cheers, Tom

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

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