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Permalink "Stoked"- Beach Boys tab?

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The only tab I could find for this song was on Ultimate Guitar, and it was in the wrong key as well as partially incorrect, at least for the original recording off the Surfin' USA album. Can anyone help?


Our beaches here get 3 foot tall waves, but it doesn't matter. You don't need to surf to play surf.

I do not know what key it is supposed to be in; I always did it in G. Here is the tab for the melodic figure; it repeats over the changes, which are, of course, I - IV - V:



Thanks - This looks like it may be in F#, "G" would just move everything up one fret.Intervals sound correct when I play guitar along with the LP, but I think they do it in "A". I may be wrong; I'm not a "musician", I play bass !
If you need the lyrics I have them.

I saw the Beach Boys at Pacific Ocean Park in 1963 and they did this. David Marks and Carl Wilson made a great team - give a listen to "Honky Tonk" from the same LP.

More Fun than Profit

The lyrics? Thanks! I was wondering...

My tab-making skills are so-so. Sorry if I put this in the wrong key. And I did not put in the double stops and the pentatonic minor part, but those should be straightforward.

Regarding the tune, I have long submitted it is some of the best Fender Jaguar tone ever committed to record.


LHR I like your tab style, as long as you have heard the tune; your tab makes it easy to play. The lyrics are pretty simple, just say "Stoked" when you feel like it.

More Fun than Profit

Any 60s song that seems to be "in-between tunings" such as The Beach Boys "Stoked", I take the song and pitch-shift it down 2.5~3% which seems to be the effect of the vari-speed that was commonly used on tape machines back then. By doing this, it moved right into the range of A440 in the key of 'A'. If you also slow the tempo down the same 2.5~3% when doing this "fix" you should get a better sense of the originally-intended tempo.
(use this fingering pattern when moving to the other chord shapes in the cycle) Chord cycle: [A A D A E D A E(stop)].


The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Last edited: May 18, 2020 17:54:03

Daddy wrote:

LHR I like your tab style, as long as you have heard the tune; your tab makes it easy to play. The lyrics are pretty simple, just say "Stoked" when you feel like it.



Did you ever figure out the double stops?


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