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I was noodling around last night and came up with a lick in the "old standby" Am-E zone. I want to build on it but it came out so quickly that I worry I inadvertently stole it from someone. Do any of you recognize this? I just want to make sure I didn't gank it before I start building it out.

Last week I listened to the Urban Surf Kings for hours on end while working from home, so maybe it's one of theirs.

Here's a link.

Neptune Trojans

Last edited: May 07, 2020 22:10:15

To answer your question. Yes it does sound slightly familiar.
But,,, (with a qualification).
Ya know. I'm having the same problem.
I have six songs started on my GarageBand app,. Each and everyone sound somewhat familiar to another song I've heard. A note here or there. A chord phrase. Even though I'm trying to be original.
It make me wonder if I'm not equipped to creat original music. Or if I'm so old and have been listening to music so long, that everything sounds familiar.

Thanks for that. I think the familiarity is a natural and important part of expression - it's what shows your influences and helps give context.

It's a little nerve-wracking when you're happy with something and worry you'll get a c&d letter though!

Neptune Trojans

I actually don't see a problem with having influenced sounds in an original composition. Especially if you're not trying to sell it to make money as an original. Like the breach boys (Brian Wilson) did to Chuck Berry music.
With all the music created in the last two hundred or so years, finding something original completely out of the blue would be a miracle.

I wouldn't worry about it, keep going and let us hear the final version when you're done. To answer your question, it sounds a little like The Vara-Tones (which is a good thing). Their album Jetty Subject to High Surf is a fantastic record, very authentic and traditional sounding. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer asked for an update and I think I'm getting there. Here's an updated demo. Now that I listen back it's way compressed, but whatever.

If you're wondering about the filename, I was using a stand in title of, "No Need to Draw the Shades, We've Got an Iron Curtain".

Neptune Trojans

The changes, a minor key I to V riff, is as common as dust under a bed, but that isn’t to say that there’s anything wrong with it. Conceptually, there are only a couple dozen sets of changes used in almost all music. The melody didn’t sound just like any song I could think of, but it was reminiscent of all sorts of minor-key music with a Spanish flavor. I would t give it another thought.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I'm no expert but the first thing I thought was it sounded like ZZ Tops Asleep in the Desert but just a little bit. The second time I listened to it I thought it would kick in like Walk Don't Run but that's only little similarities. I would make your own creation and worry about it later. There's an article I read recently I can't find right now but it had to do with copyright and some of the titles the author thought he could copyright was like mixed up Stairway to Highway to Smoke on the something or other but it made sense.
Now I just listened to the updated piece and while it does sound familiar I couldn't say what it would be and it does sound great.

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