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Permalink Jaguar series wiring with both pickups on rhythm circuit

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Hey everyone- does anyone have a jaguar wiring diagram for adding the bridge pickup to the rhythm circuit in addition to the series mod (both pickups in series when both pickup switches are in the off position). I’ve seen the picture in the link below that someone posted but wasn’t sure if it would work. Thanks!

Last edited: Dec 02, 2019 11:28:28

As far as I can tell, that wiring diagram won't work for a couple of reasons.

I started tracing out what happens with each position of the switches, and with both pickup selector switches in the down position, the pickups just seem to be connected to each other and to nothing else. See the blue tracing below.

Apart from this, the diagram doesn't show the resistors that have to be in line with the output signal. Originally, I think, there's a 56K resistor as shown in the diagram below. This would have the effect of lowering the volume somewhat when the treble is rolled off.

Adding the series option to the pickup selector switches is itself easy to do, and I have done that. What do you mean when you say 'adding the bridge pickup to the rhythm circuit?' Do you want it to always be in parallel to the neck pickup when the rhythm circuit is on?


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Hey thanks for your reply. I have a diagram that I was going to use for adding the series mod (see below).

What I was hoping someone had was a diagram of how to add the option of using the bridge pickup on the rhythm circuit as well. To be honest, I’m not sure how this would work in practice. I suppose what ever pickup selection you had on the lower controls would be transferred to the rhythm circuit when it was switched on.


This is an interesting mod. I believe you could in fact easily route the bridge pickup to the rhythm circuit in a manner that would basically send the output from the three switches to the switch for the rhythm circuit. You would have to wire the neck pickup directly to the lower switches, and re-route the wiring for the regular vol/tone pots so that basically you are using the top switch to go between the two vol/tone circuits and always controlling the pickup selections from the lower three switches.

This would give you the option of feeding either pickup or both together to the rhythm circuit, and you would even have the option of feeding a signal with the strangle switch on to the rhythmm circuit (not sure if you'd want to or if it would sound good, but you'd be able to).

Looks like the series-parallel scheme you posted gives you the regular options, plus series when the two regular pickup selector switches are down - quite clever.

I took a stab at modding the SD circuit to show what I was suggesting. Looks like it should work to me, but if anybody can see any flaws, please point them out.

I have a '63 Jaguar, which I have owned since 1981. It has always been wired such that all pickup combinations are available when the rhythm circuit is selected. I can't say if it left the factory like that, of course.

Los Fantasticos

Not likely to be wired that way originally unless Fender did some custom wiring upon request. You could open it up and check out the wiring to see exactly how it was modded.

edwardsand wrote:

Not likely to be wired that way originally unless Fender did some custom wiring upon request. You could open it up and check out the wiring to see exactly how it was modded.

I assume that you are correct. I have no desire to change it, though. Whoever did the mod did a very neat job. Next time I open it up, I may try and figure out how it is wired.

Los Fantasticos

This article on offsets has a diagram adding the bridge to the rhythm circuit on a jazzmaster. It may be of some help.

One thing pointed out in that article is that the claw for the bridge pickup needs to be grounded separately from the pickup to avoid problems with the series wiring. This would require disconnecting the claw from the pickup ground wire and running a new wire from the claw to ground.

edwardsand wrote:

I took a stab at modding the SD circuit to show what I was suggesting. Looks like it should work to me, but if anybody can see any flaws, please point them out.

This is awesome. Thanks for taking the time to map this out. I’m going to try this at some point.

edwardsand wrote:

One thing pointed out in that article is that the claw for the bridge pickup needs to be grounded separately from the pickup to avoid problems with the series wiring. This would require disconnecting the claw from the pickup ground wire and running a new wire from the claw to ground.

Yes I should have noted that when I posted the SD diagram. Btw I just wired up my jag with the standard series mod (without other pickup selections available on the rhythm circuit). Both pickups in series sounds great on a jag, and it’s especially useful being able to cut bass with the strangle switch.

Just read that article. I like the idea of having just the bridge pickup in the rhythm circuit - could turn into something I'd actually use. I might try that on my Jag this winter.

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