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248 days ago

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121 days ago

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114 days ago

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79 days ago

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Permalink Sound Of The Surf documentary = = Kickstarter Pre-launch

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Hey, we're up to 18% after a couple of days. Thank you everyone at SG101 for the support. This is good momentum. SotS usually appears in the top 5 films on for popularity and we're getting donations from random film supporters.

Have a great labor day weekend. T

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

tdsurf :

The More Reverb Captain pledge has a "hard copy of the Limited Edition BONUS Blu-ray DVD".

Is that a blu ray or DVD ?

DaveF wrote:

tdsurf :

The More Reverb Captain pledge has a "hard copy of the Limited Edition BONUS Blu-ray DVD".

Is that a blu ray or DVD ?

Thanks for the question. It can be either DVd or Blu-ray, your choice.

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS



Check out this 20-minute interview with Tom Duncan, director of "Sound of The Surf." Then, please head over to the film's Kickstarter page and join nearly 300 others who have agreed to pitch in some funds to get us into post-production. Only a couple of weeks left...

Last edited: Oct 01, 2020 21:43:34

Bump. Finally made my pledge to the Kickstarter campaign.

Only $25,400 pledged of the $65,000 goal. 323 backers. 13 days to go.

Chip in, if you can. I really hope the goal is reached and the film is released in December as planned. This has been an epically tough year. Receiving this would be one of the few good things to remember about 2020.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Just made a small pledge. I hope you make it.

Just learning -
Hallmark Custom '65
Southside Custom Telecaster
Gretsch Country Gentleman

I’m planning on doing the 250 dollar pledge.
but I’m afraid it will be for nothing.
Everybody needs to share this info,
It needs to go viral.


Coupla points to ponder.

  1. People are encouraged to pledge when there are higher amounts. Discouraged to pledge by lower amounts.

  2. Your credit card (as I understand it) is not charged unless the campaign is successful.

  3. Potential distributors are watching to see if the community is behind the project. Impressions make the difference.

  4. Much like an Ebay sniper, many pledges come in at the final hours. There are currently 150 people watching, only 30% have pledged thus far ("conversions"). These "watchers" almost always bid in the last few days when they are notified the campaign is ending.

  5. Roughly 33% of current pledges are from OUTSIDE the Surf Music community. People who believe in documentaries.

Thank you for all the pledges and for considering the project. I am deeply encouraged by the support.

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Last edited: Oct 17, 2020 11:04:03

Brian, i have no idea why 4 and 5 were converted to sub bullets when I saved the post. Any ideas?


Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Last edited: Oct 15, 2020 15:55:03

This should show up on the California Surf Museum website very soon. Been reaching out to the those in the surfing world, in California and on the east coast (i.e. surfing clubs, surf shops, surf retailers, etc.).

You're doing great work Tom...keep it up!! Thank you!!


tdsurf wrote:

Brian, i have no idea why 4 and 5 were converted to sub bullets when I saved the post. Any ideas?



Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

If you are on FB, reply to this poll.


Pledged, plugged on social media, and optimistic that we can all rally behind this, however big or small, so this reaches a very realistic goal. Let's do this!! Time is short and we all need to see this film! Facebook poll completed, too.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Last edited: Oct 21, 2020 22:35:53

Just donated $125, but the Facebook poll did not work on my device. Curses for making me go there!

Daniel Deathtide



Here is a rough cut of the opening title sequence. It features the Madeira performing "Rolling Thunder". The Kickstarter is winding down. Actually it's winding UP as we near the end of the campaign, donations are starting to increase. Your pledge encourages others to do likewise so don't wait.

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Finally managed to pledge, albeit "only" by pooling with my bandmates, since I still don't have a credit card. Face Palm

I really hope the remaining days suffice to get enough funds to finish the movie. Good luck and many thanks for your endurance, TD!

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

I donated 300,
I wish I could do more,
Hope others will donate also.


Some questions from Germany.
Will the dvd ´s mailed to our country?
I would like to have sent 5 parcels to five different persons, however I don´t see the possibility to note different adresses?
Will the money refunded when the project is cancelled?
I don´t have a credit card either like Simoncoil. Is paypal accepted as well ?

Last edited: Oct 27, 2020 01:47:21

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