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Permalink wax potted Jaguar pickups

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I have a Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar and I also have a Squier Vintage Modified 24.75" scale thinline Tele. Both squeal horribly with any amount of gain. I've tried extra foam under the pickups and reinforcing the plate on the Tele, but they still squeal. I enjoy occasionally playing with feedback. So, for the Jaguar, I'm looking for pickups that won't have the microphonic squeal. If I've done my research correctly, the Fender '65 Jaguar pickups, instead of wax, use enamel coating on the coil wires. I guess that works just as well as wax potting, I don't really know. I'm actually interested in the more powerful Fender V-Mod Jaguar pickups, but I can't find any mention of whether or not they're wax potted. Does anybody know? Of course, I know that I can wax pot pickups myself, and I'm going to do that for the Tele, because I like how the pickups sound, but, for the Jaguar, I'd rather buy some pickups that are going to be squeal-free from the start. So, my question is whether or not Fender V-Mod Jaguar pickups are wax potted? Like I said, I can't find that info anywhere that I've looked. If anybody has one of the newer Jaguars with these pickups, do they have microphonic squeal or do they give you a more melodic type of feedback? Regardless of which pickups I end up getting, I will also replace the 1M pots with 250K pots. That's my preference for Jaguars and that has worked for me in the past. Thanks for your help!

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