Joined: Feb 06, 2018
Posts: 61

Posted on Jun 16 2020 01:23 PM
Does anyone have any thoughts on Nembrini Audio? Their new Fender-ish amp plugin seems pretty nice - especially at the introductory $29!
— The Miramars (2017-2022) /
Joined: Mar 09, 2014
Posts: 92
New York

Posted on May 14 2021 09:59 AM
I'm resurrecting this thread. With a recent amp death (it was a Bugera, shed no tears), I've moved over to ampsims exclusively (for now), as I simply have no amp. Just a bunch of lonely speaker cabs.
Anyway, I'm currently trying to find some good amp sim plugins that respond well to being hit with an actual SurfyBear unit before the preamp. Many amp sims seem to lose a good bit of low end when kicking on the SurfyBear. Not sure why, because I didn't experience that sort of thing with an actual amp, not as drastically as this anyway.
Queued up I've got Kuassa Vermillion, Kuassa Matchlock, Neural DSP Plini This has an insanely fantastic clean amp, but it's very hi-fi modern sounding, very full sounding, maybe too robust for surf, definitely not vintage sounding. I'll also going to try out SoundMaster from Nembrini Audio. It's on sale during maybe for a little over $40. I'll be giving them all a spin this weekend if time allows.
Anyone have any success with this kind of thing, plugins + real spring tank? I'm open to spring reverb plugin suggestions, but I just like the way the real SurfyBear reacts as you can imagine.
— Guitarist for Northern Tides from Hudson Valley, NY.
Northern Tides on FB
Last edited: May 14, 2021 10:01:12
Joined: Feb 26, 2006
Posts: 3824
North Atlantic

Posted on May 14 2021 11:42 AM
I am still very happy with the Brainworx Bassdude. I have used it both with a Fender Reverb tank in front of it, and a PSP Spring Reverb plugin. I am happy with the results of both, and have used it in a lot of recordings.
It is featured on these releases:
— Canadian Surf