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Your sound is GREAT! I ordered the two vinyls and a CD, but that first CD is expensive! I’d love to hear that one. I tried and failed to purchase mp3s from Amazon. No idea what happened there. Anyhoo, brilliant sound! I don’t have a CD player so I can’t even listen to those haha! But I’ll dig the vinyl. If you’ve ever considered putting mp3s on Bandcamp, people like me would very much appreciate it - and purchase the entire catalog in one place.

Fyi my arms are severely injured and phone / computer time is generally painful for me. I just had to spend about 20 minutes combing through your links to find the best way to purchase as much as I could! Time well spent tho!

Daniel Deathtide

Last edited: Jul 28, 2020 15:00:53

Thanks, man! Yeah, I've noticed our first album has become pretty expensive since it went out of print. I checked the Amazon mp3 page and indeed something seems to be wrong. (For starters, all the songs are in the wrong order?!). As for putting our releases on Bandcamp, it's up to the labels to do that as we don't sell our stuff ourselves.

I'm sorry to hear about your arms but hopefully you'll dig our records!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Last edited: Jul 29, 2020 03:18:07

And for anyone who is looking for our Big Pounder CD for a good price:

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

DeathTide wrote:

Fyi my arms are severely injured and phone / computer time is generally painful for me.

Hi Izen, Wow, sorry to hear about your arms. This is just a note of sympathy and good wishes that you get back to your old rockin' self soon.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Klas wrote:

And for anyone who is looking for our Big Pounder CD for a good price:

Thanks for the link! Order placed, can’t wait to hear em all!

SilverFlash wrote:

DeathTide wrote:

Fyi my arms are severely injured and phone / computer time is generally painful for me.

Hi Izen, Wow, sorry to hear about your arms. This is just a note of sympathy and good wishes that you get back to your old rockin' self soon.

Hey thanks SF, it’s a bummer for sure. Getting old sucks! I’m willing it not to be permanent.

Dan Izen

Daniel Deathtide

Check out great sounding song samples of the actual vinyl at Juno Records:

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Oh man! I forgot to update this thread. So I got the LP, 2x CDs, and 2x 7"es. It took two months for the LP to ship from Hi Tide!

I busted out the vinyl first and dug right in. Yow! The sound, man. That sound is just perfect! The reverb is beyond glorious, it's majestic. Possibly the best drips I've ever heard. Dang. That clean guitar tone is fucking humbling. Wow! whatta sound! Then I busted out the 7"es, followed by the CDs. It was like high school when I used to sit in front of the stereo listening to new records, super fun.

I love love the concept album! I sat there with the record spinning, and it absolutely took me on a journey. I love that so much. I wish everyone did that. Overall, the songs that really jumped out at me were ones like Little Rocket Mill, Far And Beyond, Cleopatra, Barrel Run & Gremmie's Blues - the non-1-4-5 songs. (I seem to have a mental block against appreciating that "traditional" chord progression, but I realize that is my problem.)

Thank you for the excellent additions to the music collection!


Daniel Deathtide

Wow, two months to ship makes me wonder if they ran out of stock and had to order more from Spain. Anyway, great to hear your thoughts on our releases! Especially happy to hear that you dug our sound since the sound has always been very important to us.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Actually it was the Postal Service! The postmark was July 31, and it landed on my porch at on September 30!
Yeah man, that sound is just brilliant. Thanks for the great music!

Daniel Deathtide


Part of a demo recording from 2007 of Around The Galaxy. My brother Jack is playing lead on a Strat!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Klas wrote:


Part of a demo recording from 2007 of Around The Galaxy. My brother Jack is playing lead on a Strat!

This is my favourite song, thanks a lot for sharing this!

My latest LP Unknown Creatures by Otitis Media Records is available now on all digital platforms and colored vinyl. Listen and buy here:
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