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Surfing_Sam_61 wrote:

OK - I;m really lazy recording right now, but I know this is a important subject in SF101 so will make attemp to demostrate my theory and findings on this.

See I play like 4 to 6 hours a day so heard many of theses Surf songs like a 100 times or more and you just pickup small details most over look. In fact I never even listen to surf for enjoyment I don't have the time, I just play it everyday, I get rusty otherwise.

Yeah I'll give out all the settings and setup when I do this.

I just feel like I have a insight on this ,

I am always happy when other people are interested in this sound.
I have some questions. Would be great to get answers.
Have you ever played with a band? Live?
Have you ever recorded in a studio?

Do you have a band?

At home playing and playing together in a band at rehearsal even are tooooootally different things.

Who are you, please?


Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

In regard to the original post, I like both songs. I particular, in the first song I like the variety of riffs and the chord progression. That the first song sound less pure (original 60s) surf is fine with me - those variations let you develop your own sound and style.

Surferjoemusic wrote:

I would rather start your posts with “in my opinion...” rather than giving sure facts, when they are not. Don’t you agree?


Surfing_Sam_61 wrote:

Its all opinions on here...

Lame No, some things are facts. It's important to know the difference.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

I really dug both sonngs. The first one had a surf/hot rod vibe with just enough overdrive to let you know it's modern,while the 2nd stays more in the traditional vein.
I recently started using ezdrummer myself and have not been able to find a good surf midi file. They have a ton of expansion midi packs available. Does anyone know if any of them have what we'd all consider surf drums?

Many thanks to all for the motivating and constructive feedback!

Surf_Skater wrote:

I recently started using ezdrummer myself and have not been able to find a good surf midi file. They have a ton of expansion midi packs available. Does anyone know if any of them have what we'd all consider surf drums?

If I remember coreectly I used some of those midis for the first song:

The "surf beat" sample in the second song is from the "The Blues" expansion, I also like the old school kits available in that expansion (it even contains one vintage 20's calfskin bassdrum kit).

Now those were two really nice original songs! I love how different the mood between the two are. The first song is quicker and punchy while the second one is a bit slower along a more gloomy ambience and an atmospheric reverb. Superb!

HighRoller wrote:

Now those were two really nice original songs! I love how different the mood between the two are. The first song is quicker and punchy while the second one is a bit slower along a more gloomy ambience and an atmospheric reverb. Superb!

Thank you for the encouraging words. I am sure there will be more!

I really like that second tune! Also, the virtual drums sound really good. Getting the drums to sound right can be a tedious process. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

The_Electrified_Guitarist wrote:

If I remember coreectly I used some of those midis for the first song:

The "surf beat" sample in the second song is from the "The Blues" expansion, I also like the old school kits available in that expansion (it even contains one vintage 20's calfskin bassdrum kit).

Thanks for the response about the midi files. I've already uploaded the groove monkee files.
Looking forward to hearing more of your recordings.

2 good tunes, it'd be nice to hear some more,from you Cool

I dig both of your tunes Don. Very cool!

Great tunes and playing! I especially enjoy the first one!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Thank you very much everyone! Really appreciate the feedback!

I made a new little tune which was inspired by surfing in Gran Canaria last december:

The last two kick ass.
I think they could fall into the surf/spy category real easy.
Nice job!

The_Electrified_Guitarist wrote:

I made a new little tune which was inspired by surfing in Gran Canaria last december:

Very nice!

Surfin’ Europe – Surf gigs in Europe
The Malbehavers – Instrumental Surf Music from Tilburg (NL)
Tout Tilburg Surft – Malbehavers’ debut EP

I like your songs!

Never surrender in finding a surfcaster

The_Electrified_Guitarist wrote:

I made a new little tune which was inspired by surfing in Gran Canaria last december:

TOTALLY dig this !!!

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