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As an update: I love the Psycho pick. It's enormous, 4ml thick and just a giant triangle. The bevel is wonderful, I guess when you have 4ml to work with the bevel is easier.

I also really liked the snake, both the pointed and smooth (regular) versions. Aw heck the ghost version of the snake felt great as well. The Snake regular make tremolo picking and glisses really quite smooth.

But the Psycho, $15 and just a monster, is likely what I will end up playing with for a long time.

Daniel Deathtide

I use the Trimus 250 (2.5mm) from Wegen Picks for bass.


They're actually jazz picks and cost a small fortune, for a pick at least, but I really like them.

Surfin’ Europe – Surf gigs in Europe
The Malbehavers – Instrumental Surf Music from Tilburg (NL)
Tout Tilburg Surft – Malbehavers’ debut EP

Gravity picks work great for me, especially their Edge models. 1.5-3mm depending on the day.


Last edited: May 05, 2020 18:09:18

For years I have been using Snarling Dogs Brain picks 1.14 mm. Bright orange so easy to find. Great grip and thickness I like for playing bass. They used to sell a dozen of these in a small metal tin. But recently I have found them in sets of 13, no tin. I think they're the best, regardless.

Santa Barbara, CA

Todd Buranen

I’ve been using these lately.


Fender California Clear Picks Medium or Tortex .73 usually. I do have some heavy and 1.0's as well.

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ender California Clear Picks Medium or Tortex .73 usually. I do have some heavy and 1.0's as well.

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planish wrote:

Ah. Finally found a photo of the flag pick, exactly like the one my sister gave me. I thought it was just a souvenir thing, and I thanked her politely, but by golly, it's one of my top 5 favourite picks. It's about 2.0 mm thick, made of a polycarbonate, I believe. It has an edge beveled like a Dunlop "Big Stubby", but with no depression in the middle, and it's more pointy than the Big Stubby.
The image is buried inside the pick, so it doesn't wear off.
I found a store nearby that has them with the P.E.I. and Newfoundland & Labrador flags too. Sadly, they were out of the Nova Scotia flag version.
I like it for bass too.



I just love a pick that has absolutely no give whatsoever. It forces me to be very precise with my picking.

I have a recording I am working on that requires a palm muted staccato drip rhythm that will be recorded to a click track. I have found that it requires a very soft and delicate grip and there is no room for the pick to slip and slide as it throws off the beat. I decided to use this product on my picks that helps to keep the pick in place. It allows you to hold the pick with much less grip on tremolo picking also.


The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Nov 24, 2020 05:23:39

Stratdancer do you brush it on the pick or dip the pick in it?

For a while I applied a thin layer of silicone glue onto the grip part of picks. This worked well.

Now I place a small strip of duct tape on each pick. It works well and is faster to apply. I use a duct tape with high surface friction. Medical adhesive tape is too slick.


Last edited: Nov 25, 2020 16:29:04

Just dip to the depth Squid. I've gone further to add a ridge at the top by dipping again after the first dip dries for a few hours. The ridge around the top really helps even further. Once dry it creates a grippy, non-slip, surface. I got it at Ace Hardware for 8 bucks or so.

The Kahuna Kings


I have dozens of different brands and styles of picks. But lately, I only reach for a Fender Wavelength. It has a comfortable grip and it has that crisp, celluloid sound.


Last edited: Dec 25, 2020 07:36:43

I’m new here today! And also just switched to a different pick today that I’m loving. I was using 1mm Jazz 3s but switched to the 1.5mm Dunlop 500s; they are awesome for clean strumming and trem/single note picking

Got new favorite picks: James Hatfield’s white fangs! The only thing - I’d prefer .88 but there’s only 1 mm and 1.14
Really good in fingers!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Samurai wrote:

Got new favorite picks: James Hatfield’s white fangs! The only thing - I’d prefer .88 but there’s only 1 mm and 1.14
Really good in fingers!

I tried the 1 mm for the first time and really like them, except for the thickness. Most shops I checked only sell the 1mm and 1.14mm, but I found that Dunlop does make a .73mm.

Hi, folks!
This is my first post, and I wonder if there are any surf players us in light gauge picks? Personally, I use Mel Bay picks in different guages, though they are hard to find! So many tones from these, if you are a player with a soft attack.

Thanks to a few previous posts, I tried these Ultex picks and love them!



"...enjoy every sandwich." -Warren Zevon

Fender Stratocaster American Pro II
Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue

I went through this whole thread and tried a bunch of stuff! Including but not limited to Moshays, V-Picks (I did their assortment pack, spendy but interesting!), Nylpros, Max-Grip jazz, and more.

What I settled on preferring, and note that I am not one to brag about my playing despite being chipping away at it for ~30 years, is the Prime-Grip/Prime-Tone line from Dunlop. I am still rotating through thicknesses, but I think I most enjoy the .8 - 1.0 range. I really like the grip texture on them, and they might be the picks which most improve my tremolo picking.

This has been a great thread!


Last edited: Aug 25, 2021 17:13:31

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